View Full Version : Regs Mini Mini

01-13-2013, 08:20 PM

Mini Solo of the Mini at Reg's lul.

So I got a new ps3 and lost my game data. So I was redoing challenges to unlock stuff. To do this I had it on normal....I forgot to change back hhaha. So yah this was on normal. I was pissed when I realized that. I should have known cause I was having a real hard time at getting a low pop. Hell, with low pop better on hardcore, some tricks would have been easier. None the less, I got good clips and I wasnt about to bother to refilm on hardcore. I made up for my mistake with a pretty cool edit. Enjoy.

01-13-2013, 08:23 PM
sick video
i was gonna make on these video but my xbox freeze like every ten minutes when i would try skate the ramp

01-13-2013, 08:33 PM
i know you haven't played for over a year but take the fuckin training wheels off!
normal mode:p
good shit Ay

Razorlike Blue
01-13-2013, 08:33 PM
Yep, you fucked up. Still, you put out a fairly realistic vid minus the floatiness of normal.

01-13-2013, 10:36 PM
sick video
i was gonna make on these video but my xbox freeze like every ten minutes when i would try skate the ramp
really? that sucks donkey balls

i know you haven't played for over a year but take the fuckin training wheels off!
normal mode:p
good shit Ay
haha fuck you Mr. Sag

Yep, you fucked up. Still, you put out a fairly realistic vid minus the floatiness of normal.
....yah :(

Had all them skated, most uploaded, then realized. Pretty stupid. But I was almost done and had the intro edited haahha. Move on to the next one. I still think my banger wouldnt have been any different on hardcore. had to make an S curve to swerve in there with a powerslide. Maybe the ollie out would have looked different

EG Fr0sty
01-14-2013, 01:45 AM
Your probably going to take this personal (good way to start a post)

I was goin to say...I think you could do much better then this...... But then you said normal which explains just about everything about this video.

01-14-2013, 02:18 AM
normal?... thats a thing? i thought it was a myth like razorlike blue or me having a life. still not bad for skate 2 physics heck i can't skate a mini on normal hardcore or die!! (or just not play.. you know.. EXTREME)

01-14-2013, 03:35 AM
Some of my first skate 3 videos were on Easy for gaps
Normal for lines and Hardcore clips for more Technical low stuff.
Now I can't really go back and forth anymore.. been skating on hardcore too long.
I think I know what you were going for with the drop in 180 Ayreon..
It won't let you land back in stall right?
I messed with it a bit. No success. :confused:
Not a bad video.. Maybe cut the clip when you are not filming the skater and mute the skate sounds.
That's something I've been doing anyway.

Edit: Looks good for normal too.

01-14-2013, 04:38 AM
Love that ender! And the sloppy landing :)

01-14-2013, 08:41 AM
Love that ender! And the sloppy landing :)

ahah yah it was actually a good lookin one

I think I know what you were going for with the drop in 180 Ayreon..
It won't let you land back in stall right?

Yah pretty much haha. I got it to look like a bit of a stall anyways. Probably would have look better on hardcore with a lower pop even.

01-14-2013, 10:59 AM
normal?... thats a thing? i thought it was a myth like razorlike blue or me having a life. heck i can't skate a mini on normal hardcore or die!! (or just not play.. you know.. EXTREME)

This post honestly made be bust out laughing. Sir, I thank you for brightening up my Monday a bit.

I liked this edit, Ay. From the jump.
I thought it was petty kool how you made the Dharma intro all dark & black.
The floatiness of normalcy aside, I still dugg that wallbonk action (switch inward heel to bonk and back? I had to rewind that shit!) as well as the smooth powerslide grinds, and the ender.

I dont approve of normies, but I do approve of this mini mini!

01-14-2013, 07:07 PM
Loved the ender... Next time i go on my xbox ill try 5050 kickflip out or blunt to drop in...
Noticed some tricks had some floatiness
Detail on the maiden shirt was sick