View Full Version : My first, and last, S3 solo.

05-08-2013, 02:32 PM
'Sup guys.

When the news came that EA were shutting down Skate 3's reel and create features, I realised that if I was ever going to make a solo, I'd have to act fast.
I learned more about colour grading, chroma keying and general editing during the course of cutting this together than I expected, and I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed making it.


Music: Sullen Blue by The Graveltones.
Their Facebook page is www.facebook.com/thegraveltones?fref=ts

Edited in Sony Vegas Pro 11.0

05-08-2013, 04:05 PM
Sick camera work, loved the footplant over the drainage pipe (1:06) the bonk on the pool ladder (2:34) and the ender.

...shit, I might try that first-person for my next video. Nice!

05-09-2013, 07:13 AM
Haha, thanks a lot man. The first few grinds at San Van were hard let me tell you. OG rails are unforgiving on hardcore difficulty, my skater tends to either glide over them, fall half way down or trip on the sharp endings.

The first person test I felt was a nice way to end it. It was the first time I'd tried something like that and it took a lot of patience and a lot of keyframes. The way I did it was not actually matching it up with your skater's head each keyframe, but utilizing the zooms and positioning to make it flow from a natural first-person perspective. As the character model can't actually look down ect., I'd have to move the camera to his chest level on some parts and for the ride over to the bowl edge, I'd have to set it quite a bit in front of his face so it would travel in sync with the model.

But yeah, thanks for the feedback!

05-09-2013, 07:57 AM
grind on the pool ladder and the 1st person cam were really cool
there were a few of the usual first video suspects(mongo pushing/high pop on a few tricks,blah blah blah..)but what matters is you got a fakeskate vid out!
I doubt there's gonna be very many first vids anymore so good on ya that you were able to,definitely not a bad first video by any means :)

05-09-2013, 10:03 AM
That was insane for your first vid :0 you really shouldnt quit.
I hope my first vid will be just as nice :)

05-09-2013, 01:44 PM
grind on the pool ladder and the 1st person cam were really cool
there were a few of the usual first video suspects(mongo pushing/high pop on a few tricks,blah blah blah..)but what matters is you got a fakeskate vid out!
I doubt there's gonna be very many first vids anymore so good on ya that you were able to,definitely not a bad first video by any means :)

Thanks man, I did kinda want to go against the grain in the vid with stuff like high pops, mainly because I'm a sucker for hangtime but yeah thanks for the feedback :)

That was insane for your first vid :0 you really shouldnt quit.
I hope my first vid will be just as nice :)

I don't want to but there's no way I'm getting a capture card. The only way I think I'll be in any more videos is if guys with cap cards film me for their collabs or whatever. You can spectate other skaters online which means you can record them as you would record yourself which is pretty nifty. I'm looking forward to seeing your first vid!