View Full Version : 5150 presents: Dead End (full length)

teh m1L3z
02-11-2012, 09:09 AM
(posting for prowlin)


5150 presents dead end. an EA skate Full length video,

and more!!!

Speacial thanks to Rob "milez" White for help with editing this beast.

02-11-2012, 09:36 AM
The edit is beastly so far. Review from me later.

pairsprowlin 666
02-11-2012, 12:29 PM
The edit is beastly so far. Review from me later.

Yes there will be one from me Later too..

02-11-2012, 12:37 PM
I need a link to the blue pool in furby's section @ 10:40 immediately.

02-11-2012, 12:41 PM
Well, after spending 40 minutes to watch this I can tell you I'm stuck to my chair from the massive crap I took in my pants(in a good way lolz). I can't give you too many specific likes as there was an abundance of crazy tricks throughout the whole thing. I can say I think Mommadaddy's part was my personal favorite, but really I can't choose a favorite from this. The editing was out of this world. Good job on this to all of you... it was well worth the wait for me. I'm SO glad I had an opportunity to be in the friends section of this monster!

teh m1L3z
02-11-2012, 01:44 PM
here's my full review. id first like to thank prowlin for letting me be apart of making this video and letting me have my own part. i had fun editing this. and filming for it.

cinema 4d awesomenss...
who doesnt love the simpsons?? haha great.
like the security cams and the music is just epicness.
car on fire looked nice
regs roof was cool...
wallride box truck, sick, back 360 late flip to skinny
switch smith kickflip.
ender was nice.too bad the pole was there whuda been better if u didnt hit it.
love this song, kickflip manny to red skinny board bonk.
5-0 nosebonk
s2 ungrinable ledge...artgallery tree foot plant.
awkward eye parking lot...
blue pool line..need link as roc said.
nice gap for banger.
d-way line.
after dark dbl grind
art..bigheel from street upset. o.O
slappy auto section was nice
nollie tre late shuv???? pause,..rewind...sick
fakiehardflip shifty..
bsheel to skinny.dope.
nice dbl grind banger.
i edited this section...
papa: white suit craziness.melon thru rail
jebo:dbl grind
me: edit this before i knew i was gonna have a full part..
jean:monsterpark dbl.
snail:s2 park roof grind.
afro:i love that ungrindable noseslide
cheese:indust overcast. i like that effect. honking my own horn on that one.
dagoon: so many good clips were sent from him. made it tough to pick ones to use.
cky:little over the top but it was ok.
eflix:roof gap.og shit was hella sick.
emerica:feeb smith line
sever:crazy ender
perm: gay...all over. syke. liked the wallride at art.
seks: rooftop
roke: inside art gall crook, sw fs flip.
horse:kflip smith,wallride,red skinny,huge fs flip.
knew:ender was sick. watched sooo many time while editing
yea ima review my own part.
tried to sync as much as i could.middle finger was my gf idea.
slow motion trick while ppl below were reg speed seemed like a neat idea looked ok imo.bs 360 was tough. line at maloof was 1st try..
casper slide shocked me when i got it.
switch hurri manny was my switch tuesday banger. good enuf to reuse. wall ride shu nose manny. fun little spot. art gall og ungrindables.FUNrooftop ungrindables. and ender thanks to pairs for showing me how to get on rooftops.
i spelled his name wrong in the vid..my bad,
dubstep. had me laughing so hard. fucking great.
s2 street gap.
trash can hippy grind. gap over the corner fence was siiiick
ender was cool.
cant walk down stairs?? scrub
rail tap to car hit.
oliver roof.
540 revert??
board stall hippy jump manny. nice.
watched that ender at least 5 times.
i like how ur intro turned out. was happy to help get that for you.
art bsflip late shuv
rly dark line...
grass gap to skinny,
barrier grind then under red rail! sick.
indust. 180 bonk late shuv.
shuv hippy.
dbl grind at rob's
wavy yellow rail looked cool.
navy under yellow was sweet.
bus stop gap was hella dope, and ur ender was fucking perfect.

pairsprowlin 666
02-11-2012, 02:12 PM
Well I hope you all will enjoy: special thanks to Rob kapnn Bladder...

INTRO: Was epic Dramatic Fun...

ILLMATIC: Barrier Skinny ender was nasty I was there when you got it Fresh . Agora Skinny Clean

Furby: Huge ass gap Ender was nice , dub grind PED hit was Funny

Captin: ENDER WAS WOW...

friend section : killer from everyone to much to point out..

Will finish the other half LAter....

02-11-2012, 03:56 PM
Loved this vid! You all killed it and the editing was sick. My favorite part was probably Illmatic's.

02-11-2012, 05:35 PM
Watched it all.. and I'm so amazed I'm speachless.

02-11-2012, 06:47 PM
Shit was awesome guys, great job.

Moma had my favorite part hands down.

but pairs had the trick of the video (and maybe skate 3) with that bs grab handplant at 40:16

i am a snail
02-11-2012, 11:42 PM
fiddy one fiddy fresh!

only like halfway through but going to bed now. watching the rest later.

ay platypus
02-12-2012, 11:53 AM
Guys don't offen watch s3 vids but gotta say really enjoyed the most part of it think it may have been abit better if it was shorter but overall really good ANC loved the intro!!!!!

02-12-2012, 02:27 PM
Fantastic vid with awesome editing,well done to all involved.

02-12-2012, 03:04 PM
fucking fuck that was the craziest vid I've ever fucking seen, there were tricks in there where I was like "ok this is crazy as fuck, it's obviously the ender" AND THEN THERE WAS FUCKING MORE. Bravo.

02-12-2012, 03:44 PM
tremendous edit. Length was intimidating but I got through it.

this definitely deserves a full review.

02-12-2012, 06:31 PM
Duuuude, +40 minutes! that's is what I like to call, dedication.
I'm watching it tomorrow before going to work, can't watch it now but I'm deff watching it tomorrow morning.

02-12-2012, 07:08 PM
Simpsons intro was tight.
Loved Pete Rock & CL. Smooth for 1st song choice...
tbh I was expecting Furby to be like the real life Furby but I like that he's still Mexican in this lol
I skipped the 3rd part cause I hated the song.
Milez and prowlin killed it and good song choice from Superfuture
Overall err'one killed it.

02-13-2012, 05:16 AM
Fucking Amazing..
So much good stuff. edit was top notch!

02-13-2012, 05:52 AM

Thank you Pairs.

Thank you M1L3z.

Thank you.

02-13-2012, 06:19 AM
Fancy shit happened.
Did everyone edit individual parts?

pairsprowlin 666
02-13-2012, 01:51 PM
Fancy shit happened.
Did everyone edit individual parts?
some edited there own some i did...

02-13-2012, 01:53 PM
Damn,fulls are gettin' serious around here!
Edit was fantastic and the skating was everything I expected and more.

02-14-2012, 01:24 AM
THX makes me mad, shit is so loud.

fresh intro is uh....fresh!

I feel weird commenting on your part since I edited it, every clip I thought was cool I just said aloud to myself, haha.
loved the first line at wicked's park.
270 noseblunt was clean as...something that's incredibly clean.
observatory line was fresh!
ungrindable back tail to fake was dope and that means something since you don't do them a lot.
loved the truck wallride gap, one of my favorite clips you've ever done.
back 360, kickflip to skinny was incredible.
fakie five-o, mid popless kick out was sexy, I don't say that to describe clips often.
I wasn't a fan of the banger, but I see why you choose it.


3 shuv back nose on the underbar of that handrail was so good, loved it.
airwalk back tail at second and navy, huge and clean...perfect.
half cab late heel to ungrindable 5-0, prettty!
ollie north tree footplant, I like it...a lot.
dub-ungrindable was so sick.
nosegrind to switch five-0 was one of the nicest, smoothest dub grinds i've ever seen.
HUGE BONER...I mean banger.

I think you have my favorite part for this video, lots of nice, clean, creative shit.

sanitorium line was pretty cool.
kickflip nose manny to noseblunt on that pipe thing was fucking sweet!
good backside flip over that gap, haven't seen that spot hit before, still probably abd though. :P
big heel up that set at the art gallery, SO FAKE AND GAY...in a good way.
kick manny skinny to front 180 out was nice.
I think the clip before what you choose to be the banger, should have been the banger.
That gap to skinny is hard as shit, i've tried it with papasmoak for a while and just couldn't get it after like an hour and a half of attempts.


I'll just label each person's gamertag before I make a comment, if any of you even come back to look at what I said.
The halcyon full promo was cool, dug that shit!

Papasmoak - bennet on that ledge was impressive!
variel flip huge gap to skinny, WOAH BIG PAPA!
that uphill ledge reminded me of the debauchery video and that trick combination was insane, loved ittt!
melon gap under the handrail at black box park was so nice, da-da-da-dayum!

Stacey - like the way you filmed that backside flip over that set, clean as hell!

Jebotek - Wallie air was dope!
shifty over the gap by the old factory was nice as hell.

Milez - manny on the huge ass boulder prop was cool!

Jean Olive - dub grind at monster park was so goood.
270 noseblunt on that stairset, uhhh bangin'!!

i am a snail - varial heel nose on the parkade roof was cool!
sanitorium madness line!

afromatic - polejam, sex change out was super fresh!
SUPER CLEAN front nose ungrindable, god damn!

Daagoon - first trick was cool as hell!
front tail underbar bangin' shit!
front tail on that ledge downtown was a sick find and smooth ass ungrindable, loved that clip!

Ckydude - first clip on that dump thing was pretty rad dude!
big ass hippie jump at second and navy, wow.

eflix - Never seen that gap done at the art gallery, good roof gap.
nollie tre though your world famous estates gap was sick as hell dude, I can only imagine how hard that was.

emericaridr is getting fresh!

FJ - wallride to 50-50 was nice dude.
five-o ungrindable downtown, pretty fresh clip!

I sever heads - ledge madness combo by the pool, fuckk!

Roke - double backside flip over the rock was really nice!

Knexzor - line by the memorial was amazing!

FUCK, such a long friends section, haha.
It probably just felt long 'cause I had to stop, pause, and recap what the trick was and type it out and why I liked it.

The only man to have his own part AND a part of the friend's section, NBD FOLKS!
broken leg roll up fresh clip, haha.
Gap by the chan center was really cool.
you can't be going slow-mo when everyone else is normal speed, OBVIOUSLY PHOTOSHOOPED!
that was a sick gap though.
BIG back 3 over that whole section of the set, dope shit!
god damn that was a long, but nice line at the maloof, I hope you uploaded that first try.
darkslide over the electric box, sick dude!
overderk? manny at prowlin's park was impressive, haha, loved that clip.

fresh quarry line!
tuck knee through the plank gap was sick as hell.
nosegrind ungrindable on that fence, haha, uhhhh...buttery!
tre over the street was amazing!
chair bonk, nose manny to noseblunt to fake was my favorite clip from your part. It was so amazing.
wallie 360 shifty crail gap was pretty insane, not gonna line.
super crazy sideways gap over the fence and under the awning at the estates was awesome!
I got to see both your bangers, but I don't recall the first one, still...this was an interesting one, creative none the less!

Why would I review my own part?
haha, I suck and nobody likes it anyway...fuck that!

fucker got the best intro!
wallie late front big was gnarr!
line madness all over that railing by the highway was fucking insane, loved itt.
hardflip to the skinny by the pool was so pretty.
dub grind insanity on that ledge in front of the subway entrance, sickk!
hardflip five-0 ungrindable up the ledge was mad smooth and creative idea hitting it that way.
double step through that railing to the noseblunt on that rail was a brilliant line, loved that clip.
ungrindable back tail was mad fresh, it held up for quite a while AND got a sick three shuv out!
wallie, varial heel through that bus stop gap was crazy, still can't land that shit, I don't know why you can.
banger was fresh, of course, why else would you make it that? duh.

Well there is my novel, 'tl;dr.'
For the sake of those not willing to read all of that, i'll bold this next statement to make a long story, short.

Sick vid, nice watch.

pairsprowlin 666
02-14-2012, 04:45 PM
THX makes me mad, shit is so loud.

fresh intro is uh....fresh!

I feel weird commenting on your part since I edited it, every clip I thought was cool I just said aloud to myself, haha.
loved the first line at wicked's park.
270 noseblunt was clean as...something that's incredibly clean.
observatory line was fresh!
ungrindable back tail to fake was dope and that means something since you don't do them a lot.
loved the truck wallride gap, one of my favorite clips you've ever done.
back 360, kickflip to skinny was incredible.
fakie five-o, mid popless kick out was sexy, I don't say that to describe clips often.
I wasn't a fan of the banger, but I see why you choose it.


3 shuv back nose on the underbar of that handrail was so good, loved it.
airwalk back tail at second and navy, huge and clean...perfect.
half cab late heel to ungrindable 5-0, prettty!
ollie north tree footplant, I like it...a lot.
dub-ungrindable was so sick.
nosegrind to switch five-0 was one of the nicest, smoothest dub grinds i've ever seen.
HUGE BONER...I mean banger.

I think you have my favorite part for this video, lots of nice, clean, creative shit.

sanitorium line was pretty cool.
kickflip nose manny to noseblunt on that pipe thing was fucking sweet!
good backside flip over that gap, haven't seen that spot hit before, still probably abd though. :P
big heel up that set at the art gallery, SO FAKE AND GAY...in a good way.
kick manny skinny to front 180 out was nice.
I think the clip before what you choose to be the banger, should have been the banger.
That gap to skinny is hard as shit, i've tried it with papasmoak for a while and just couldn't get it after like an hour and a half of attempts.


I'll just label each person's gamertag before I make a comment, if any of you even come back to look at what I said.
The halcyon full promo was cool, dug that shit!

Papasmoak - bennet on that ledge was impressive!
variel flip huge gap to skinny, WOAH BIG PAPA!
that uphill ledge reminded me of the debauchery video and that trick combination was insane, loved ittt!
melon gap under the handrail at black box park was so nice, da-da-da-dayum!

Stacey - like the way you filmed that backside flip over that set, clean as hell!

Jebotek - Wallie air was dope!
shifty over the gap by the old factory was nice as hell.

Milez - manny on the huge ass boulder prop was cool!

Jean Olive - dub grind at monster park was so goood.
270 noseblunt on that stairset, uhhh bangin'!!

i am a snail - varial heel nose on the parkade roof was cool!
sanitorium madness line!

afromatic - polejam, sex change out was super fresh!
SUPER CLEAN front nose ungrindable, god damn!

Daagoon - first trick was cool as hell!
front tail underbar bangin' shit!
front tail on that ledge downtown was a sick find and smooth ass ungrindable, loved that clip!

Ckydude - first clip on that dump thing was pretty rad dude!
big ass hippie jump at second and navy, wow.

eflix - Never seen that gap done at the art gallery, good roof gap.
nollie tre though your world famous estates gap was sick as hell dude, I can only imagine how hard that was.

emericaridr is getting fresh!

FJ - wallride to 50-50 was nice dude.
five-o ungrindable downtown, pretty fresh clip!

I sever heads - ledge madness combo by the pool, fuckk!

Roke - double backside flip over the rock was really nice!

Knexzor - line by the memorial was amazing!

FUCK, such a long friends section, haha.
It probably just felt long 'cause I had to stop, pause, and recap what the trick was and type it out and why I liked it.

The only man to have his own part AND a part of the friend's section, NBD FOLKS!
broken leg roll up fresh clip, haha.
Gap by the chan center was really cool.
you can't be going slow-mo when everyone else is normal speed, OBVIOUSLY PHOTOSHOOPED!
that was a sick gap though.
BIG back 3 over that whole section of the set, dope shit!
god damn that was a long, but nice line at the maloof, I hope you uploaded that first try.
darkslide over the electric box, sick dude!
overderk? manny at prowlin's park was impressive, haha, loved that clip.

fresh quarry line!
tuck knee through the plank gap was sick as hell.
nosegrind ungrindable on that fence, haha, uhhhh...buttery!
tre over the street was amazing!
chair bonk, nose manny to noseblunt to fake was my favorite clip from your part. It was so amazing.
wallie 360 shifty crail gap was pretty insane, not gonna line.
super crazy sideways gap over the fence and under the awning at the estates was awesome!
I got to see both your bangers, but I don't recall the first one, still...this was an interesting one, creative none the less!

Why would I review my own part?
haha, I suck and nobody likes it anyway...fuck that!

fucker got the best intro!
wallie late front big was gnarr!
line madness all over that railing by the highway was fucking insane, loved itt.
hardflip to the skinny by the pool was so pretty.
dub grind insanity on that ledge in front of the subway entrance, sickk!
hardflip five-0 ungrindable up the ledge was mad smooth and creative idea hitting it that way.
double step through that railing to the noseblunt on that rail was a brilliant line, loved that clip.
ungrindable back tail was mad fresh, it held up for quite a while AND got a sick three shuv out!
wallie, varial heel through that bus stop gap was crazy, still can't land that shit, I don't know why you can.
banger was fresh, of course, why else would you make it that? duh.

Well there is my novel, 'tl;dr.'
For the sake of those not willing to read all of that, i'll bold this next statement to make a long story, short.

Sick vid, nice watch.

What he said except Derk Your ender was smoother then a babies bottom..

teh m1L3z
02-14-2012, 06:07 PM
you could of had a cool intro too if u came to me with an idea. pairs told me he wanted something like that so i tried it and got it to look pretty good imo.

02-15-2012, 09:54 AM
Oh shit time for bong tokes and 5150.

pairsprowlin 666
02-15-2012, 02:35 PM
Oh shit time for bong tokes and 5150.

hell yeaah..

02-15-2012, 11:08 PM
Enjoyed the fuck out of this one.

02-17-2012, 01:23 PM
This was soo damn good...
Definitely glad to be apart of this

02-18-2012, 07:45 PM
The cinema work is fantastic. I really appreciate the effort of the editors. Very dynamic. Very tasteful.

Overall Review:
Everyone did skated well! Pairs made some noticeably elite tricks in his part. His style is so polished by now. Captin had the best ender although I was getting pretty hype on illmatic's ender. This video looked good all the way through. I have a nice setup at home so I had a lot of fun watching it. I watched it on my tv. To be honest the friends section was TOO good. I missed out unfortunately. Derk was my favorite part buuuuuut Captin still had the best ender.

02-19-2012, 06:10 AM
finally found the Time to view this
first off all
well done to the editors
pretty nice stuff from everyone
ill point the few things out which stood to my mind

Intro: Burning Car Effect loooked amazing!
Illmatic: overall a pretty smooth part, Sw Nosegrind Fakie Flip, Banger!
Furby: Hadnt heard this track in a long time, nice man! Sw Ghetto Bird Overcrooks
Captin: Big Heel at Art Gallery
Papa: That Gap under Rail at BB Park was insane
Rob White: Wallride Backheel looked so good
Snail: I loved the Text Effect in the First Clip
Afro: Ghetto Spot Gap to Nosebonk
Efflix: Sw inward Heel Roof Gap
Emerica: Wallie Fifty
Roke: First Clip was so smooth dude
Horsehead: Wallride 360 Thing
Knex: Bs Flip Tail Shovit out
Milez: Amazing Intro! , Nollie Tre Maloof, Darkslide, Backtail to Salad around the Corner
Mommadaddy: Praise the Lord! That Church CAP looks so good haha. Varial Heel Nosegrind at the Fence, 32:42 Dubstep funny as hell, Switch Ollie at the Estates, Ender was so good!
Derka: Feeble Nosemanny, That Clip at Monkey`s park, Ender was hella nice
Prowlin: i kinda didnt dig the song, but actually loved your part the most! so much sick stuff. Switch Wallie Line, Hardflip UG 5-0, 270 powerslide out of that curb

well done felllas, well done!

02-20-2012, 10:38 AM
id suck yalls dicks....... more later

pairsprowlin 666
02-20-2012, 03:52 PM
id suck yalls dicks....... more later

Freshh better more later....hahaha

02-20-2012, 05:30 PM
I keep coming back to this video, watching a few minutes, do something else, come back to this video...


pairsprowlin 666
02-24-2012, 03:25 PM
I keep coming back to this video, watching a few minutes, do something else, come back to this video...


Well Thanks for copming backk tooo watch..hope all enjoyed...

pairsprowlin 666
03-12-2012, 03:24 PM
This was soo damn good...
Definitely glad to be apart of this

Glad you were apart to sir thanks for all your wonderful clips...

03-12-2012, 04:53 PM
Love the intros, and the Security Cams (with peeps real names)
Sunglasses Sparkle
Rice Burner on Fire

Love your filming and the Baggys
Truck Wallride
mini Kicky in the hood
and ender was nasty

sick ass song, plus vintage 5150 boards, Rad
sweet line then you get blown up by that asshole, ha love it
Dr.Pepper stall
all so hesh and fun to watch
that NJ Eye board is the sickest 5150 gear around

the ease of a pvr
Jimmy Arm Landing was amazing
loving this part alot, nice lines
roof gap bsflip
CAPs for days
Tail Tre Smith HA!

FRIENDS: mad love on the Commercial thingy cheers
Papa: Damn melon killed it
Stacey: cruise-n for a bruise-n
Jebs: Sick Still Shots
RobWhite: Ball ride
JeanO: with the clean s2 clips
IB: switch smith in pool
Snail: his s3 line
Afro: love his cams
Cheese: synced stair gap
Dag: crazy hurricane grind
Cky: Rocket!
Eflix: Roof Gap
Me: my funny clothes
Fj: Wall to Grind
Sever: mad tweaked smith
Perm: Art Gallery Wallride was nutty
Seks: Glasses plus last gap
Roke: animated kickys
Horsehead: crazy gapper
Knex: first trick was too good

MILEZ: sickest intro and amazing song
huge gaps to start
long maloof line
Tail to 5-0 to tre
Huge roof gaps

aldoVP CAP works
Nosegrind Fucked fence
wobble wobbs
Wallride Grab gap
Over the fences in the hood
nasty ender

first s2 clip wow
Roof grind shifty
powerslide line
Blunt stall, just nasty s2 clips period
almost no foot nosemanny

another rad intro
did you wallride up a rail
you gots nice longlens
Hardflip to skinnyledge
Loven the double angles and shit
Cute Vneck
oh my god! the s2 clip DeathJumpGrind
your the definition of DirtmcGirt, intense

Sweet edit guys, lovely movie

03-13-2012, 05:39 AM
"this video contains content from SME, GoDigital for a third party, UMG and EMI."
it's blocked for me :(

03-13-2012, 07:19 AM
Not a review kind of guy but I did rewatch this full thing last night.

You guys have broken the game lol. That's really all I can say; epic edit all the way through!

pairsprowlin 666
03-13-2012, 01:19 PM
"this video contains content from SME, GoDigital for a third party, UMG and EMI."
it's blocked for me :(

I will try to Put it on Vimeo...

07-29-2024, 03:57 PM
What up fluckers! It’s AKFurby, 5150 OG! So of course, there has been a significant amount of time between this full length drop and my reply to you, and all who made this possible (Pairs, NotedDerk, Captin, Illmatic, etc…).

Thank you to all who watched and commented! To be honest I never got a chance to read everyone’s comments because by the time this had dropped, I was done with gaming, and making my transition into adulthood. Skate was the last thing on my mind at the time, and part of me feels bad that I never gave the community a proper goodbye. But that’s life…

Anyway, I had some of the best times of my life on Skate 2 and 3. I met and virtually skated with some amazing dudes and made cool friendships along the way.

I am so glad to see that Skate Fluck it and these threads still exist. It makes me want to hop back on the game and film a banger video. Maybe in the future when Skate 4 gets released… But for now, all I want to say is thank you for the amazing times, and for letting me be on such an amazing team!