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View Full Version : HARDatLURK's 2nd solo

03-09-2009, 03:05 PM
here's my second solo "Live and Let Lurk"


any comments, criticism, or anything else is appreciated


03-09-2009, 04:49 PM
Good editing and the flow with the song was great. I really liked the mini pop-outs at 1:27 and the nose grab to tail transfer at 2:07; I've been trying to get that trick and looking for the right place to do it. Nice use of the bank transfers in and out of grinds. Lot of solid lines too. Only thing is maybe too many tricks at the same spot but you killed that 'P'.

03-09-2009, 06:06 PM
doing pop outs on those ledges in that hidden spot are really fun and i know i have alot of footage at G.E.D but that place has so much potential to do some many different ttricks and i just cant resist. anyways, thanks for positive feedback.

03-09-2009, 07:57 PM
yo that was dope, keepit up.
only thing i didnt dig was the 10mm :(

03-09-2009, 10:22 PM
i really like the 10mm my only problem with it, and it IS a problem with -it- not your video, is that you can't get very close because it ghosts you out.

on that note, i really really really liked this video. a lot. the filming was really creative, the skating was from the top ropes quality, spots were really good (the last trick was bananas. i can never get on that 4 properly so i always give up), and the song went super well. kudos good sir.

03-09-2009, 11:44 PM
thanks greenlake...tha 4 at GED is a real pain in the ass. i probably tried that 5-0 across and down for an hour or two...i kept gapping over the 4 or bailing. i agree with the 10 mm problem with ghosting, but i think it is worth using because it makes the shot kinda fast paced and interesting. more like a real video.

03-10-2009, 01:09 AM
i fully agree. the next thing i'm doing has a fair amount in it. it gives it that marc johnson in the maple video feel. filming through a peephole. you made me want to go back and try stuff on the 4 again, and once again, i gave up.

03-10-2009, 08:02 AM
well that was sick.. low pop's n bank slides are always fun to watch:)

03-10-2009, 08:54 AM
well that was pretty f---- dope....

alot of great skating...
refreshing trick selection...
mini pop outs...

that ender on the 4....
now i gotta delete a clip....
but im keepin my others hahah....

very f--- nice....

some shots were perfect and some...

others were hindered by the 10mm....
personal peeve but i like getting closer to the skater...

awesome s--- homie....

03-10-2009, 09:04 PM
Loved the skating, but the quick camera moves were kinda jarring. I think it's just me, but swinging the camera around the skater kinda ruins the trick. Besides that, nice video.