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View Full Version : OG Plan B Warehouse Vert Ramp Colab

04-14-2012, 06:08 PM

04-14-2012, 06:20 PM
i love seeing OG footy,it's refreshing to see since everything's pretty much S2 and S3.
Cerebus just looked effortless and chill,good stuff
Roc's last trick was siiick
Briden doing lip tricks like it was a miniramp,rad as hell
Pawn,you play this game like you designed it yourself
very cool vid

04-14-2012, 06:31 PM
Video turned out great! I love this song and it fits really well to a ramp vid.

All of it was killer good!
Roc's gap to smith and 270 blunt pop back into the corner extension

Briden's switch flip back tail and fs smith

Pawn's cab back tail bigspin out and ender!

Thanks for having me, hope there will be another one soon.

04-15-2012, 12:50 AM
fubar internet right now. I'll try again to watch tomorrow.

04-15-2012, 01:09 AM
sick vid. love that warehouse.
check my remake.


04-15-2012, 06:04 AM
Thanks for the clips guys. Came out great, I liked the variety

04-15-2012, 11:00 AM
Damn! that was intense. Cerebus's Sugarcane on the bowl corner, cab back smith, pivot 270, front blunt/back tail thing on the side, and the bs blunt 360 were amazing. Roc's alleyoop 360 switch heelflip slob, ollie up to front blunt, ollie up to back smith on the bowl corner(fave trick in the whole vid). My clips being of watchable quality this time around, Pawn cab back tail bigspin right into the tranny, fakie flip 5-0 shuv and ender ender wtf? I realize that I have a weird love for lip tricks more than anything else.

04-15-2012, 02:17 PM
pawn, your ender, holy shit. Briden straight ripping that place apart!, roc delivered more of his usual smoothness, and cerebus, fuck man, all those revert variations were off the fucking chain!

04-15-2012, 03:23 PM
Ok! That's IT! I'm getting a cap card!

Pawn! I don't wanna miss out on any more of these!
This was amazing. The entire vibe were. oh so awesome.

I miss og. And the OG days.


04-15-2012, 03:32 PM
Cerebus- loved that kick UG boardslide down the side of the ramp

Roc- wallride melon air thingy, the blunt and smith were both sick

Briden- that switchflip tail was so smooth, noseblunt ender was cool too