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View Full Version : First attempt at making a video...

Ian Killed You
09-07-2012, 07:27 PM

Firstly, would just like to apologize for the filming on the first 2 clips... They were my first attempts at filming back when the game was new... Considering this is my first attempt at a montage I figured I would include them. Taking criticism so let me know what you think.

Also, I've found that downloading my video off the skate.reel has kind of made the quality drop. Recommendations?

I'm on Xbox 360, add Ian Killed You if you're interested in skating ever. I have MOST DLC.

09-07-2012, 09:17 PM
keep going and find your style. take a look at this as i think it will be a huge help. watch the filming tutorials

Ian Killed You
09-07-2012, 09:27 PM
I've basically already found my style. Go fast, hit the rails and gaps!! Shred the Gnar! Just kidding, but seriously. I enjoy skating quick while I play.

09-07-2012, 11:14 PM
yah just keep going. your skating is fine. you just need to get better at filming. check those tutorials. and make sure you dont get panbacks

heres another one i just googled

didnt watch it all but it seems good

Ian Killed You
09-07-2012, 11:27 PM
Sounds good! I'll get working on it and post what I can come up with ASAP.

09-08-2012, 06:11 AM
hm! I'd rather be in ur shoes than mine, lol ur skatings good. . . but filmin is abit shakey, my filmings ok but cant skate. lol

A tip I would give is to put quite a few markers in on where u want it to see ur skater, then go thru it and remove markers where the camera gets shakey, and it shud smooth out good.

Ian Killed You
09-08-2012, 10:53 AM
You guys on Xbox? I would like people to play with!

i am a snail
09-08-2012, 11:13 AM
yah just keep going. your skating is fine. you just need to get better at filming. check those tutorials. and make sure you dont get panbacks

heres another one i just googled

didnt watch it all but it seems good
yeah this tutorial kind of sucks tho. watch the two in the thread that moma linked, you won't need another one.

that said, it looks like you at the very least know the basics of filming. really the only way to get better is practice. watch videos. emulate things you like. ignore things you don't. find what YOU like to do in this game and your own style with grow.

09-09-2012, 11:17 PM
yeah this tutorial kind of sucks tho. watch the two in the thread that moma linked, you won't need another one.

that said, it looks like you at the very least know the basics of filming. really the only way to get better is practice. watch videos. emulate things you like. ignore things you don't. find what YOU like to do in this game and your own style with grow.
Everything within the game has been pretty much covered all I can add is basically all post production editing. It's pretty good for a first simple edit. I was just confused on why the clip at 1:18 wasn't the ender because I hit that gap a while ago and it's a bitch to clear without clipping the edge of the concrete because of the angle you have to hit it at.

Ian Killed You
09-10-2012, 03:06 PM
Everything within the game has been pretty much covered all I can add is basically all post production editing. It's pretty good for a first simple edit. I was just confused on why the clip at 1:18 wasn't the ender because I hit that gap a while ago and it's a bitch to clear without clipping the edge of the concrete because of the angle you have to hit it at.

Lol, had to rewatch the clip... 3 things to say.
1st of all. That gap I did, was first try so I assumed it wasn't that hard... Lol my bad.
2nd, due to this being my first video, I kind of just placed everything as I filmed it. So these tricks aside from the first 2, are in the order in which I uploaded them. I'm a filming noob, and until I develop a better system I think it sufficed anyways....
3rd of all I had initially been planning on using 0:51 as my ender, because with the angle and the trick itself. I find that is one of my favorite clips of the video..

Also, the clip at 1:18 was filmed TERRIBLY, not sure why I even included it :(