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View Full Version : My Skateparks

01-21-2012, 07:26 AM
hey there,
i have 15 or so skate parks to share for PS3, most of them are realistic streets parks and you will need most or all DLC to play em.
they are numbered 1, 2, 3... and are chronologically ordered. (you can really see the inexperience in the first few). the last couple are really unfinished, but i tend to build two or three at once so progress is quite slow.

im busy taking pictures videos and uploading everything for the rest of the day, il keep it updated as i go along and ill post a collab video once everything else is done.

check back soon...

So we begin with my first park i ever made. you can tell IMO. i figured it would be easier to post a flyby video than multiple pictures.

1 bookmark (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=ps3#searchType=AUTHOR&query=daywezzo&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1420363)


2 bookmark (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=ps3#searchType=AUTHOR&query=daywezzo&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1420364)


3 bookmark (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=ps3#searchType=AUTHOR&query=daywezzo&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1420367)


4 bookmark (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=ps3#searchType=AUTHOR&query=daywezzo&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1420375)


5 This one is a little different. bookmark (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=ps3#searchType=AUTHOR&query=daywezzo&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1420381)


6 bookmark (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=ps3#searchType=AUTHOR&query=daywezzo&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1420392)


7 I think this is my favourite. IMO its enough decoration without losing skateabilitybookmark (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=ps3#searchType=AUTHOR&query=daywezzo&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1438473)


8 My Mega Park. bookmark (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=ps3#searchType=AUTHOR&query=daywezzo&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1438478)

9 bookmark (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=ps3#searchType=AUTHOR&query=daywezzo&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1439693)

10 This one was never finished, i lost interest. feel free to do something with it.bookmark (http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=ps3#searchType=AUTHOR&query=daywezzo&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1439694)

flybys to come soon.

01-21-2012, 08:56 AM
Nice work, a little generic though

01-21-2012, 09:09 AM
Nice work, a little generic though

oh boy very generic, and pretty similar.
they get more complex and thought through as they get more recent.

01-21-2012, 09:12 AM
Go through this thread very helpful

01-21-2012, 09:27 AM
Go through this thread very helpful

thanks for this ill have a little look. but i havent posted my most recent parks yet. '1' was built only a couple weeks after release. i renamed and resaved all my parks not too long ago. busy uploading them now. :( its a job..

01-21-2012, 03:33 PM
Always happy to see new park builders show up. You can see how you've progressed in your #6 and 7 parks (based off the stock photos). The more you get into it the more detail and original you'll get, we all started off generically. You xbox or ps3? You'll want to make sure you let that be known (I'm going to assume xbox because there was no bookmark tab in your link for me)..

Keep building!

01-21-2012, 06:04 PM
When u link you have to go through and find ur parks in the skate.create parks feature so you can bookmark. I'd doesn't work through your profile

01-21-2012, 11:02 PM
Ps3 os34, Iv sent a friend request. After seeing your parks my latest(13) has already had changes. I just wanted to skate your parks. Now I know how to (bookmarking) you don't have to accept :)

Thanks for everyone's comments. I'll be posting 6-10 today.
If you want to try any of my parks just add me I'll usually have time to show you.

01-22-2012, 03:19 AM
Sorry I didn't mean it as a bad thing, I meant a little generic in the fact they are all designed as skateparks. . . try thinking of designing something outside the box, your last park looks very impressive. Truth be told designing parks is my favourite thing to create too.

01-22-2012, 05:17 AM
Sorry I didn't mean it as a bad thing, I meant a little generic in the fact they are all designed as skateparks. . . try thinking of designing something outside the box, your last park looks very impressive. Truth be told designing parks is my favourite thing to create too.

Oh don't worry fella, I'm getting too old to worry about what people say on forums. I have skated park IRL more than anything. Purpose built skateparks are the most inviting to me. You can worry about what's to skate as aposed to what it looks like. I do think about aesthetics though..

01-22-2012, 08:48 AM
Ps3 os34, Iv sent a friend request. After seeing your parks my latest(13) has already had changes. I just wanted to skate your parks. Now I know how to (bookmarking) you don't have to accept :)

Thanks for everyone's comments. I'll be posting 6-10 today.
If you want to try any of my parks just add me I'll usually have time to show you.

Cool, I'll check for the request, same name as here?

01-22-2012, 09:05 AM
certainly is. ill be seeing you soon i guess

01-22-2012, 11:36 AM
keep tryin there are thing that hasnt been built