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View Full Version : Capture Card ?

03-10-2009, 05:34 PM
ok this is gonna sound stupid but i need a cap card that can transfer tv from upstairs to a laptop downstairs, and i also need it to live stream.

if anyone can help me that'd be great;)

03-10-2009, 05:40 PM
you can transport the laptop next to the tv....
you wont need such a long extension cord :rolleyes:

03-10-2009, 05:41 PM
cant get internet upstairs though

03-10-2009, 06:11 PM
so how do you get xbl to work? :rolleyes:
besides, why do you need internet to get a capture card to work?

03-10-2009, 07:46 PM
wireless cap card exist
and to recieve and send information you need a connection..... if you look on the web you'll come across
one for sure, but they will cost ya enough im oretty sure

iunno if you can find one in store somewhere but maybe

03-10-2009, 08:24 PM
kevin: i have wireless internet but my laptop is fucked up so it doesnt work wirelessly

saunders: do you know of any?

03-10-2009, 08:27 PM
You don't need wireless internet on your laptop. Just simply take the laptop up to where your xbox is, plug in the capture card.

Viola, there you go.

03-10-2009, 08:47 PM
but all the cap cards i saw the "geek squad" said they didnt have anything that could help me

the had these three things i was contemplating about buying:

Dazzle: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4088245&CatId=1428

No PC required: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3776462&CatId=1428

HD Mini Stick: http://www.testfreaks.com/blog/review/pinnacle-pctv-hd-mini-stick/

i think at least one of those could do the trick but idk which one?

03-11-2009, 08:09 PM
go with the hd mini stick

i wouldve if they had it instock

if you have the money to spend on whatever id try and find a nice HD cc tho