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View Full Version : Hubba Hideout / Embarcadero (PS3/DLC) "Re-Do 3rd times a charm"

11-12-2012, 03:54 PM
I know i've done a hubba / emb combo before, this will be my third time building it, but looking back on it, it wasn't that great and there was a lot wrong with it I was never that happy with it and overall it was pretty shitty lol. So I decided to redo it and try and correct the issues with my old version, I'm much happier with this version and I hope you all will be too, I wasn't sure if I should bump my old thread or make a new one, I decided to make a new one, sorry if I shouldn't have mod's. If you never saw my old Hubba/Emb combo and would like to compare it to my new version here is the link ---> http://skatefluckit.com/showthread.php?t=12260 Though I have now removed the download link for this old one.

Some of the issues I "fixed" from the old version

Hubba ledges are now slightly higher and to a much more realistic scale I think, I looked at as many photos as possible of people next to ledges and I think it's pretty close now. (before they was too low)
Emb layout is now much closer to how the real one is, not 100% perfect, but much better than before plus I added the "6stair" (7) this time lol, and overall it's much nicer to look at
The "skatability" my old version had alot of roughness to it, lots of overlaps made for bumpy un-fun fake skating, there is still some overlap and a bump here or there in a couple of places, but overall its waay better and smoother now, especially the C-block ledges.
The colouring, the colour for the hubba ins my old version was wrong, im still not certain what colour they should be for the hubba and stairs run up as i've seen photos where the hubbas are painted white, sometimes its a plain concrete grey, sometimes they look to have a yellowish sandstone colour, and I still have no idea what colour the stairs and run up should actually be, I settled for a brownish colour as it seemed to match most photos i've seen.

Book it: http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=ps3#searchType=AUTHOR&query=Maccer42&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1723845

Well onto the pics













Book it: http://skate.ea.com/gallery?contentType=PARK&platform=ps3#searchType=AUTHOR&query=Maccer42&slice=search&galleryType=ALL&subType=VIDEO&contentType=PARK&filter=ALLTIME&itemId=1723845

Comments and criticism welcome!

11-12-2012, 03:58 PM
SOO clean! i love it. also isnt emb like right next to hubba hideout in real life tooo?

11-12-2012, 04:11 PM
Thanks, and no idea, I think it was farily close, but not "right next to it" but i've never been, im sure and SF local on here can tell us though, i've tryed to find hubba hideout on google maps in the aeriall view but I couldnt see it, I guess the aerial photo was taking after hubba hideout was destroyed. Emb was easy to find, though emb looks a lot different now to the version I made, my version is an inspired version of 90's emb.

11-12-2012, 04:34 PM
P S 3 !!!!!!!



looks amazing

11-12-2012, 05:52 PM
P S 3 !!!!!!!



looks amazing
oh look you found a vid of awesome albert