View Full Version : My first EVAH solo video :)

05-21-2012, 04:43 PM
I'm very new to this type of community and I've been looking around the forums and I think I've got the idea. I made this video in a couple of days but to be honest I could've worked harder on it. The only reason I haven't is so that I can get some critisism as soon as possible, just to make sure I'm doing everything alright.

Any feedback is appreciated,


05-21-2012, 09:29 PM
It's nice to see new names popping up.

The greatest advice I can give you is to stick around.
Some members of fluckit check in daily, before anything else (emails, Facebook etc.).
Stick around, watch other videos, observe and learn.

05-22-2012, 12:03 AM
Thanks, to be honest just looking around on fluckit made me want to make this :)

05-22-2012, 12:35 AM
first of all, what marco said ;)

second, there's so much space for improvement, what is clear since this was your first one ;) some things to make it better next time:

- get rid of the watermarks
- try to make the cam go more fluid, its kinda "choppy" on some clips
- some may say this was a bit over the top / too arcade (which i honestly do not give a f..k about)
- try to get a bit closer to your skater without cutting off heads or torsos
- maybe play around with wide- and fisheye-shots (there are a lot of tuts on youtube)

and please for my sake do not ever use rhcp again ;)

but dope to see some new blood in here :)

05-22-2012, 08:12 AM
- get rid of the watermarks
- try to make the cam go more fluid, its kinda "choppy" on some clips
How would I go about getting rid of the watermarks? I tried all sorts of stuff but it just made it look crappy

p.s. I did attempt to make it quite realistic but the end was just for fun and I am watching other people's footage to pick up some ideas :)

05-22-2012, 08:31 PM
The only thing i noticed i had a problem with too: Try not to cut out the beginning or ending of your tricks.
that is all

05-23-2012, 12:36 AM
FRESH FISH!! nice backflip. looking forward to more. you should get the filmer pack

05-23-2012, 12:37 AM
He's just a couple of suggestions.

1) Get rid of the watermark. If you have the Filmer Pack DLC it'll be an option when you are uploading. This will also let you upload in HD...definetly worth the couple dollars if you intend on putting out even one more video.
2) The Camera work was a little rubberbandish. It would bounce up then down up then down. Unfortunetly there is no easy "just do this" fix. It's a combination of using more frame markers and a healthy dose of trial and error. We all started at this same place and some of us have had years to smooth out the edges. Keep up what you're doing and keep learning. Here's a link to a video I had nothing to do with that might help out.
3) When you shoot...film with a zoom of 120+ or 18. Anything over 120 will really bring out the details of your skaters and the backgrounds...while a zoom of 18 will do a fisheye. Having variety here can make sertain tricks really pop in a video part.
4) Although I'm not a RHCP fan i enjoyed the way the skating went with the music. Lots of nice transitions with fading between shots.
5) Please cut out all the pushing in your clips. While I know some people push mid lines here or there and that's fine. when it's before beterween and after everything it gets old lol. If this means planning your approches a little more to give yourself time in the clips to not be pushing then dooo eeetttt.
6) Make another and another and another =D Many of us having been doing this for years. Welcome to the community and I hope you get as much out of it as we have =D

05-23-2012, 08:21 AM
Honestly that is some really useful advice. This being my first video was just a test to see what is expected in a decent video and I've already started my next. Some of the clips I already have actualy go against some of your advice but oh well, it's not too bad. I don't really have enough money at the moment for ms points but as soon as I do I'm going to buy the filmer pack so I can get rid of that horrible little watermark, but for now I'm covering it up with an 'E'. Would be great for anybody to come and join me in some vids or if anybody needs an extra, I'm up for it! (My gamertag is Einimoe) ;)