View Full Version : US elections... a view from far away

08-29-2012, 11:40 PM
i've been following the stories about the campains for a while now, and it scares the shit out of me, that there are actually enough stupid people supporting a super-rich douche, who doesn't hide his intentions of cutting the poor and giving the rich. all the talk about illegitamite rape and abortion sounds so far from the nower days, as well as romney's whole point of view. And i think Romney is not trustworthy at all since he is hopping from a side to another just like he needs to... health care, one big point in his prior campain should now be cancelled. gay-marriage, the same and so on...

How can a country trust in someone like that, and his vice Ryan is even worse... Everything has to be cost-optimized but the budget for the military shall not be touched, no it shall be extended... what for, some other useless wars to defend america's "freedom". a bag of rice has fallen over in some country, the us should nuke it, cause it could be a potential threat....

obama on the other hand is no saint at all, but i guess he's the lesser of two evils

what do you think?

08-30-2012, 01:58 AM
I look at politics as a never ending comedy series.

There is a man in charge in this country that used the words "Legitimate rape"....comedy gold.

08-30-2012, 03:19 AM
In my eyes it doesn't matter who gets to play president, because the people with money will always get what they want in the end.
Modern day democracy is a hoax

08-30-2012, 06:10 AM
I find it fascinating that you foreign heads know as much if not more than the average Jo.
I actually thought of making a similar thread. I am so far removed from politics. My feelings are blatantly shallow, I'm glad others follow it because I think checks and balances and our vast range of beliefs are what make us successful. I love life and I just don't want to spend a big chunk of it following all the BS
Most look at it as a purely this side or that side thing. How half of the population can feel one way on everything and the other half feel exactly the opposite is beyond me. All I hear from republicans is "we can't keep going on this track, the economy is going to hell" looking at things through my uneducated eyes I see things at the worse leveling off and in most cases improving. I'm a business owner and my business is up 30% over last year. When Bush was in office things got worse every day. If all these republicans are so worried why were they not concerned 4 years ago when they had the keys?
I definitely lean more to democrat. Higher taxes don't really bother me, tell me what I got to pay, if it's too much I will just go out and make more. I like nice roads to drive my gas guzzlers on. I will say A LOT of the hate for Obama comes from racism. Most of the people I see on Facebook that go overboard with hate I have heard privately say "I hate that Nigger" then they appologize for saying it. That's when I loose all respect for their opinion because I know where it's coming from.
Obamas main problem in my eyes is he spent to much time and energy on healthcare. He should of spent ALL of his resources to improve our image overseas and fix the economy.

08-30-2012, 07:14 AM
I've been following US politics somewhat since around '95 or so (went to school in Raleigh, N.C. for a year back then) and I believe people outside of the U.S. actually get more information more easily than people in the U.S. The problem is that most news channels and news papers are incredibly biased when covering national politics but a lot more focused on true information when it comes to international politics. That is probably true in most countries.

People in the U.S. need to stop watching Fox news! Every time I turn that channel on I either laugh uncontrollably or just sit and stare in awe of what they are trying to pass off as truths to their viewers.

Sweden is more or less still a socialist country so for us it's pretty funny that if the democrats and the republicans were Swedish political parties they would both more or less be even further out on the right wing than all of our 7-8 different political parties.

Don't get me started on "pro life" BS and creationists...

08-30-2012, 07:32 AM
Modern day democracy is a hoax

this. so hard. it's not even funny how brainwashed this country is. if you so much as whisper "3rd party candidate" people will jump down your throat for "throwing away your vote" or "spoiling" the election for one side or the other. how fucking retarded do you have to be to think that voting for someone other than romney is voting for obama?

my uncle tried to give me a Romney bumper sticker, i denied (mostly cuz i don't want my car keyed). he said "don't tell me your voting for 'obummer'" and had a strange look on his face when i told him i wasn't voting for either. like the thought hadn't even crossed his fucking mind that there's more than 2 options.

Obamas main problem in my eyes is he spent to much time and energy on healthcare. He should of spent ALL of his resources to improve our image overseas and fix the economy.

that's why i won't vote for him. not that i did in 2008 either - how the fuck did he get elected only being senator for 3 years? that's like me being CEO of ford because i've been an engineer for 2 years. sick of the smoke and mirrors he promised to stop. "most transparent administration ever" my ass. signing executive orders cuz congress doesn't do anything. the president shouldn't have that much power no matter what side you're on. too close to a dictatorship.

not that romney's any better. he doesn't have an actual plan to fix anything. half of the republican party can't open their mouth without saying "rape" or "abortion". the witch hunt on his tax return is just about as bad as obama's birth certificate.

funny that i like Paul Ryan better than Romney. if we voted on VPs it would definitely be him haha. Biden is half a tard. but then again i like a lot of the current wisconsin politicians. scott walker making the hard decisions that needed to be made to stop our spiraling state debt. gwen moore being one of the very few to stand against NDAA, the worst slight against our freedom since the patriot act.

bottom line is, don't let the media sway you at all. it's all very corrupt and slanted. whether it's Fox news or MSNBC (cutting away from the RNC any time there was a minority speaker) it's wrong to let some cable network form your opinion for you.


08-30-2012, 07:37 AM
i really don't follow politics much,to me it's just one rich asshole vs. another rich asshole,and us Americans just have to decide which is the lesser of two evils

08-30-2012, 08:04 AM
I'm from Barbados and now live in Canada but I grew up following American politics all my life. The polarizing nature of the political machine in the U.S. is something that has both fascinated and scared me at the same time. I find it crazy that individuals can just vote the way their families/communities/state/region have voted over time without exercising any free-will of their own.

Many of us from outside the U.S. want your country to succeed. Mostly because we live in an interconnected world where your problems are more easily shared amongst the rest of us, but it's more than just that too. America was built on the hardwork of immigrants; people who risked their fortunes and their lives for a chance at something far greater than could've been found in their homelands: democracy. It was always believed that if you got to America, worked hard and paid your dues, you would be rewarded with prosperity for you and your family; who wouldn't want that?

Alas, the days of those dreams are either long gone or much diminished. America has many issues on many fronts and sadly the only way to overcome them is for citizens to truly demand change. I don't have any answers but I will always wish you guys good luck. Fight for your beliefs because if everyone believes no change is possible then of course no change will ever arise. Demand better of your leaders and don't just blindly vote every 4 years; if you love your country as a whole start by effecting change in your local areas first (how you chose to do so is up to you).

Obamas main problem in my eyes is he spent to much time and energy on healthcare. He should of spent ALL of his resources to improve our image overseas and fix the economy.

Couldn't agree any more. But, on the same token, if Obama didn't make a lengthy stand on this issue it would NEVER have been changed. Obviously Obama has a lot of faults himself (extending troops abroad, enabling spying on U.S. citizens, etc etc), but the man has tried more than any other President in recent memory to at least 'try' to change the status quo.

Worse comes to worst, you can at least call in Team America lol:


08-30-2012, 10:02 AM
the healthcare thing is looked at all the wrong way in my opinion.
1) frivolous lawsuits I think is a HUGE problem. Stub your pinky somewhere and you can sue and be set for life. How is this fair? Even if something caused the death of someone a couple hundred thousand is all they should have to pay, not millions. Money isn't the only way to punish (that's whats wrong with everything) punish with criminal charges or skim their money out of their pockets not their insurance company.

2) drugs and healthcare is wayyyy out of whack. The money you have to pay for certain things is crazy. I worked at a pharmaceutical company, you should see how they spend money. All of the meetings we had were at the best Hotels and exotic islands. These doctors made so much damn money it is ridiculous. Not to mention the people selling and pushing the drugs to the doctors and so on. Don't get me wrong saving lives is a career choice that should be rewarded, but it goes so past that. Nurses are the backbone of our hospitals and they don't get 1/10 of what they deserve.

Back to Obama, he was sooo in to past great presidential speeches and how others have failed getting healthcare passed that his goal was to get it passed because of his short window. I think he felt that if he got it passed he would be looked at as a "great president" To me that is doing things for the wrong reason, be thought of as a great president because of you actions, not because you found what you thought was the easiest way to get that reputation.

I was actually going to vote for McCain last election until he picked that broad as a VP. This just can't be the best options out there can it?

08-30-2012, 10:45 AM
I feel knex is right....

But shit fuck the rape and budget for war
If they legalize weed the fuck we gonna need nukes for? Peace on earth will be fulfilled

08-30-2012, 11:20 AM
Seems like the Ann Romney speech has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes yet again lol

08-30-2012, 11:59 AM
I like rape..

08-30-2012, 12:51 PM
dont vote, it wont change anything. also loan me 20 dollars i need something to eat

08-30-2012, 01:22 PM
if you don't vote, you have no right to bitch about anything

08-30-2012, 01:40 PM
if you don't vote, you have no right to bitch about anything
that's a big reason why i do vote mamba,so that i can bitch
the US gov't is nothing more than a corporation anymore

08-30-2012, 01:42 PM
the popular vote (the american public) has no true affect on a presidential election. the electoral college is the thing that elects people, our vote is suppose to influence the decision but ultimately is decided by the EC. i vote for local issues, but with how things are set up in this country, our vote doesnt matter. when bush was elected in 00 this was misconstrued as him stealing the election, but was actually just the voting process working as it usually does.

untill our votes are the only ones that matter, then we are just wasting our time

08-30-2012, 01:50 PM
I dont vote because I dont care. If something gets fucked up oh well. I dont like politics at all, it doesnt work the way it should.

08-30-2012, 02:06 PM
You're correct about the electoral college. but the president is only one part of the government. congress is a huge part of the problem. and your local/state government is probably more important than the federal elections.

08-30-2012, 03:44 PM
I personally will be voting for te guy who can get me a sub right now.

08-30-2012, 08:27 PM
the funny thing about that is ron paul gained more delegates than all other candidates combined for the GNC; and was approached for him to be to even speak at it to support romney; he didnt speak. from delegates alone he is entitled to be on the ballot; but they wont let him- they are too afraid that hell shut down all the BS with the corps going on that congress is hand in hand with. and paul ryan is an idiot; last year he put a gag order on a town hall meeting to where anyone that spoke up got arrested. isnt that what a town hall meeting is about? while those poor shmucks where being thrown to the ground outside after being dragged outside there is a video of him in his limo waving at them as he rode into the sunset. Ron Paul won- but noone seems to recognize it; just what kind of democracy is this when he has the supporting votes of almost everyone in the military and the younger class? the answer is the media drives the candidacy- they did it with bush, they did it with obummer, now they are doing it with romney. Oh, another note; Paul Ryan is a member of the NRA and has voted for the small arms UN treaty and the NDAA... hows that for being a hippocrite?

09-01-2012, 10:02 AM
I dont vote because I dont care. If something gets fucked up oh well. I dont like politics at all, it doesnt work the way it should.

i agree with this 100 fuckin percent.

09-02-2012, 08:28 PM
i dont kno shit about shit. i just stay 4 cake

09-02-2012, 08:49 PM
i think this sums up my feelings on the situation
