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09-04-2012, 10:40 PM
Little Rant in defense of Skate 3..
I Keep reading all this stuff about how imperfect it is when really I think
skating just needs to be perfected on said spots.

I don't know that realism is key to building either..
if Anything Architects, Skatepark Builders and Fake park makers are too realistic.
If you can get something realistic on something abstract built that's the most fun to me in Skate 3.

I get realistic skating and low pop and all that but the opinions based around it all..
It's like living in a town in real life with plenty to skate but the only factor is
you only have block 4 stair sets and chest high rails.
Do you say fuck this shit, These stairs are too big.. build something better?
I wouldn't think so.. I would think you skate that shit anyway and eventually get something so damn butter
the spot's size never mattered.. OR Atleast come back to it later to get something done.
I get that this varies between skaters.. not everyone goes big
but I would think if it's all you had you would make the most of it in some way?

I guess this kind of ties into the whole
out of scale PC on S3 Convo but I think it goes together in saying.
Create a Park came around and everyone started cracking wise on the size of objects in PC in General.
We weren't doing this before Skate 3 as far as I am aware.
All I'm saying is people seem to be so picky about what goes into a game because it's a game
when really they should be utilizing what we have left..
It was built the way it is, it isn't changing so figure out how to skate it!
Actually before I wrap this up I want to tie in a little bit of reference to other games too.
Even if the spot was too big, the gaps were too large..
We Wrecked Skate 1 and 2 as a Community.
I seem to remember it being a while before the masses got into low pop.
That's cool, whatever.. Hop on the bandwagon.. but make sure that shit keeps rollin
over every damn spot you've been given you greedy children.

09-05-2012, 02:41 AM
I don't really get what you are ranting about.

PC isn't scaled as good as SV or NSV but most discussions have been about the copy and pasting of objects and spots and the fact that there are too many huge stair sets and not enough smaller ones. But mostly the lack of variety.

CAP is keeping Skate 3 alive because you can create pretty much any spot you can come up with regardless of scale.

The Skate series is the most realistic skating game that has ever been made, don't you think it is natural that people are trying to mimic reality while playing?

09-05-2012, 03:04 AM
you're never happy.

09-05-2012, 05:26 AM
I don't really get what you are ranting about.

PC isn't scaled as good as SV or NSV but most discussions have been about the copy and pasting of objects and spots and the fact that there are too many huge stair sets and not enough smaller ones. But mostly the lack of variety.

CAP is keeping Skate 3 alive because you can create pretty much any spot you can come up with regardless of scale.

The Skate series is the most realistic skating game that has ever been made, don't you think it is natural that people are trying to mimic reality while playing?

Well, it's a scale compared to the other skates, Yes.
All started about the same time videos became popular, more heads popped in
and people started skating "Realistic" it just seemed like more of a fad than an opinion.
Thinking into fads in Skate 3..
Lateflips, Late Shuvs and Body Varials Were rare to see and now people do them more
I believe this is because we all saw the pros doing them, oh that stuffs realistic now.
I don't see how Skate 3 Lacks variety, That's what the districts are about.

Create a park.. meh. That's my opinion, I don't like seeing user created stuff when there's unskated terrain.
It's a nice addition, but I see further potential elsewhere.

I'm not saying people shouldn't skate realistic.. I really don't care.
It's just the opinions backed by skating realistic, seems a bit odd
that the discussions seem to be sided by realistic/arcade skating
because of an object's size.
One Dainty push and a low pop ollie wont get you down it
but why not blast speed and popless 360 flip it?
That's just one idea that is still pretty realistic.
I think there's a few factors the community has yet to explore..
I like to see progression and when people shake it off and say you can't skate this
I kind of want to rant :p

09-05-2012, 07:18 AM
PC isn't scaled as good as SV or NSV but most discussions have been about the copy and pasting of objects and spots and the fact that there are too many huge stair sets and not enough smaller ones. But mostly the lack of variety.

Pretty much this, there is a lot of copy and pasting and huge spots in PC. There's good stuff too, but SV just had much more variety and attention to detail

09-05-2012, 07:26 AM
antwan,i get where you're coming from and you do bring up some valid points.
but sometimes you just gotta brush it off your shoulder and do you and not worry so much about other people's opinion on how the game should be played.
thankfully this discussion has remained civil,let's just hope it stays that way.
good to see you around again,man.

09-05-2012, 08:23 AM
Create a park.. meh. That's my opinion, I don't like seeing user created stuff when there's unskated terrain.
It's a nice addition, but I see further potential elsewhere.
What makes you go meh about CAP? Limited building blocks? FPS? Size of the parks?

If there's further potential in PC then make a video and show us. That is pretty much the only thing that you can do.

When it comes to trick selection I think you are right. People follow what the pros are doing and then try to incorporate it into their fake skating.
There is trick trends in real skating so there will be trick trends in fake skating.

09-05-2012, 08:44 AM
Fuck it the Games not perfect but i still have fun anyway.

09-05-2012, 09:43 AM
I think I get your point, you're basically saying that instead of constantly remaining focused on "realism" as far as creating parks, or even skating in itself, we should simply focus more on using whatever is available to create something awesome? If so I can somewhat agree with you, there is merit to anybody who says to hell with realism I'm just going to do whatever I like and find to be beautiful, kind of like Picasso I guess. And I do agree with you and see your side of the whole thing.

Most people skate realistic though, probably a lot simply because if they didn't they'd be criticized for it and the same goes for park building, I personally film realistic and difficult tricks with my own little style because I like the feedback and views and what not. Now when I'm not filming and I'm freeskating by myself I pretty much let it rip like you're saying, I'll push mongo, no comply and push and push till I can't go any faster, but people tend to not really want to see that because its fairly easy to do, they enjoy more realistic things because they are slightly more difficult because you have to work within the confines of reality, and are obviously easier to relate to and easier to watch because of their realism.

But yeah, freeskate by yourself and GET BUCK! Sometimes I wear the huge sombrero looking hat, the tiny shorts and ride around shirtless doing fingerflips, nobody wants to watch that though.

09-05-2012, 10:17 AM
the problem with this game is that the world wouldnt be inhabitable by people if it was a real city. i know that sounds weird, but its something that the first two games had, that skate 3 doesnt. theres nothing about the worlds layout that says someone could live here, and when you have a setting that isnt people friendly, it leads to problems for people to do things in it. little things like no handicap ramps, overly large stairsets and pools, uneven ground in places it doesnt make since. look at the parkade, no one will be able to park in that place or drive through it, and while that may seem like a subtle issue, the fact remains that if you cant use the place for its base purpose, then you wont be able to use it in any other fashion.

truthfully, if the developers actually went the lazy route of just copying real world areas, then the game would have been better; both in the real world and the create a park. all the had to do was make a blank area with an open sky and just copy existing assets they already had for the create a park, but the aspirations were their downfall because it lead to weird objects and areas that people really dont want.

also by making a world thats more realistic than not it allows for both groups, unrealistic and realistic, to flourish because you can take advantage of the world in the same way. skateboarding is people using an area in a way that it wasnt meant to be, and when you start taking that aspect away in the architecture, you pigeon hold the player to very specific things.

09-05-2012, 10:25 AM
but I would think if it's all you had you would make the most of it in some way?
This is exactly what most of us are doing.

San Vanelona was so incredibly diverse and organic. If you rolled for 10 seconds you could see atleast 5 spots that you wouldn't find anywhere else in the game. New San Vanelona was essentially the same city but beefed up with larger stairsets and whatnot. We learned to love also that city, because it still had somewhat unique spots and flawed yet flowing infrastructure.
We fakeskated that wonderful city for what, 3 years? Our expectations were quite high when Port Carverton was announced.
Not only did PC not live up to our expectations, it was even worse. Sloppy design work and cut-and-paste infrastructure.

Now, if skate 1 and 2 had never existed, we would worship the fuck out of this game. Now it's just another pale sequel to an amazing original (no really the colors were much more vivid in OG)

09-05-2012, 10:34 AM
if you play skate 1, youll notice that there are subtle aspects of life that make the world richer for skating. there are gas stations and shopping centers and freeway underpasses, these things represent people being able to live in this world which in turn allows for people to skate it. look at all the foreclosed homes in skate 3 or the fact that the industrial area would make shipping impossible with all its narrow spaces and inclines in places where 18 wheelers are suppose to be able to move through. its that subtlety that changes the entire area.

09-05-2012, 12:43 PM
Fuck it the Games not perfect but i still have fun anyway.


09-05-2012, 12:44 PM
I don't know what you guys are going on about?! There's not enough stairs in PC.

09-05-2012, 01:04 PM
I cant believe youre still making posts about this (and I cant believe Im replying to it) ..maybe this battle youre having is only with yourself rather than the "realistic" skaters and park builders.

Anyway, Clay hit the nail on the head. Port Carverton was made for unrealistic skating and thats it aside from a few spots that are too sparsely peppered throughout the map.
Sure you can get creative and try to find a way to skate spots more realistically but thats the exact opposite of how skaters traditionally approach terrain. Its ass-backwards and having to get into that mindset all the time is a drag.

Plain and simple, the design of PC, as opposed to SV and NSV, is completely uninspiring and lacks tangibility. If you skated something other than flat-ground in real-life you might understand where we're coming from.

09-05-2012, 01:06 PM
I cant believe youre still making posts about this (and I cant believe Im replying to it) ..maybe this battle youre having is only with yourself rather than the "realistic" skaters and park builders.

Anyway, Clay hit the nail on the head. Port Carverton was made for unrealistic skating and thats it aside from a few spots that are too sparsely peppered throughout the map.
Sure you can get creative and try to find a way to skate spots more realistically but thats the exact opposite of how skaters traditionally approach terrain. Its ass-backwards and having to get into that mindset all the time is a drag.

Plain and simple, the design of PC, as opposed to SV and NSV, is completely uninspiring and lacks tangibility. If you skated something other than flat-ground in real-life you might understand where we're coming from.

these highlighted points

09-05-2012, 01:36 PM
obviously we should all be playing call of duty. fuck skate. fuck video games. buttplugs.

09-05-2012, 01:40 PM
people still play skate 3? well whadya know about that.

09-05-2012, 04:55 PM
Haha You guys always make it out to be something so personal
I'm never happy, I only skate Flatground in real life?
I've been around since Skate 1 My friends
and for the record I have skated more than flatground It's just what I enjoy doing now
never had the ability to film before.
I don't think my real life skating ties into my opinion any differently
It's about looking at what you have with a little bit of optimism. No more. No less.
I never said PC Was a Holy Skateland that people don't love and I do
it's just that I've read little 1 up comments over the years and wanted to say something.
Thinking That people complain a little too much to be trying to skate it so little.
Skate 1 and 2 are great but if you can't get something on Skate 3, I personally think you aren't trying
and without trying how can you really be complaining? It's a bit of a pointless rant I get that..
The Majority will not agree, but this is what I think.
Not even really talking about you all here, just what I've Read here and there and heard Playing online.

Fecal Face
09-05-2012, 05:22 PM
I like fakeskating.

09-05-2012, 06:51 PM
let's make out howie

09-05-2012, 10:11 PM
I acknowledge SV is better than PC. Dont really complain about it much.

Just like to point out that S3 has districts but SV is all one connected map. Kinda ties into the lazyness thing. They did want to design ways to connect all the areas and make it look good. Just another shortcut.
but whatever, CAPs are here to stay. I just really want my fucking ps3 back lol