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View Full Version : I need help!!

Mark Murderous
02-17-2013, 05:49 PM
I need links to Tutorials, Glitches, Spots, Working with a cap card, Filming, Graphic tricks, and trick tips. I have been away for a year and stuff seems to be hard to find. Internet Hi Fives for you all.

02-17-2013, 07:44 PM
because you drank all your brain cells away and forget how to film:

the bounce glitch from skate 2 is gone but now we have this:

as far as spots. if you can find any let me know because port carvington is seriously lacking good spots to skate.

you can find a few graphics glitch tutorials on youtube that you can use to cover your full shirt in a graphic

i don't do the park thing but there are different things you can do to work around the limitations of the game. like the merge glitch. i think you can find just about everything you need in this thread. you just have top read a bit:


i have seen cap card stuff here in general discussion but i don't feel like looking for it.

hope this helps a little

02-17-2013, 08:37 PM
I'll just drop this here...


For all your BaseballTee needs courtesy of Emericardr

Mark Murderous
02-18-2013, 01:07 PM
thanks guys.

02-18-2013, 01:18 PM
put a rail somewhere on the ground and do a nosegrind tailgrab to gain some speed

02-18-2013, 01:27 PM
put a rail somewhere on the ground and do a nosegrind tailgrab to gain some speed

also run w/o your board, jump, do the cannonball bail, and press Y(for xbox) before you hit the ground to gain alot of speed(depending how fast or slow you hit Y)

02-18-2013, 02:24 PM
you can sprint and jump on board, then shuvit, hit y during the shuv, land take a step or two then hit y again and you will get a speed burst. if you do it a few times in a row you get going really fast

Mark Murderous
02-18-2013, 04:49 PM
you can sprint and jump on board, then shuvit, hit y during the shuv, land take a step or two then hit y again and you will get a speed burst. if you do it a few times in a row you get going really fast

Me and you are gonna make teh gay sex when I get my xbox back.

Mark Murderous
02-18-2013, 04:53 PM
I got most of what I wanted. Thanks everyone.

02-18-2013, 05:24 PM
I've got some links in my signature.
Most of the tutorials I did are pretty basic as no one really seemed to need anything else.
I did one speed glitch.
Several ways to get speed, the one I did is my personal favorite for Skate 3.

If you did not already buy a capture card
Do your research.
I did research for like a month just to see how I could get mine to work.
Everything is factor.
Your TV, How good is Your computer, How are you connecting it all?
Do you have an S-Video Cable?
An S-Video Cable will only be beneficial if you're going to buy a cheaper capture card.
The cheaper ones will give you decent quality but nothing amazing.
I Got my whole setup for about 60 bucks through amazon.
Really I think it's effort versus expense with capture cards.
The cheaper ones may take more to figure out but it's worth it if you're constantly doing video stuff
and don't want to spend 150-200$
HD-PVR is the top of line hd capture card and as far as I know it's the best but I've never had one.

Haha well it was not much to get info on but I finally found out what is needed.
Here's what I'm looking at in case someone else is planning to go this route.
The whole capture card thing was confusing to me but there isn't much you need at all.

So the total price is about 50$ IF You buy the dazzle refurbished.
Which is pretty good for standard quality recording, if you ask me.
I will invest 50 bucks rather than 200. For now, we'll see how it goes.

This is an additional 10 dollars, Optional. But gives you a bit better quality.

You'll need one of these:

Two of These:

And The Dazzle DVC 100 is what I am choosing.
Worst case Scenario, You buy a capture card that doesn't work with your setup
and send it/take it back for a refund and try another one.
As any break with skate it will take anyone a while to get back to where they were.
Keep at it. Good luck.
Oh and to see the quality I get with Dazzle DVC100 Check out my channel:

02-25-2013, 04:51 AM
I just randomly decide to log in and see posts by Mark Murderous. What the fuck? And Evan (momadaddy) is here too? I haven't talked you guys in a few years at least. Holy shit. How have you guys been? If either of you have Xbox hit me up (xNeuroticism), or on PS3 (xNeurosiis)

02-25-2013, 06:27 AM
yeah i never left. mark just came back a month or so ago

Mark Murderous
02-28-2013, 12:35 PM
As soon as I get my system back. I'll add you