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View Full Version : Fluckit State of the Union

12-17-2012, 09:57 AM
I didn't think this was that big of a deal but I am getting flooded with PM's so I figured I would address all of you instead of bumping old threads that have basically said the same thing. If I didn't get back to you it means I was tired of typing the same thing. Nothing Personal

First Off, there are at least 2 classifications:
1. Very active members that are newer to the franchise that post pics, vids, parks on a very frequent basis.
2. Members that have been around since Skate 2 or before some of which have been geeking out on this game for over 5 years.

Obviously this is a broad base and many fall between and some don't fall in either.

The ones that have been here for a long time have seen just about every trick possible and even if they haven't they have seen literally THOUSANDS of videos. A lot of these members never go to "My Footage" section and only do if they know there's a video of someone they know. It has nothing to do with lack of respect or not wanting you here.

A lot of older members have been friends for years now and really only come here to hang out with these old friends. Speaking for myself I could care less where the "skate game community" goes from here I only care where the "fluckit community" goes from here. IE you could have the best idea ever and it would mean very little to me. In other words I'm done with the game, but I am not done with the friends I have made over the years. This place is like a cooler unrestricted version of Facebook where I can shoot the "shit" with my buds not shoot the "stuff" with them. A lot of us have our own language based of things that happened 5 or 6 years ago.

With this said there are newer members that fit right in and sooner than later become just as close to some of us than the ones we have known forever. But then there are some that are out for different reasons than we care for and rub us the wrong way. This is not a age based situation it is more of a maturity thing.

Fluckit was the first Skate game based site and obviously the longest lasting. In the beginning Fluckit was a close nit community of like minded members that fit better together here than at any of the other numerous sites that have basically all came and gone. It was our drama free place to goof and share. Other newer members that didn't fit our site would not last. Not so much because we banned everyone we didn't like but that they had many other options to go to. Now there are very few if any other options, don't blame us. Fluckit will never I repeat NEVER change. Call it unfair call it whatever you want, either fit into the standard of the way things are or find/start up your own site. Our mold is the ONLY proven method for a long lasting community. We will never change because you think you have a better plan. I have rarely if ever regretted or seen a action by another mod/admin that I disagreed with. And rarely have I seen a action by another longer member that I disagreed with. Most of us would rather have a less active higher older active member community than a revamped "this is what we need to do" community.

Sorry, not really

I would only change my opinion if other mods/admins or members that I believe are more "fluckit" would persuade me

EDIT: I think it's still cool that people keep finding new ways to express there self and that newer guys still find a fascination with this series. And I am glad that each and everyone of you have found Fluckit to join and share your stuff. It is just mostly a difference in personalities that clash with the mold that we have here, not every time but sometimes.

Fecal Face
12-17-2012, 10:07 AM
This post got me feeling really sappy.

Fluckit is like that summer camp your parents send you to when your younger, but you never go home. It's like a sanctuary here or something, it's rad.
I've pretty much been following this site from the beginning, I'm glad it's still around and our community is so tight knit.

Bless this post~

i am a snail
12-17-2012, 10:32 AM
10/10 post mr modman would read again

12-17-2012, 10:57 AM
that was about as clear cut as you can get,SG.
never change fluckit

12-17-2012, 11:05 AM
Spoken like a gentleman B

12-17-2012, 11:34 AM
just to expand a little on the video comments...
i've been here for a couple of years now and i still try to watch new vids when i see them posted,no matter who it is,because i love the sport and the game.
i try to leave some sort of comment for the most part with the thought that if somebody's gonna go through the effort to entertain me,it's not killing me to acknowledge them in some way.
but sometimes it feels like there's only so many "hey,sick vid" comments you can leave,genuine or not,before it just sounds like a cookie cutter response.

EG Fr0sty
12-17-2012, 07:19 PM
It upsets me...

You mentioned that older guys don't step into the footage thread unless they see someone they know.
I may not have been on fluckit as much as some of these guys but I have been around. Watching videos of different members. I've seen as you say just about every trick that can be done. Still though the first thing I do when I jump on the thread is check the footage section. I watch videos not for the tricks maybe....just for the fact that someone took the time out of there days to film and edit an sometimes it's the most amazing thing ever...sometimes it's not. I just wished that e very one would watch these people's videos. Most of these new guys have vids tht are 2-5 minutes long. That's not much time. I'm just saying.....I understand though what your saying.

12-17-2012, 07:32 PM
unfortunately or not, heads have to pay their dues. most of us old heads have put out numerous numerous videos, people don't see them all, but after this long we know who has videos and style we like. if we see peoples names enough, and with good comments and good hearsay about their vids, then i watch them. i dont feel like watching the amount of videos i used to because i don't want to waste time on all filler or poorly edited or just bad videos.

i let the community filter it, all the youngins tryin to get known can help each other out. when the real heads stick out, i watch.

12-17-2012, 10:47 PM
It really depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes I check people's footage, sometimes I don't. Of course I always check the footage from friends and myself and show support. It doesn't have anything to do with thinking I won't see anything impressive, because people still do impressive shit.

I have a kid, a wife, two businesses, an addiction to bbq, pizza, and beer, a fantasy football league I'm in the super bowl in, and not much free time and to be honest, it sucks that some people think we need to take time out of our day and watch every video posted and comment on it otherwise they feel offended. It's not that I don't like you or don't care about what you do, it's just that I have other priorities and if I come here even at all as of late I don't want to feel obligations, I want to do my own thing and relax.

Get it? Good. That's how everyone I know here is, for the most part. Hang around by all means, Fluckit has never been a club so you're always welcome, but don't expect anything because you're going to get what you get out of the site and nothing more.

EG Fr0sty
12-18-2012, 02:55 AM
people, watch and fucking comment

What he said. Hopefully he doesn't get mad at me for using his quote....

12-18-2012, 04:51 AM
my fondness for signguy continues to grow

12-18-2012, 05:40 AM
i've seen new guys come and post vids and never really comment on anything else,so to put it all on the older members isn't really fair or accurate.

i don't mean to rub anybody the wrong way here,but you newer members should start by supporting each other rather than the childish squabbles that unfortunately alot of you have been associated with as of late.

12-18-2012, 07:23 AM

treat it with the respect you expect to be treated with...

wtf else really needs to be said...

sg wins every fucking time...

12-18-2012, 07:38 AM
Have you ever tried selling-job ? You speak like the master...you are the master...

So kind words man. Made me feel proud of this place. Anytime again !

12-18-2012, 08:01 AM
What SG said can with very few modifications be applied to any community, on and outside of the internet. Very few people can just barge into a community and instantaneously become accepted. It's not rocket science, people.

12-18-2012, 09:55 AM
Both Brians pretty much sumed up how i feel...

Also Im just here to show my fake nuts....

Fecal Face
12-18-2012, 10:04 AM
I'm just glad we have had the pleasure to "Geek Out" for this long.

There's a reason I don't go to LikeButter

12-18-2012, 10:30 AM
I haven't been here as long as a ton of you guys, but I do really love this post and this place.
Also you guys are some of the most creative and fucking hilarious people on earth.

12-18-2012, 11:22 AM
I don't go to LB because the site is confusing as hell and doesn't seem like its for me haha, I am one of the newer crowd and I don't post that often in videos, truthfully if I could edit videos I'd be way more into them, but since all I can do is graphics I mostly post in graphics and the CAP section, however I feel like I support everybody in both.

My only gripe is that it isn't always about letting the new people have time to fit in and prove themselves, its sometimes like "hey look how cool it is to be mean to the new people" I mean, I don't expect everybody who is older or more established in the community to instantly befriend new guys, that isn't realistic, I just hate to see people be mean or negative towards new people, I think it only furthers the divide and is just as kiddy-ish as the new people bickering amongst themselves. But I always get yelled at by old guys when I make that point haha, so it is what it is I guess.

On a side note, I just would like to say I appreciate this site as a fan of skating because for years all I knew was the EA site and I never had any good parks or saw any videos or anything, I just used the random few good graphics I could find on the glitchy search function. Once I found this site it really opened up the community side of skate for me and I've enjoyed it. So yeah fluckit is a privelage and maybe some new people should show some more respect and humility, but I think it goes both ways.

P.S. don't yell at me og fluckers. :o

12-18-2012, 02:37 PM
I know you're making a statement here but I want 2 cents..
Honestly, I try to give anyone and everyone advice if I think it's needed
I'm not trying to insult anyone, simply telling you What I think needs to be done
Based on,
What I like
What I've Seen
What I think Looks Good
What I see in Real and Fake Skate Videos that I've seen, like and think look good.
Please don't look at me as the guy that hates everyone and everything
I Skate Odd, I have an Odd opinion.. In comparison to what others say..
Personally get more out of people who still push the game out of it's boundaries.
That's just what I like.
Anything outside of that I base on realistic tricks I like to see
and I can be very selective some days as I have in fact seen a TON of them.

12-18-2012, 02:52 PM
I know you're making a statement here but I want 2 cents..
Honestly, I try to give anyone and everyone advice if I think it's needed
I'm not trying to insult anyone, simply telling you What I think needs to be done
Based on,
What I like
What I've Seen
What I think Looks Good
What I see in Real and Fake Skate Videos that I've seen, like and think look good.
Please don't look at me as the guy that hates everyone and everything
I Skate Odd, I have an Odd opinion.. In comparison to what others say..
Personally get more out of people who still push the game out of it's boundaries.
That's just what I like.
Anything outside of that I base on realistic tricks I like to see
and I can be very selective some days as I have in fact seen a TON of them.

I hear that, and on top of this I gotta say almost all of it is attitude. If someone says something dickish to you, the chances are that A) they're kidding (or otherwise not serious enough for it to be taken that way), or B) You deserve it.

12-20-2012, 10:36 AM
YA why arent you faggots watching my videos!

12-20-2012, 06:53 PM
/signed been on fluckit for over 4 years now (god how time flies) and havent even really played skate at all in the past 1.5 of them.. but i still come here to chat with homies and get the new IRL skate vid links n shit. im a flucker 4 life!

Fecal Face
12-20-2012, 07:33 PM
I hope this site stays around for years past the true death of the franchise.

Or will continue with the next skateboarding game when it's made.

................or we could all just start playing Thrasher's Skate and Destroy.

12-20-2012, 08:50 PM
I check shit here hourly, delete spam and eyeball chat and threads. Every once in a while I might go a week or two with not logging on but there is always mamba or demz that picks up the slack. Then there's knex, clay and a few others that got button pressing capabilities. But I for one could never let this place go. I'm old, my life doesn't change much.
Debaser is the man behind the curtain and The other Brian (stoked) although denies any power has all of it. Demz will always be president. And Mamba owes his life to Flucket because he is the only one who ever almost killed it.

12-21-2012, 07:01 AM

sg is vp

12-21-2012, 08:12 AM

sg is vp
Hhahaaha your expression is priceless!

I appoint myself Minister of Foreign Affairs

12-21-2012, 08:22 AM

12-21-2012, 03:14 PM
I've been on this site for not that long, but I know this place is full of nice guys, some not as, some are downright assholes, but still kind in some manner, the majority is awesome. I've played this franchise before I even skated, and that introduced me to other things, and so on and so forth. This community is gnarly and although I still feel a bit out of place sometimes, I feel welcomed.

12-24-2012, 06:35 AM
great post. keep it og.

12-28-2012, 06:32 PM
My post count suggests that i have commented on my fair share of videos i would think.

That was in college... all i had to do then was get high, get drunk, play skate, and occasionally attend class. That was 3 years ago.
Now, I work 50-60 hours a week and film IRL.

I hop on when i get a chance i look at maybe 1-2 videos top (you know while i wait for the porn to buffer)

obviously, knowing that i'm not going to watch every new video on here, if i see one from a name i recognize, or someone i know i will enjoy (i don't need to like your skate style to enjoy your video.. read: JerrBear), I'm going to watch that, because i know i'm going to enjoy it.

other than that, if i see something that intrigues me (a new person with a lot of replies, an interesting title, etc) i will check that out. If it get stoked on it, i comment. And i usually try to pick out at least one trick that really stuck in my mind.

you can take offense to it or you can just keep having fun with the game.

I think my first video got 1 comment, and it wasn't very nice. But this shit was fun and sometimes you just gotta STOP GIVING SO MANY FUCKS.

Simple fact, if you hang out, you have fun with the game, and you enjoy other people who have fun with the game, you'll fit right in. This is a community, not a charity, we're not here to boost your ego or make you feel special, you need to earn that.

12-31-2012, 01:16 AM
i think the most people complaining are the ones who will suck a dick for a bit of attention. they only come here to show off a pic/vid/park or whatsoever and demand a billion comments on it...

if fluckit never changes, i'll never leave, 'cause i love it just the way it is!!!

12-31-2012, 01:26 AM
I call speaker of the house

12-31-2012, 06:25 AM
I'm seriously thinking about closing registration to invite only and cleaning fucking house.


i am a snail
12-31-2012, 06:33 AM
I'm seriously thinking about closing registration to invite only and cleaning fucking house.

im perfectly okay with this

why'd he get banned anyway? multiple accounts? i missed the thread being deleted before getting on.

12-31-2012, 06:42 AM
Ragin? The last straw was making stupid claims then acting like his account was hacked. I just couldn't take babysitting

i am a snail
12-31-2012, 06:46 AM
Ragin? The last straw was making stupid claims then acting like his account was hacked. I just couldn't take babysitting
oh so he fucked up with multi account bullshit? that's actually kind of hilarious.

12-31-2012, 06:49 AM
glad that thread was deleted,that was one of the dumbest things i've ever seen posted here.
sucks to have to considered locking the door to keep the stupid out,but do what you think is best SG.

12-31-2012, 07:16 AM
I call being the whip

Fecal Face
12-31-2012, 08:11 AM
There is a Supreme clothing forum around somewhere that is invite only, and is really prestigious. It's hard to get invited.

I don't necessarily want Fluckit to become that though. We aren't buying/selling limited goods. Nothing about Skate is limited.

What I think we should do is change the Terms and conditions and making the policies more strict around here. Something to ward off twats like Ragin.

The last thing this community needs is a kids table.

Or maybe we can create a Topic that only veterans can have access to...

12-31-2012, 08:20 AM
you can change the policies but it won't solve the problem,dumb kids are still gonna be dumb kids.

12-31-2012, 08:24 AM
There is a Supreme clothing forum around somewhere that is invite only, and is really prestigious. It's hard to get invited.

I don't necessarily want Fluckit to become that though. We aren't buying/selling limited goods. Nothing about Skate is limited.

What I think we should do is change the Terms and conditions and making the policies more strict around here. Something to ward off twats like Ragin.

The last thing this community needs is a kids table.

Or maybe we can create a Topic that only veterans can have access to...

I don't think being a "veteran" necessarily is a suitable criterion. Depends more on attitude and mindset imo. The problem with restricting access basically always boils down to the same problem: who will have the ungrateful task of being judge and jury. Decisions will not always be as obvious...

12-31-2012, 11:18 AM
I think invite only kind of sucks personally, if it were the case I would never have been here or been able to post my graphics or make friends with people who were already here, I didn't know a single person when I found fluckit. Seems to me like there really isn't an abundant amount of new idiots, only a few here and there, I am not a mod but I can't see them being so busy with new people that something drastic like closing registration is necessary.

12-31-2012, 11:24 AM

12-31-2012, 12:10 PM
i see your point inside and it sucks that all the "new" guys get lumped together.
for the most part there's only been a few like ragin.the majority of you guys have been on the up and up.

01-01-2013, 11:50 AM
Fluckit should just be open registration. However, like it's always been, if you act like a fucking idiot you're going to get treated like one.

Just use common sense people.

01-01-2013, 08:28 PM
Fluckit should just be open registration. However, like it's always been, if you act like a fucking idiot you're going to get treated like one.

Just use common sense people.
Thank you.

01-03-2013, 06:28 AM
Maybe just throw one of these "knock off the drama" type posts within the Terms when you register for the site? Most people tend to skip past those things but I know I give them a read if I glance at them and they're not just the typical "must be this age blah blah blah" stuff.

Anyhow, just a suggestion in hopes of keeping Demz, SG, and others from having to make these announcements at least once a year.

01-03-2013, 07:36 AM
Thank you.
common sense makes you remove gifs in your sig

01-03-2013, 07:42 AM
common sense makes you remove gifs in your sig

Thank You

01-03-2013, 11:15 AM
Thank You
