View Full Version : The Website Alphabet Game!

03-08-2012, 03:08 PM
Alright, for those of you that have an Autocomplete feature on your address bar, have you ever been bored enough to type in a random letter and see what your most frequently visited website is that pops up for that letter? Well I do this quite often to try to see if I've frequently visited a website for every letter of the alphabet. So far I'm unsuccessful, but maybe some of you guys can claim this achievement!

So try this out, go to your address bar and type in the letter A, see if it autocompletes a website for you. Do this for the entire alphabet and post it here. NO CHEATING OR LYING, nobody's here to judge ;)

A: addictinggames.com
B: bored.com
C: chase.com/amazon (my credit card site)
D: dearblankpleaseblank.com
E: enthusiastauto.com (badASS site for people who appreciate BMWs)
F: facebook.com
G: gmail.com
H: hrblock.com
I: instagr.am
L: likebuttermag.com (go figure)
M: myspace.com
O: omegle.com
P: papajohns.com (I get my pizza on quite often)
R: rp-l.com (pay electric bill)
S: skatefluckit.com (uber gay site, youve probably heard of it if youre a fag)
T: thepiratebay.com
U: urbandictionary.com
W: westendbank.com
X: xnxx.com *fapfapfap*
Y: youtube.com

Bring em on! What sites do you visit most?!

03-08-2012, 03:58 PM
A: http://a2kmageofdoom.tumblr.com/ (Normally don't like this, but this one is made by one of my friends :P)
C: https://club.nintendo.com/ (Got a ton of free points from a friend who works at GameStop :V
D: https://www.dropbox.com/home
E: http://www.enneagraminstitute.com/TypeSeven.asp
F: http://www.facebook.com/
G: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/
I: http://imageshack.us/
K: http://kotaku.com/
L: http://likebuttermag.com/
M: http://mspaintadventures.com/
P: http://plushrumps.com/forum/index.php (Friend's Joke Site)
S: http://skate.ea.com/ (Skatefluckit is my homepage, so it showed up second :P)
T: http://trackmill.com/free-rider-2/
Y: http://www.youtube.com/

Copypastas cuz I'm lazy as hell

03-08-2012, 04:02 PM
A: animalbikes.com
B: bigboulderpark.com
C: craigslist.com
D: documentingreality.com
E: ebay.com
F: flickr.com (I don't type in my most visited addresses sooo...)
G: mail.google.com (?)
H: hasdk12.org
I: interfacelift.com
J: jackthreads.com
K: kdconcrete.com
L: last.fm
M: mtbr.com
N: nixonnow.com
O: omegle.com
P: pornhub.com (lol)
Q: quikorder.pizzahut.com
R: rapgenius.com
S: stancenation.com
T: thepiratebay.se
U: usps.com
V: vwvortex.com
W: weather.com
X: xfire.com
Y: youtube.com
Z: zumiez.com

03-08-2012, 05:01 PM
Terminally: free rider rocks, proud to see that on your list :D

andreas: vwvortex, eh? do we have a dub fan in our midst??

03-08-2012, 05:18 PM
A: amazon.com
B: Bf3stats.com lol
C: Ciberjuegos.com (last time I got in that site was like 3 months ago wtf).
D: dx.com
E: Empirebmx.com
F: Foros.3dgames.com.ar
G: google.com U DON'T SAY
H: Hotmail.com
I: Imgur.com
J: jedroot.com
K: kzmsa.com
L: Likebuttermag.com
M: mercadolibre.com.ar
N: electronicthings.com.ar
Ñ: nandubaysal.com (Yes, I use Ñ, and no, I don't have a stache).
O: Overitbmx.com
P: photobucket.com
Q: nothing came up
R: rutamar.com.ar
S: skatefuckit.com
T: translate.google.es (guilty)
U: tvcountdown.com
V: Vimeo.com
W: wta-online.org
X: nothing, but first suggestion is http://www.subdivx.com/
Y: youtube.com
Z: Zonajobs.com.ar

This is the family pc, my sites list looks a lil bit different, altho not kinkier than this hah.

03-08-2012, 05:39 PM
A: account.hirezstudios.com
B: blogs.battlefield.ea.com
C: cynicalbrit.com <3
D: N/A
E: eniro.se
F: fighthardyeah.blogspot.com <- dumbest fucking idiot in history.. but funny as fuck to read. A warning though.. grammar police hasn't been there yet.
G: gmail.com
H: h33t.com
I: imageshack.us
J: N/A
K: kotaku.com
L: likebuttermag.com
M: mediafire.com
N: N/A
O: observer.ug
P: N/A
Q: N/A
R: rarbg.com
S: N/A
T: thepiratebay.org
U: ubergizmo.com/ ....don't ask.. don't even know when and why I was on this site.
V: visiblechildren.tumblr.com/
W: warcraftmovies.com
X: N/A
Y: youtube.com
Z: N/A
Å: N/A
Ä: N/A
Ö: N/A

Yes... I'm a pirate..

03-08-2012, 06:44 PM
Terminally: free rider rocks, proud to see that on your list :D

andreas: vwvortex, eh? do we have a dub fan in our midst??

my blog. does that answer your question? ;)

03-08-2012, 11:35 PM
B: http://www.battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/
C: http://cfgfactory.com
D: http://www.damnlol.com/
E: http://www.esl.eu/eu/
F: http://www.facebook.com/
G: http://www.google.dk/
H: http://hipsterhitler.com/
I: http://isohunt.com/
K: http://knowyourmeme.com/
L: http://www.listentoyoutube.com/
M: http://mobafire.com
N: http://www.natavi.dk/
O: http://origin.com/ (booooh!)
P: http://pornhub.com (what'd you expect?)
Q: http://www.qxl.dk/
R: http://redtube.com/ (Oh my)
S: http://www.skatevideosite.com/ (Fluckit is in my bookmarks)
T: http://translate.google.com/
V: http://vega.dk/
X: http://www.xfire.com/
Y: http://www.youtube.com/

03-09-2012, 12:48 AM
not posting mine. most involve drunk nude emo girls. that was rather sad. thanks for ruining my night!

03-09-2012, 08:39 AM
not posting mine. most involve drunk nude emo girls. that was rather sad. thanks for ruining my night!

Please oh please do it! :D

03-09-2012, 11:35 AM
not posting mine. most involve drunk nude emo girls. that was rather sad. thanks for ruining my night!

that sounds interesting <3