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View Full Version : [PS3] Venom Skateboards - Now Recruiting ;)

06-13-2012, 11:34 AM
http://api.ning.com/files/khjwjYAoFQ8VvqPKEjM9F40kuhUNyFkYuTynFceH0ksGvl89uq lqribvs4u0SVKGMhDtFbXUIS0MT3PZ7*4MP33dj43mzxFt/venom.png

Venom Skateboards is a brand & skate team for EA Skate 3.

I do not own the name 'Venom' and I am aware of the real life 'Venom Skateboards'. But we have nothing whatsoever to do with them. I just liked the name.
The group will be making several deck series and videos. We will also hire park creators to make some places for us to skate. If anyone wants a out-of-game role such as video editing, ad-making etc. feel free to ask on the team page.
Please apply on this forum thread for entry. All submissions will be judged.

Things we like:

Double Grinds
"Yeah Man"
"The force is strong with this guy."
Themed Clips

Members Breakdown.
Leader - VD9 (meAd4m76)
(in charge of team, may change in the future)
Artists - Create ads, logos, and decks for the team.
(any good artist can make decks and graphics for us)
Skaters - Film branded clips for the team.
(only 4 members will be accepted for now)

Additional Notes:
If applying, please (for artist role) supply at least 1 of your graphics.
Also, (for skater role) supply your best video, channel or 1 amazing clip.

http://api.ning.com/files/-232-FD7gTyop2SoSNM987VLS7sqeq5HUyuZV*1mPHyylMOQeUS*T1q KnxyPs228P2GGZeH0AGSRaSxb0VKY4GiZ4JkOgSri/writingv2.png?width=650

06-13-2012, 12:03 PM
If you add me I can show you some of my parks. Lots of people think their good.