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02-09-2012, 08:07 PM
Had a bit of a gap in time between getting my ability to get my hands on my fakeskating clips and having a means by which to work with them.

Banked a couple of hundred clips in that time. Following A (Nouveau Retro) Montage, thus concludes the new becoming old series.

A (Modernly Aged) Montage:


A (Old... New?) Montage:

(FYI - Drunk edit. There's a bonus fuckup to enjoy twice.)

A (Leftovers) Montage:


Extra points will be awarded to anyone who sits through all three.

Much more crap coming soon! Tell me what you think!

02-10-2012, 01:05 AM
i liked the drunk one best. what was the bonus fuck up? the same clip twice? fun watching
"coming soon: a bunch more crap with a different theme?" lol

02-10-2012, 10:50 AM
The back to back lines in the first video around 1:30 were sick, the transition worked well even though I hate anything other than simple crossfades. Edit was solid, especially the end. Wish the skate sounds were louder though.

The boneless in, nollie fs flip out line in the second was good, I love that park. Frontside bluntslide to novocaine is a new one, looked pretty good all dipped down. That big halfcab flip with the guy running up the stairs was timed perfectly. Nollie tailslide, frontside double flip line was just the best, filming-wise and everything else. Actually everything from then to the end was awesome, heavy enders section.

Kickflip stalefish is a dope trick. I literally laughed out loud after the fs halfcab flip. I hate you for the ollie up, fs flip line. I did almost the exact same thing for a friends section that hasn't come out yet. Kickflip front smith in the pool was sick. Anyone who does tailgrabs on street get respect points.

Maybe it's just because I watched them all at once, but you do a whole lot of sugarcane/novacane/smith grinds, after a while they all seem to blend together. Other than that I'd just try to keep the skate volume up, watch out for panbacks (saw a few here and there) and keep doing what youre doing.

02-10-2012, 06:04 PM
Moma - That was the EXACT fuckup mentioned. Thanks for the kind words, bro.

Briden - Doublethanks, man. Not too common to see someone paying that much attention to my "work." Love it. Apprecaite it even moreso. I'll keep an eye out on my smith variations in the future. Being my favorite grind, I seem to fuck it out a bit. Odd thing I just noticed... I almost NEVER feeble. Huh. Anyway, man, shall keep my work up!

02-12-2012, 07:15 PM
nice but hard to watch cause I hated the song

02-13-2012, 06:30 AM
Nice work man. Too many spots to name, but I am always a sucker for No Comply -> Smith Grinds that flow. Drunk edit was my favorite, but I had to watch it twice because the first view I was distracted singing the HH song and didn't pay enough attention to the skating. ^^