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View Full Version : Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag announced

02-28-2013, 02:27 PM
Ubisoft officially announced this as true, more details to come monday

A lot of people jump on a hatred bandwagon, but personally I am extremely hyped for this.

EDIT: INB4 Black Flag -> Soundtrack confirmed lololololol

02-28-2013, 02:36 PM
people are being bitchy about a new game to a successful franchise? that's unheard of!

I'm curious as to what people's problems are with this game already though, haha.

02-28-2013, 02:39 PM
people are being bitchy about a new game to a successful franchise? that's unheard of!

I'm curious as to what people's problems are with this game already though, haha.

People are saying it'll be too focused on the naval warfare, but mostly that it won't feel like an Assassin's Creed game, etc. etc. everything they've been saying ever since ACII and been proven wrong repeatedly.
Even people complaining about how soon it was announced. ACII, Brotherhood, and Revelations came out within a year of each other IIRC, and they were all great games on their own merits. I trust Ubi on this.

EDIT: I'm calling it now. East India Trading Co. is Templar, and that's why the Assassins had to resort to piracy.

02-28-2013, 03:00 PM
i'm ready to plunder some booty. pirate games are few and faarrr between

02-28-2013, 03:35 PM
i'm ready to plunder some booty. pirate games are few and faarrr between

harr harr..


dont think there was anyone that played the naval battle for the first time and didnt go "MOOOAR!! Need pirate theme game!"

02-28-2013, 03:44 PM
harr harr..


dont think there was anyone that played the naval battle for the first time and didnt go "MOOOAR!! Need pirate theme game!"

There are a lot of people that actually didn't care for it, and I like it but I don't feel like centering a game off of it is good for *Assassin's Creed,* but I don't think they'd be foolish enough to center the whole game off of it. I feel most of it will be port towns and on-deck combat/boarding other ships

02-28-2013, 03:48 PM
guess i'd better get to playing ACIII here soon.
damn Skate addiction

02-28-2013, 04:08 PM
There are a lot of people that actually didn't care for it, and I like it but I don't feel like centering a game off of it is good for *Assassin's Creed,* but I don't think they'd be foolish enough to center the whole game off of it. I feel most of it will be port towns and on-deck combat/boarding other ships

What I was trying to say was that I thought many people were up in arms about a modern pirate theme game, not necessarily a AC game.

Im sure youre spot on with the port towns and deck combat, and I agree a game with only the naval battles would be quite boring.

02-28-2013, 05:20 PM
After how lackluster 3 was, i'll approach this one with caution

02-28-2013, 05:25 PM
After how lackluster 3 was, i'll approach this one with caution

I don't understand that sentiment, I thought 3 was incredible. People act like the character was emotionless and poorly acted, but that's only because you're comparing Native American culture to the flamboyant Ezio from Italy. I thought 3 was a great addition to the series, and the only thing I wish it had more of was the stealth aspect in the previous games, but it's to be understood that it wouldn't be possible due to the location. Colonial America was far too open and the buildings were all lower, etc. etc. so there's nowhere to really skulk around.

02-28-2013, 07:08 PM
not enough assassinating. it was more like runandfetch's creed. the first game, every mission was just go kill this guy. and yes, the location.

also, desmond's story is over, what the fuck is this game gonna be about?

02-28-2013, 07:18 PM
I fucking loved the naval battles it was siiiiiiick

02-28-2013, 07:24 PM
What you have to understand is that assassins are good at adapting to their environment. So what happens when they are forced of land? EDIT...I said alot of bs until i found out who you are playing as.....You play as Connors Grandad...so this is Pre colonial days. think of it as Pirates of the Caribbean time

02-28-2013, 07:42 PM
Games seem to run on opinions
So There's always going to be unsatisfied parties voicing theirs.
Assassin's Creed 3 seemed to be similar to the others
but with new additions things felt more difficult, More time consuming.
You could see the games slowly shifting toward more modern elements and
Even that felt strange
Now all of a sudden were Talking to Washington and Rewriting history.
It felt quick to change to me.. Like a lot at once. Fast progressing.
I don't know if this is because of the end of the world plot but
Little things bothered me in playing this one.
The first time I saw the destroy the machines quests I wondered.
What would it be like.. Modern Assassins?
I would be interested to see if this game goes as far as Modern Combat
but in leading up to it things feel out of place to me.
If you have a hold of future technology in the first games
Why are you only up to date with current things come the Revolutionary War?
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the Campaign
but it also raised a ton of questions about the game's development
and if It seems like the right approach or not.

That's just a few things that I'm thinking on in reading right now.

I just started playing multiplayer on ac3 and it is pretty fun.
Get at me friday night if you guys want to play.

02-28-2013, 07:49 PM
Mama's crazy.
Antwans posts are too long.
I'm getting the shit out of this shit

02-28-2013, 08:58 PM
When I saw the promotional to material I thought it was a joke or maybe it was a dlc. it should have been a dlc. i loved the naval combat and from what ive seen plenty of others did as well. i mean come on pirates are awesome. ac3 was mediocre imo. the naval combat was the highlight of it. haytham was a cool cat and i loved the whole plot twist. i tried to like connor but i couldnt in the end. native americans are as awesome as pirates. his race is what caught my attention. i thought it would be really intersesting. but connor just didnt fit as an assassin. hell he didnt even really want to be an assassin. he was a great character dont get me wrong. hes amazing in tyranny of king george. but again he didnt fit the assassin role. the rest of the game was poop, desmond parts especially. the game felt restrictive. other features like homesteading to much. the world was pretty dull. oh and the ending. dont get me started on the ending. they shouldve took time with the next one. been more creative. reinvent the series. if they were gonna milk they couldve at least made it like the ezio trilogy instead of being number 5. but if the games solid gameplay wise i will most likely pick it up. again pirates are fuckin awesome.

02-28-2013, 09:29 PM
When I saw the promotional to material I thought it was a joke or maybe it was a dlc. it should have been a dlc. i loved the naval combat and from what ive seen plenty of others did as well. i mean come on pirates are awesome. ac3 was mediocre imo. the naval combat was the highlight of it. haytham was a cool cat and i loved the whole plot twist. i tried to like connor but i couldnt in the end. native americans are as awesome as pirates. his race is what caught my attention. i thought it would be really intersesting. but connor just didnt fit as an assassin. hell he didnt even really want to be an assassin. he was a great character dont get me wrong. hes amazing in tyranny of king george. but again he didnt fit the assassin role. the rest of the game was poop, desmond parts especially. the game felt restrictive. other features like homesteading to much. the world was pretty dull. oh and the ending. dont get me started on the ending. they shouldve took time with the next one. been more creative. reinvent the series. if they were gonna milk they couldve at least made it like the ezio trilogy instead of being number 5. but if the games solid gameplay wise i will most likely pick it up. again pirates are fuckin awesome.

They probably changed the character because they are probably still receiving a flood of complaints about Connor (mostly from people who don't understand Native American culture), and with every new character comes a new number for the series. AC Brotherhood and Revelations, IMO, were just as much as a full, complete, new game as the rest, they just don't have ACIV and ACV as their names because the main character was the same. So as far as I see it, I'm looking forward to ACIV being another awesome game. I'm pre-ordering the fuck out of this, they haven't let me down yet.

02-28-2013, 09:45 PM
Favorites In order of Liking
II, Revelations, OG, 3.

The characters are bloodlines of assassin's throughout history, as I believe it was told.
So naturally, new characters will come into play as others get older to keep it "fresh".
I guess my expectations rose a bit when I heard they pushed this game to make the release
with the end of the world theory tying into the present.
The campaign is interesting but I wasn't into all the army leading, Boat riding shit.
I've still yet to find the fort or the crypt, whatever they are called now.
I miss having everything in a few areas, easily found.
It really does seem odd to kill off Desmond. He tied it all together.
The rest of the crew I assume will be gone now too.
I don't remember them having the skills to use the animus.
I think they need to tread carefully. No quick decision making needed for this series.

02-28-2013, 10:21 PM
Favorites In order of Liking
II, Revelations, OG, 3.

The characters are bloodlines of assassin's throughout history, as I believe it was told.
So naturally, new characters will come into play as others get older to keep it "fresh".
I guess my expectations rose a bit when I heard they pushed this game to make the release
with the end of the world theory tying into the present.
The campaign is interesting but I wasn't into all the army leading, Boat riding shit.
I've still yet to find the fort or the crypt, whatever they are called now.
I miss having everything in a few areas, easily found.
It really does seem odd to kill off Desmond. He tied it all together.
The rest of the crew I assume will be gone now too.
I don't remember them having the skills to use the animus.
I think they need to tread carefully. No quick decision making needed for this series.

For me it's II, tie between revelations and brotherhood, OG, and III, similarly, but I still *love* 3.
A lot of it was clearly rushed, but that's video game industries for ya, can't blame the devs, only those in charge of them.

The animus could *possibly* be used by Desmond's father, he's the only one with the same DNA, and the DNA was the only reason Desmond was so important initially.

02-28-2013, 11:36 PM
ac3 is the most boring game I've ever played.

03-01-2013, 02:32 AM
Jumping strategically around churches and tall buildings to assassinate your target at the end was so much better than jumping around trees to play hide and seek.

I liked 3, but way less than all the previous, loved Ezio and Altair stories. (Revelations was my favourite).

Boat mission sucked in 3, way too many hours for nothing to happen AT ALL. Hope this one isnt't boat based, but stoked to see more non the less.

03-01-2013, 05:02 AM
They probably changed the character because they are probably still receiving a flood of complaints about Connor (mostly from people who don't understand Native American culture), and with every new character comes a new number for the series. AC Brotherhood and Revelations, IMO, were just as much as a full, complete, new game as the rest, they just don't have ACIV and ACV as their names because the main character was the same. So as far as I see it, I'm looking forward to ACIV being another awesome game. I'm pre-ordering the fuck out of this, they haven't let me down yet.
i like connor but i was more interested in ratonhnhaké:ton. but i couldnt see them using him outside of 3. they were already thinking about doing a new time period anyway so i dont think it was the comments about connor really got to them. and i suggested they do something like the haytham bloodline trio or some shit.

Fecal Face
03-01-2013, 05:09 AM
I was like super drunk when I played the first naval battle scene...I don't remember if I liked it or not....

Idk. I'm skeptical but I suppose we'll just have to see.

I can't wait for the series to progress into modern times.

03-01-2013, 06:21 AM
Jumping strategically around churches and tall buildings to assassinate your target at the end was so much better than jumping around trees to play hide and seek.

I liked 3, but way less than all the previous, loved Ezio and Altair stories. (Revelations was my favourite).

Boat mission sucked in 3, way too many hours for nothing to happen AT ALL. Hope this one isnt't boat based, but stoked to see more non the less.

I loved *most* of the boat missions, and I'd be happy to see more of it (if improved, ofc), but I don't think they'd be silly enough to base a whole game off of it. I agree the location of AC1-Revelations were the best, but we're done with the colonies (this is going to the Caribbean IIRC, so who knows what to expect?

i like connor but i was more interested in ratonhnhaké:ton. but i couldnt see them using him outside of 3. they were already thinking about doing a new time period anyway so i dont think it was the comments about connor really got to them. and i suggested they do something like the haytham bloodline trio or some shit.

The original rumor is they were going into the French Revolution, which AC3 actually hinted at Connor going to France in a few dialogues. The reason I doubt the Haytham bloodline *trio* will happen is that Haytham's entire past is already thoroughly explained in an official AC novel.

03-01-2013, 09:07 AM
Mama's crazy.
Antwans posts are too long.
I'm getting the shit out of this shit


03-01-2013, 09:08 AM
also, im just waiting till they bring back desmond beecause you know tat nigga aint really dead. nobody dies in video games anymore..*cough* mass effect*cough*

03-02-2013, 05:56 PM

03-02-2013, 10:13 PM
Can't wait to raid ships, islands, dual wield weapons, and even explore underwater, wtf? I hope this is as good as it looks. Is black beard perhaps the head of the Templars? It also looks like we will be dipping into the life of Connors grandfather and Haythem Kenways father, Edward Kenway. Cant wait for more info on it.

03-02-2013, 11:14 PM
Trailer actually looks pretty sick.
I am really curious how the story will develop. Likely picking this up.

03-02-2013, 11:33 PM
Yo at the ending though.....at the ending though,......he was like .....First i kill your ass, Then i take yo bitch

03-03-2013, 06:44 PM
well that trailer put me at half sail....i hope pirating isnt the main focus but they still overhauled it. so far it seems like a means to am end. and the new protag is too trill. i had a feeling i would like him.... still wish they woulda took more time with this but theyve already st a date so all i can do is wait for more info and gameplay. not sure if im gonna get this on this gen though. these new systems are gonna fuck up gaming for me.

03-03-2013, 07:11 PM
Can't wait to raid ships, islands, dual wield weapons, and even explore underwater, wtf? I hope this is as good as it looks. Is black beard perhaps the head of the Templars? It also looks like we will be dipping into the life of Connors grandfather and Haythem Kenways father, Edward Kenway. Cant wait for more info on it.

Blackbeard (and most other pirates) in reality lived by a code of honor very similar to that of the Assassins, and were demonized heavily by the unjust European governments and Trading Companies of their time. I have a strong feeling Blackbeard is a friend of sorts if anything.

03-04-2013, 04:30 AM

Freedom underpins everything in Assassin's Creed 4.

There are eight studios working on the game. Ubisoft Montreal is leading, with Singapore, Sofia, Annecy, Kiev, Quebec, Bucharest, and Montpellier assisting.

AC4 is set in the West Indies in 1715, the world is totally seamless.

There are 50 unique locations including cities, jungles, ruins, coves, and caves, all with hidden treasure and adventure.

You can harpoon whales, go diving, and loot ships.

There will be proper assassinations with targets that you choose how to approach and take out.

You'll fight against, and alongside, infamous brigands like Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach, Benjamin Hornigold, Calico Jack, and Anne Bonny.

Major cities include Kingston and Havana, and there'll be dozens of smaller settlements and port towns scattered around the world to explore and pick up missions from.

The new hero is Edward Kenway -father of AC3's Haytham. He is selfish, cocky, and charismatic.

Edward owns his own ship, the Jackdaw. It can be upgraded, repaired, and customised, and you can manage her crew.

As you sail the high seas you can climb the crow's nest and use a spyglass to search for ships on the horizon. This tells you how strong they are and what cargo they're hauling

Weather and physics will play a larger role in naval combat

There are different classes of enemy ship, including 'chargers' who'll try and ram you and shatter your hull.

There aren't any interruptions in the transition between naval combat and boarding a ship

You can approach ships from any angle, weaken them with your cannons, then attach grapples to pull them towards you and storm the deck. Or swim around the back unnoticed and slit the captain's throat for the stealth-loving players.

Instead of Desmond, the modern day is centered around you, a 'research analysts' working at Abstergo and living out the past Edward Kenway,

Many of the multiplayer modes from previous games will return

It all looks fantastic. The waves are especially impressive, tossing ships around as lightning streaks across the sky. Footage shown was likely running on a development PC Ubisoft are planning an 'enhanced' PlayStation 4 version that will make use of the new controller, and have much better visuals

03-04-2013, 04:38 AM
Due to all of the ship based missions and homestead stuff in AC3 I lost interest in it rather quickly.
So, having AC4 based around those principles means I am pretty much not interested in the game at all.
I had more fun in AC3 hunting deer and climbing trees instead of going through the rambling story.

03-04-2013, 04:45 AM
looks like theyre really making up for their mistakes. this game sounds proper. they brought back freedom in assassinations. seamless world, calico jack, weather, physics, WHALING(thats gonna piss people off). The list goes on. its shaping up real nice. but im waiting to get it on next gen. dont really wanna purchase twice and i want to the multi with friends unless xbox could pull off cross system gaming which i doubt. i take back the doubts i had about this game....for the most part. lets see if they can really pull this off.

03-04-2013, 04:58 AM
Due to all of the ship based missions and homestead stuff in AC3 I lost interest in it rather quickly.
So, having AC4 based around those principles means I am pretty much not interested in the game at all.
I had more fun in AC3 hunting deer and climbing trees instead of going through the rambling story.
For sure.
If it weren't for plot twists and reasoning behind naval warfare I might've just quit there.
The things surrounding naval warfare did interest me but the initial way you did it..
I dunno, I hope the pirate side has more ship boarding tactics.
I think You did it once or twice in AC3. The rest was medium to long range cannon fodding.
I have not done the side missions on the rebuilt vessel yet however.
This game is slowly modernizing, no denying it.
Ships, Boats and cannons are just the beginning I feel.
I mean look at the spoiler guns used in desmond's story.
It felt so out of place even with it being the present day.
1 Shot kills Made everything so incredibly easy.
I actually almost forgot about that part but more modern guns were
already incorporated outside the animus.
I'm getting a bit carried away here. I'll save the rest for a review.

03-04-2013, 05:58 AM
Album of leaked screenies

I dunno, I hope the pirate side has more ship boarding tactics.
Well if this is true:

You can approach ships from any angle, weaken them with your cannons, then attach grapples to pull them towards you and storm the deck. Or swim around the back unnoticed and slit the captain's throat for the stealth-loving players.
Then it will be a viable option for just about every fight, rather than one time as a plot-fight, so it'd be awesome.

03-04-2013, 07:58 AM
Really bummed out about it being so ship based. It's not gonna feel like Assassin's Creed as much.

03-04-2013, 02:23 PM
Really bummed out about it being so ship based. It's not gonna feel like Assassin's Creed as much.

i felt the same way initially. but they way they explained pirating in the scheme of things makes it seem like ships could be used for no more than transport and storage if the player so desires. of course there might be some ship based mission(pirating is the premise of the game). but otherwise the developers promise plenty of freedom so you can approach missions the way you want to. and im pretty sure there will be plenty of on land missions. i doubt you spend the whole game or even the majority of it on sea. i hope so because i want to ravage the coast and burn down towns.

03-04-2013, 07:24 PM
If you're unable to scale tree's, Id be very disappointed in development.

And I swear this game is telling us something. Since the first game...hidden beneath all of it.

03-13-2013, 09:30 PM
got a poster.

03-14-2013, 07:51 AM
got a poster.

I'm waiting until a new mega-bundle comes out (Like the one I paid $120 for with AC3)

03-14-2013, 04:32 PM
You crazy mane. I'm good with a poster/pre-order bonus in-game.
You could buy 2 or 3 games with that kinda mula.

03-14-2013, 05:38 PM
You crazy mane. I'm good with a poster/pre-order bonus in-game.
You could buy 2 or 3 games with that kinda mula.

Aye, but not many other games are worth buyin'. I'd rather spend the $120 for the game+exclusive merch for my desk then spend that money on most other games with the way the industry is nowadays..

03-25-2013, 10:23 AM
I'll just leave this here


I'm still undecided on this one, though.

03-25-2013, 10:30 AM
I want. Badly.

03-25-2013, 10:37 AM
looks like 3 with a more vibrant color palette. coulda done without the narration. made it cheesy. still undecided though. havent said much about the story but from this trailer it seems pretty flat. just a pirate game with ac mechanics. but im pretty alright with that because well it looks like it'll be a good pirate game. and that WHALE!!!

new systems whats reall fucking up my videogame purchases this year.

03-25-2013, 12:39 PM
I really cant wait for this, its got such hype!