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View Full Version : Help Knex Out!

02-08-2012, 04:26 AM
Leviathan got me hyped as fuck to film shit. My reel does not work. COCK.

My problem is the ol' Ea Nation Error Occured. Don't tell me to try more because I've fucking tried alright.
Also, the graphics sent to game doesn't change up, even though they do at the website.

I've tried like clearing cache and logging in and out of Ea Nation. No luck. Question is, does anyone have any other solution or fix that might help me?

02-08-2012, 04:37 AM
dude, same here :(
please guys, help Knex out , help Slamooh out

02-08-2012, 06:35 AM
Pairs told me a wonderful trick regarding graphics.

Procedure: After you've sent graphics to the game, go to a created park or an empty one.
Select an object that can be "branded", and under options select "brand", cycle through and you will now see the graphics show up.
Go to edit skater after you've verified they show up.

Skate reel is a whore when she wants to be.....Make sure you can see the image above "downloadable content" when you press start, (upper right corner) if it's not there, sign out then sign back in until it appears.

Good luck.

02-08-2012, 07:34 AM
In the past I have found the most success with the following:

1. Signing out of Xbox Profile account, then back in. Be careful as this will kick you to the skate. start menu.
2. If that fails, turning off xbox, waiting a few minutes, then turning back on.
3. Rebooting my internet router.
4. I have also had periods of time where it seemed like it was dependent on the time of day that I tried to upload. So maybe get up at like 5am and try sending up a clip?

godspeed good sir.

02-08-2012, 11:08 AM
I got this same thing, I think..
I try to upload and I cant even connect to the upload server..Its not just the usual EA Nation error you get after the replay has processed, I cant even start the upload process at all.
Also, when I try to go to my uploaded replays in-game, they dont show up. Ive tried signing out then back in, rebooting, etc. Nothing works.
I havent even tried messing with the graphics because I know thats a whole other nightmare..

Razorlike Blue
02-08-2012, 11:22 AM
Go to the EA site, log in, and change your email to an alternate one. Verify the alternate email, then you can immediately switch back to your original email. That should be it.

02-08-2012, 04:09 PM
mine works like 1/10th of the time and i don't even have an xbox anymore. fuck life.

02-08-2012, 06:58 PM
capture card

02-09-2012, 01:07 PM
capture card

This is what i did and i haven't had an EA nation error in MONTHS

02-10-2012, 12:52 PM
This is what i did and i haven't had an EA nation error in MONTHS

Yeah yeah all the COOL kids are doing it, and we know you're COOL. Jeeeez.


I had the $$ set aside, but then the reel magically started working for me!