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09-18-2012, 02:51 PM



xXxiTz Chr1sxXx
09-18-2012, 03:03 PM
sick vid. i thought ur xbox broke, did u get it fixed or something?

09-18-2012, 03:13 PM
cab over the triple set,270 out of the bluntslide..good vid roke,i've missed you :o

09-18-2012, 03:39 PM
short but sick

09-18-2012, 03:51 PM
Fuck yeah man! Dope as shit!
A little too much constrast, but dope as fuck nontheless!

09-18-2012, 03:54 PM
Always something about your vids roke, there art!

09-18-2012, 04:19 PM
Thanks guys

@Chr1s: after a month and a half of not working (and 2hrs from being disposed of), my xbox and the bad laser decided to work again. Weird.

@Ladd: thank you kindly dude. I simply try to create an atmosphere with just my skating and no gimmicks. You guys are too good so I keep it simple lol

xXxiTz Chr1sxXx
09-18-2012, 05:35 PM
that is weird lol. just luck i guess, hopefully it stays that way

09-18-2012, 06:03 PM
Cool you got another solo out of it atleast.
Maybe try another approach on the edit next time.
Cuts like the one for the first line-
took away from the line itself, Could even seem like it wasn't one.
Kind've funny but it reminded me of the term "Video Magic"
I also thought the effects were a bit intense at points..
nothing but white ground and black shadows, atleast on my monitor.
My only beef with that is it being hard for me to make out what's going on.. Black and white skateboard.
I'm usually not much of a critic.. just one of those days I guess.
Other than that stuff it was different, I'll give it that..
Not a song I would pick, but it worked.

Fecal Face
09-18-2012, 08:03 PM
I saw City and Colour live last year. He's probably my favorite singer hands down. Loved it.

Only thing is the contrast is almost too high for my eyes haha

09-19-2012, 03:02 PM
Had this song on my itunes forever and couldn't think of a way to edit to it until now. Really want to see him live!

Sorry about the contrast though; keep forgetting to edit with normal screen brightness.

09-19-2012, 03:44 PM
I'm usually not much of critic...

No offense man, but I have yet to see one of your essay responses that didn't have sometype of critic or negative point in it.

09-20-2012, 12:03 PM
No offense man, but I have yet to see one of your essay responses that didn't have sometype of critic or negative point in it.
That's my opinion, Stop Riding me.
People are so full of them selves, thinking I'm upset with you because your video had something I didn't like.
I'm only upset when my opinion becomes a big discussion because you don't agree with it.
Nobody else is getting rode for their opinions.. so why am I?
Nobody appears to want progression, so Forget it. I'll just stop watching.
Sorry Roke

09-20-2012, 12:12 PM
Why is your idea of what can make an edit better, progression?
Ever stop to think some people are happy with their edits just the way they are?

Roke is known for the mad contrast cc and he pulls it off, it's part of his character, so to speak.
Keep doing your thing man, it didn't bother me at all, it was an awesome video.

09-20-2012, 12:20 PM
I'll just stop watching.

thank you

09-20-2012, 12:25 PM
nice stuff all around dude
Loved the Backtail - Hippie Jump - Nollie Hardflip Line
And i dont want to see any Video from you without the Roke CC

09-20-2012, 12:25 PM
Why is your idea of what can make an edit better, progression?
Ever stop to think some people are happy with their edits just the way they are?

Roke is known for the mad contrast cc and he pulls it off, it's part of his character, so to speak.
Keep doing your thing man, it didn't bother me at all, it was an awesome video.

fucking hell yeah