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View Full Version : Dreamcast Imports

03-01-2009, 03:41 PM
My birthday is coming up shortly, and because of this my family/friends are asking what I want for it... Well, the last 3 years I haven't really asked for anything for my Birthday because I'm usually fine with what I've got... so rather then give money or nothing at all, they buy me random things they think I'll like.

Needless to say, it doesn't always turn out so great lol. This year though I'm trying to make up a small list of things I have no need of but would enjoy having anyway, which brings me to my question:

Does anyone know exactly what you need to play imported Dreamcast games?

I figured I'll snag a bunch of DC games off Ebay while I have this chance not to pay for them myself... however, a bunch of cool ones are listed as Imports from Japan (mostly stuff like Street Fighter titles which don't require you to be able to read anyway) and I wouldn't mind picking them up. Problem is, I can't play them on my American Dreamcast right now with out some sort of boot disk/gameshark or something.

So, does anyone here know what I'd need to be able to play these games? I've looked before but I always come up with nothing... maybe someone here has done it before and would be able to tell me.

03-01-2009, 06:15 PM
My birthday is coming up shortly, and because of this my family/friends are asking what I want for it... Well, the last 3 years I haven't really asked for anything for my Birthday because I'm usually fine with what I've got... so rather then give money or nothing at all, they buy me random things they think I'll like.

Needless to say, it doesn't always turn out so great lol. This year though I'm trying to make up a small list of things I have no need of but would enjoy having anyway, which brings me to my question:

Does anyone know exactly what you need to play imported Dreamcast games?

I figured I'll snag a bunch of DC games off Ebay while I have this chance not to pay for them myself... however, a bunch of cool ones are listed as Imports from Japan (mostly stuff like Street Fighter titles which don't require you to be able to read anyway) and I wouldn't mind picking them up. Problem is, I can't play them on my American Dreamcast right now with out some sort of boot disk/gameshark or something.

So, does anyone here know what I'd need to be able to play these games? I've looked before but I always come up with nothing... maybe someone here has done it before and would be able to tell me.

Wow its been a while since I had a Dreamcast. Well, I remember mine was imported from the Philippines, but it was an American console with bootleg japanese discs. I didnt know what it was since i was only 7, but it was a DC-X cd, you can buy it at videogameimports.com or ebay if youre lucky. Easy simple steps : Put the Dc-X disc inside til it loads to a certain screen, and it tells you to take ouy the disc and put in the game, allowing you to play the imported games

03-01-2009, 08:02 PM
Cool.. I'll have to find one of those then most likely. That site is EU though and I'm in Canada, so it'd be a bit of a complication to get it shipped here lol.

If anyone's still got DC games they would sell, I'm down for that too lol. All the ones I'm wanting are a bit expensive :(

03-01-2009, 08:12 PM
I love Dreamcast, totally forgot about it up until now though. I think I'll hook it up tomorrow and get some Blue Stinger going.

03-01-2009, 10:02 PM
I have Blue Stinger... bought it for 5 bucks back when I could still find the odd DC game at EB. Never got to far in it though, I'm not big on horror games.

I seem to have a lot of fighting games for my DC though for some reason, and I want more lol.

I want to get:

Street Fighter 3, Marvel vs. Capcom 1&2, Star Wars Jedi Knight and Power Stone 1 at least... probably one or two more I'm missing.

For my Birthday I'm definitely going to get a copy of Sonic Adventure 2. I have no idea why I don't own that still. I also need Sonic Shuffle at some point, just because...

Basically if it was a good DC game, I want it now lol.

03-02-2009, 04:30 PM
I have Blue Stinger... bought it for 5 bucks back when I could still find the odd DC game at EB. Never got to far in it though, I'm not big on horror games.

I seem to have a lot of fighting games for my DC though for some reason, and I want more lol.

I want to get:

Street Fighter 3, Marvel vs. Capcom 1&2, Star Wars Jedi Knight and Power Stone 1 at least... probably one or two more I'm missing.

For my Birthday I'm definitely going to get a copy of Sonic Adventure 2. I have no idea why I don't own that still. I also need Sonic Shuffle at some point, just because...

Basically if it was a good DC game, I want it now lol.

omg man if i knew this would happen i wouldnt have thrown my shit away those years ago. My cousins who gave me a dreamcast shipped it with loads of games which include the ones you want in one collector case

03-02-2009, 04:46 PM
You need a bootloader to run import games unless you just download them (Which I would recommend since dreamcast games are no longer in print (they dont even make gd roms anymore) Anyways, if you can find the games for cheap, then yeah you can download a bootloader iso and just burn it to a disk. I forget what its called, I think it starts with an E.

Anyways, head over to dcforums.co.uk and I think you'll be able to find what you're looking for mate :)

03-03-2009, 04:55 AM
Shit i still have all my DC stuff at my house. I'll take a look at my game collection and see what i got

and i totally remember powerstone now, that game was the shit.

how much is DC shit going for these days on ebay?

03-03-2009, 08:01 AM
Yea Anjo... I'd have taken them from ya lol. I'm getting 2 or 3 games for my birthday because they're the mid range expense ones, but I'm always down for striking a deal.

I've got the Utopia boot disk now but I don't know if it works on imports yet, I've been told it does though. I could download and burn games to CD-R's fairly easily but I want the completes... it's kind of like a collection for me so I want the real deals. I'll check out the site some time soon though, thanks!

Depends what you've got Roccity. Power Stone usually goes for slightly over 20 bucks. Marvel vs. Capcom games easily reach mid to high 30's. Sports games on the other hand are like penies lol. The majority of games go for around 5 bucks, but there are plenty of sought after games that go for a bit more.

03-03-2009, 08:11 AM
damn, i got all kinds of stuff, the system, 3 controllers vmu's, games galore. I'll post and inventory when i get home and you can see if there's anything that interests you.

03-03-2009, 08:47 AM
Go for it dude... at the very least you'll bust out a great console and you can play some classics lol.

I do need some VMU's though... I only have 1 and it's got no space left basically.

I've got my eye on an ebay auction for Sonic Adventure 2 though right now. Depending what you have, I might not buy it right away but over time perhaps... if we can find a good way to do it.