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View Full Version : Stealing Parks Glitch?

06-09-2014, 07:53 AM
Hey dudes!
I know its been awhile since I've posted on here but since the skate.online servers are working just as good as our government, I've been trying to find out a glitch that people used to steal parks back in the day. I know it starts out where you get into an online game at someones park (that usually isn't uploaded) then you save a replay at that park, after that I have no idea on what you have to do. This would help me out a ton and would make it a shit ton faster getting other peoples parks. Thanks gents!

06-09-2014, 11:44 AM
Hey dudes!
I know its been awhile since I've posted on here but since the skate.online servers are working just as good as our government, I've been trying to find out a glitch that people used to steal parks back in the day. I know it starts out where you get into an online game at someones park (that usually isn't uploaded) then you save a replay at that park, after that I have no idea on what you have to do. This would help me out a ton and would make it a shit ton faster getting other peoples parks. Thanks gents!
ill pm it to you (probably not a good idea to to just post it in public...)

06-09-2014, 11:45 AM
Hey dudes!
I know its been awhile since I've posted on here but since the skate.online servers are working just as good as our government, I've been trying to find out a glitch that people used to steal parks back in the day. I know it starts out where you get into an online game at someones park (that usually isn't uploaded) then you save a replay at that park, after that I have no idea on what you have to do. This would help me out a ton and would make it a shit ton faster getting other peoples parks. Thanks gents!
that awkward moment when it makes 2 posts.

06-14-2014, 06:17 AM
i found out about this accidentally, not sure if i was the first who ever did it, but i was definitely the first who told the masses about it, via the lost god platypussyface. we planned on using it for good, to defeat the semi evil giant volume 1, and his hidden hoard of treasures, to be the communist crusaders of the skate community, we wouldve been the chamions of the people, heroes. myself and the great platyplaty debated about releasing it, we knew the temptations it brought to those of a weaker disposition, but we decided that the proletariat must know, the truth must spread. We were wrong. Our idea and the whole mechanism was twisted into something evil, crooked. 12 year old newbs who had never played on hardcore suddenly started uploading parks that looked like the unfinished creations of the eternal wizards, mattyman, yumpancakes, etc. we had unleashed the very spirits of pandoras box itself. we were the monsters. liek dis if uo cri evertim

06-14-2014, 07:55 AM

i am a snail
06-14-2014, 08:06 AM
i found out about this accidentally, not sure if i was the first who ever did it, but i was definitely the first who told the masses about it, via the lost god platypussyface. we planned on using it for good, to defeat the semi evil giant volume 1, and his hidden hoard of treasures, to be the communist crusaders of the skate community, we wouldve been the chamions of the people, heroes. myself and the great platyplaty debated about releasing it, we knew the temptations it brought to those of a weaker disposition, but we decided that the proletariat must know, the truth must spread. We were wrong. Our idea and the whole mechanism was twisted into something evil, crooked. 12 year old newbs who had never played on hardcore suddenly started uploading parks that looked like the unfinished creations of the eternal wizards, mattyman, yumpancakes, etc. we had unleashed the very spirits of pandoras box itself. we were the monsters. liek dis if uo cri evertim
that was harrowing

06-14-2014, 05:01 PM
this was not the place to go fishing for likes i guess

06-14-2014, 06:24 PM
this was not the place to go fishing for likes i guess

no like button.

06-14-2014, 06:45 PM
A 3 second search on youtube revealed this little gem.


06-14-2014, 11:13 PM
A 3 second search on youtube revealed this little gem.


Ha , Kids bad , He didnt find shit .

06-15-2014, 10:23 AM
i was only messin bruh. nah that kids kewl he's got his lazer flip f180 switch manual reverts on lock he must be good

06-15-2014, 12:08 PM
i found out about this accidentally, not sure if i was the first who ever did it, but i was definitely the first who told the masses about it, via the lost god platypussyface. we planned on using it for good, to defeat the semi evil giant volume 1, and his hidden hoard of treasures, to be the communist crusaders of the skate community, we wouldve been the chamions of the people, heroes. myself and the great platyplaty debated about releasing it, we knew the temptations it brought to those of a weaker disposition, but we decided that the proletariat must know, the truth must spread. We were wrong. Our idea and the whole mechanism was twisted into something evil, crooked. 12 year old newbs who had never played on hardcore suddenly started uploading parks that looked like the unfinished creations of the eternal wizards, mattyman, yumpancakes, etc. we had unleashed the very spirits of pandoras box itself. we were the monsters. liek dis if uo cri evertim


Uncle Ben: With great power, comes great responsibility.