View Full Version : Tomb Raider

06-28-2013, 05:08 PM
Anyone playing this still?
I just got it.. Few days before I gotta buckle down and stop gaming.
The story was pretty damn cool.. few times where I would just be standing
hitting the climb button and laura would look at the obstacle puzzled..
Other than that it was a good time.
Get at me multi-player?

ANTWANthePAWN -Xbox360

06-28-2013, 07:20 PM
When I finished playing my one day redbox rental, I was thinking that it might be one of the most exciting games I've ever played. No exaggeration.

06-29-2013, 05:16 AM
It's pretty crazy.
Some of the gameplay could be a bit more polished but everything else makes up for it I suppose.

The Multiplayer is rough..
One reason I stopped playing call of duty man, When you have to rank up to be at the same level as everyone else
that's a huge drag. People have been playing the games more than me and have level specific unlock advantages.
So you play like shit, grind where you cant grind because you ain't getting shit for xp
haha I'm just ranting. I'm done with COD though. BO2 was overboard in my opinion.
You have to earn salvage online to get attachments and stuff
that's cool and all but it's so timely
from what I saw when they advertised the multiplayer you can set up traps and stuff too
but as soon as I move forward I get shot from across the map so I haven't seen any of it yet

07-05-2013, 01:55 AM
I 100% completed it on all difficulty levels the first week.
It's the best Tomb Raider ever and one of the best Adventure games ever imo.

07-05-2013, 05:59 AM
Want it badly. Haven't bought it yet though. "saving for ps4" :<

07-05-2013, 07:49 AM
I didnt read into tomb raider like I normally do for other games. There were some really unexpected things in the campaign. As brutal as it was fun. Worth checking out. Ive got too much to do on current consoles still, Good luck with all that! All the hype, competiton and controversy has me looking the other way.

07-05-2013, 08:22 AM
I keep hearing a lot of praise for this game,once I kick my The Last of Us addiction i'll have to check it out

07-17-2013, 04:04 PM
don'y play it after the last of us. it will be shit in comparison. i really enjoyed tomb raider but it felt like a less polished version of uncharted 2 with more exploration. not a bad thing at all but it doesnt stack up to naughty dog