View Full Version : Farewell Fluckit

shr3ddy krueger
07-17-2014, 12:26 AM
This is the exact opposite but I'm leaving fluckit. Because you can't make videos without someone saying it's abd in some way, or someone immature bashes a video. 80% of my videos have had some comment relevant to my ideas "being unoriginal" even tho idk anyone who has done them before seeing as I've only been in the community for a few months. I'd rather just post on YouTube and keep to myself. It's just time to part ways because I'm not gonna beat around the bush, prowlin pisses me off and if I could entirely block him I would. He always has a smart comment to post and he's the most childish 30 year old drunk I've ever seen. He's basically that annoying kid in the group that tries to act cool by constantly busting balls and cracking bad jokes thinking it'll help him look better. Best of luck to the rest of you obviously, I wish nothing but good things, but I can't post on a site I did nothing but try and help keep alive through making content and even telling people about it with someone putting down a post because it's been done therefore isn't original or creative tho it's a completely different video. The skate franchise has been around for almost pushing a decade, just like in real skateboarding, there's nothing new to do, just add your own twist to it and have fun and see what people take from it and give back. If you constantly put down an active member of the community, you're gonna make him wanna leave and I hate to be the example but I want to leave fluckit. There's been too many conflicts in the chat between me and prowlin, and it's either he shuts his mouth or I leave. And the decision is obvious. Best of luck fluckers

pairsprowlin 666
07-17-2014, 02:09 AM
the thing is you let me get too you, if it didn't apply you would let it fly with that being said you must be insecure about your content but you kids will be kids as you are cause you get so mad over a comment on a fake skateboarding game. There will always be someone in this world or the real world that doesn't like you or what ever it may be ,get the fuck over it cause i vent in the internet world, Those that are chill I respect but after your guys live stream shit I lost the last of respect for you and on that note go be another rise skate 4 bs cause that's where you guys are heading that shit don't go well here anyway ... so as you say good bye ummm bye you wont be missed good luck on building whats dead ..

07-17-2014, 04:48 AM
it's the fucking internet, deal with it, everyone's an idiot but you

07-17-2014, 07:19 AM
i agree that the comment was stoopit.

but if you're that upset that one person said something was ABD, it's a good thing you missed the heydays of skate.

07-17-2014, 07:56 AM
Just post your content and ignore all comments. Don't let it get to you.

07-17-2014, 07:58 AM

07-17-2014, 08:39 AM

even the special kid with the jean jumpsuit can play well with others.

07-17-2014, 09:31 AM
...special kid with the jean jumpsuit...


Shreddy, man, that shouldn't make you want to leave. Especially since only ONE person pisses you off and WAY more people respect what you do and comment positively. The best thing you can do is ignore it. Besides, I'm sure his comment on your Nightmare video wasn't to be taken completely serious. In the short time that I've been here, (a little over a year), I've seen comments like that and none of them were meant to be taken seriously or were. This just seems like a knee jerk reaction. But just like Muhzzy said, don't let it get to you. :)

Poncho Lord
07-17-2014, 09:33 AM
yoooo lmao i've never said anything bad about you before but i'm about to

how fuckin weak minded are you that you let prowlin get to you? you're an east coast kid, grow some fuckin east coast skin. if you don't like what someone says just tell them to go fuck themselves or ignore them, either one is gonna make them stop eventually. i constantly saw you and all your friends retaliate to his comments, when he CLEARLY had something personal against you and it wasn't ACTUALLY about your videos. Also, if you're here to be accepted, I'm not sure why or how you thought that was a good idea. There's like 10 people left on this site. Everyone that posts here posts because they still find it fun to make these videos, not because they want to be praised for them.

so if you stay, welcome back. if you don't, fuck off.

shr3ddy krueger
07-17-2014, 10:42 AM
I don't care about praise, I just can't stand how well he knows how to push my buttons haha. To the point it carries over to YouTube from here. And livestream? That wasn't me now was it lol, if we were turning into rise we wouldn't care about giving a $100 cap card away so that people are motivated to play this game together. And I am eastcoast, therefore I'm a hothead and when I meet another hothead it creates an issue that isn't resolvable. Here's the best way I can put it. Pairs, you're the guy in happy Gilmore who just constantly yells "you jackass", best possible analogy for how I feel about you, you're just a nuisance to me. Hello fluckas I see the 10 of you still have some fight left to keep it alive. Say this game is as dead as you want, it's only as dead as people let it get.

07-17-2014, 10:45 AM
i constantly saw you and all your friends retaliate to his comments, when he CLEARLY had something personal against you and it wasn't ACTUALLY about your videos

me too.... honestly if your out for good comments and the number of views... well Im not sure Fluckit is the place for you anyways (unless your on Hoodlum, then there is no other place apparently)

EDIT: now we know who was taking things a bit too serious right?

shr3ddy krueger
07-17-2014, 11:25 AM
I don't care about views or good comments? I made content on a channel that had 2 subs for 3 years lol, and I don't care about good comments, but I sure as hell don't appreciate someone saying just because it was done differently before, that it's automatically better lol.

07-17-2014, 11:27 AM
(unless your on Hoodlum, then there is no other place apparently)

ohhhhhh staaabbbbbbbbbbbb... Burn
that's it, i'm leaving fluckit.

you're the guy in happy Gilmore who just constantly yells "you jackass",

yo, i love that guy

07-17-2014, 11:33 AM
I don't care about views or good comments? I made content on a channel that had 2 subs for 3 years lol, and I don't care about good comments, but I sure as hell don't appreciate someone saying just because it was done differently before, that it's automatically better lol.
fair enough man, but seriously you know how many times this has happened to ALL (or most) of us
like Roc said good thing you werent here during the KidsTable days.... or maybe it would of been good if you were, that way you wouldnt take those comments too seriously

I cant even count the number of times Ive been told my shit stinks and has been ABD on 2 hands, actually just got a comment like that yesterday

07-17-2014, 11:34 AM
by the way...

quitting fluckit is WAYYYYYYYYY ABD

Poncho Lord
07-17-2014, 11:38 AM
fair enough man, but seriously you know how many times this has happened to ALL (or most) of us

yea not me i was an instant classic :cool:

Poncho Lord
07-17-2014, 11:40 AM
I don't care about views or good comments? I made content on a channel that had 2 subs for 3 years lol, and I don't care about good comments, but I sure as hell don't appreciate someone saying just because it was done differently before, that it's automatically better lol.

hey face it kid, OG is always better. But history repeats itself and that's okay. Look at skateboarding, it's the same way. Shit that's ABD and forgotten from the 90s is coming back now and everyone's hyped on it, but it was better when it was new.

pairsprowlin 666
07-17-2014, 11:57 AM
get mad I quit lol to funny u know happy Gilmore is my shit compliments from mike now iam gonna go shit on some pros chest ..livestream quote from shreddy

shr3ddy krueger
07-17-2014, 11:57 AM
yea but because someone does a halloween park montage every year, doesnt mean that its not as good as the first ever one made. its all personal opinion, original isnt always better because the new ones can be improvements

shr3ddy krueger
07-17-2014, 11:58 AM
yea cuz ive done a livestream before hahaha

07-17-2014, 12:02 PM
honestly I dug your vid more than the one PP linked

07-17-2014, 01:03 PM
yea not me i was an instant classic :cool:


Sike nah. Shr3ddy, I got plenty of shit when I first started here. Even when i thought somebody was being a little too harsh, I just thanked them for giving me some tips and watching the video. You gotta do you, I enjoyed my crappy content back then and I still enjoy my own content now, regardless of how many people like it, or hate it.

"Imma do me" - Bob Saget

HCH Media
07-17-2014, 01:16 PM
shit damn man get over it . this is nothing compare to my fluckit start watch the posts in my first 15 threads .....
.. i like pairs but if you dont get along with him just block his ass on youtube so he can´t watch your videos .. ... damn i blockd alot of people around here .. by the way if some one is still blockd and we are cool now . just send me a wussup here or on youtube

ps: jebotek is always and only there when shit get´s rough ...

pairsprowlin 666
07-17-2014, 01:46 PM
hey face it kid, OG is always better. But history repeats itself and that's okay. Look at skateboarding, it's the same way. Shit that's ABD and forgotten from the 90s is coming back now and everyone's hyped on it, but it was better when it was new.

fresh but old toy machine zero birdhouse chocolate videos just have a vibe that can never be touched those days are what made what skating is now IMO and now everythingss famous famous famous street league and what ever else bs, that's why tom penny is still the man staying under the radar its cool that they make money from what they love doing dont get me wrong skating is way gnarly now just doesn't have the same feel like the 90's

07-17-2014, 02:45 PM
ps: jebotek is always and only there when shit get´s rough ...

I'm just here to dry your tears...
but seriously...
if you start talkin' shit you better come up with something more accurate, because tbh i don't even remember you?

pairsprowlin 666
07-17-2014, 02:48 PM
I'm just here to dry your tears...
but seriously...
if you start talkin' shit you better come up with something more accurate, because tbh i don't even remember you?

miss you Jebs been awhile haahah!

07-17-2014, 02:49 PM
honestly I dug your vid more than the one PP linked
Same here. lol

its all personal opinion...
Exactly. So if someone has a right to their opinion and comments it, don't take it seriously. Not everyone's gonna feel your shit, and if you're used to them giving you crap, the best you can do is ignore it. Honestly, I think everyone here may think leaving is a bit of an extreme reaction to the situation.

07-17-2014, 03:09 PM
if a had a dime for every time some got upset and said they were leaving in a thread here i could buy a case a beer and we all could have a sick session on signguy's miniramp

07-17-2014, 03:13 PM
man i'm laughing good

on a more fucking gay note:

i wasn't gonna speak on this, but i'm in that place now:
what are your expectations? if it's one thing i've learned from doing ..artistic bullshit (like skateboarding, music, video shit, snowboarding..) , it's this:

you can't keep trying to defend yourself when criticized, when you've presented something to an audience. especially when you're dealing with people who have some insight and acquired taste in whatever little genre you're doing. i think i still keep doing that myself sometimes, but i always regret it. and when people get apologetic in front of me, i feel like they're dropping the ball. any type of feedback is a teaching. some might just be noise, but you gotta learn to filter it out.

now: we're capturing a video game, pretending it's something real that's happening, spending hours editing it, and uploading it on the internet. put that shit in perspective. something to worry about?

shreddy, you seem like an ambitious dude, and I think this shit is especially important if you want to succeed at like.. having fun. at some point, you'll meet someone who's been around, and they won't be impressed with whatever you're doing in front of them, and they'll talk sideways on you because they can. And I personally think they should. When I grew up, if you weren't on point, you got checked by your friends. So you tightened up your game. I still appreciate the few people in my life who'll tell me what they really think only because they know I want to be better at what im doing. i mean.. like.. i understand people get butthurt from people like harsh old Jake Phelps, but i'm glad he exists. Prowlin went Fake Phelps on you! And you know every kid that tries to go on a "fuck thrasher"-campaign comes out lookin silly. You wanna win peoples minds, show out. That's all.

so what do you expect from this audience? because theres stuff that can be addressed, coming from a videographic/filmatic/artistic point of view if you know what i mean. on the other hand: if you know exactly what you're doing, and it's what you want, then what do you need us for?

take a puff of this and fuckin.. hakuna matata (in the case of fakeskating at least)

pairsprowlin 666
07-17-2014, 03:29 PM
man i'm laughing good

on a more fucking gay note:

i wasn't gonna speak on this, but i'm in that place now:
what are your expectations? if it's one thing i've learned from doing ..artistic bullshit (like skateboarding, music, video shit, snowboarding..) , it's this:

you can't keep trying to defend yourself when criticized, when you've presented something to an audience. especially when you're dealing with people who have some insight and acquired taste in whatever little genre you're doing. i think i still keep doing that myself sometimes, but i always regret it. and when people get apologetic in front of me, i feel like they're dropping the ball. any type of feedback is a teaching. some might just be noise, but you gotta learn to filter it out.

now: we're capturing a video game, pretending it's something real that's happening, spending hours editing it, and uploading it on the internet. put that shit in perspective. something to worry about?

shreddy, you seem like an ambitious dude, and I think this shit is especially important if you want to succeed at like.. having fun. at some point, you'll meet someone who's been around, and they won't be impressed with whatever you're doing in front of them, and they'll talk sideways on you because they can. And I personally think they should. When I grew up, if you weren't on point, you got checked by your friends. So you tightened up your game. I still appreciate the few people in my life who'll tell me what they really think only because they know I want to be better at what im doing. i mean.. like.. i understand people get butthurt from people like harsh old Jake Phelps, but i'm glad he exists. Prowlin went Fake Phelps on you! And you know every kid that tries to go on a "fuck thrasher"-campaign comes out lookin silly. You wanna win peoples minds, show out. That's all.

so what do you expect from this audience? because theres stuff that can be addressed, coming from a videographic/filmatic/artistic point of view if you know what i mean. on the other hand: if you know exactly what you're doing, and it's what you want, then what do you need us for?

take a puff of this and fuckin hakuna matata

Damn thick that was DEEP homie lol j/k but what you said was the perfect last comment for this thread Fucking: take a puff of this and fuckin hakuna matata made me laugh I always get told by my elders in the end they are much right about things so i live listen and learn not be a fucktard tuff love was always my backround growing up made me a much stronger person, it takes a whole lot to get me angry..its like watching a movie shreddy some people enjoy it some people dont.. siskel and ebert were movie critics both agreeing and disagreeing through there show they didn't go all hostile about shit like you but kids still need training i guess ...so more bounce to the ounce if you must if you don't expect No more then what you are getting from me unless all of the sudden you pull something sick out of your shreddy hat

Poncho Lord
07-17-2014, 05:36 PM

pairsprowlin 666
07-17-2014, 06:11 PM
love you all specially pochos over crooks

07-17-2014, 06:55 PM
miss you Jebs been awhile haahah!
same Jebs, lets Frozen Ghost hahahahaha

i am a snail
07-17-2014, 07:43 PM

pairsprowlin 666
07-17-2014, 07:59 PM

AWWWWW the table

07-17-2014, 09:04 PM
I am a giant asshole and I can tell you without hesitation that Pairs even gets to me sometimes. You really wanna make him shut the fuck up though....put out a bangin' video that everyone loves. HONESTLY THOUGH IF YOUR SHIT IS GOOD HE'LL ADMIT IT!!!!!!

07-17-2014, 10:14 PM
Leave fluckit if you want to, but don't leave cause of some frog.

I can't see any of his replies in this thread. He's still in chatbox but easily ignorable. Kids can't bite ankles over the internet.

07-17-2014, 11:48 PM
same Jebs, lets Frozen Ghost hahahahaha

still down homies
started recording my s2 shit
send some spare clippers if you want

shr3ddy krueger
07-18-2014, 01:02 AM
-___________- look at my videos, i do and can take negative comments, its the sarcastic asshole ones that get annoying over time

07-18-2014, 02:02 AM
I swear to god the drama that can happen in a community based around a game that had it's plug pulled over a year ago astounds me. Take a step back and realize the amount of drama being created over a fucking game.

I realize that if you put out something that you've spent a good chunk of your time and focus on, to have it put down by someone without much thought, it can be tempting to get pissed off.

Who cares?

Are you honestly going to leave Fluckit because of ONE guy, that you will probably never meet and he will have zero effect on your life? (Unless you let him) If you are, that's REALLY thickheaded. How much can some sarcastic comments on your content really piss you off?

And if I remember correctly, you can block seeing any of his posts entirely, if you can't just deal with them. I don't know how to do it, but I remember Ayreon making a video when "kgchamp"(?) was here. Guy was being a dick, so Ayreon showed how to block any of his posts for himself, not sure if it's still up. Maybe someone can help you in doing that.

And if you enjoy making content and playing the game in the way that you do, and a majority of others do to, if not even just appreciate it for what it is, why are you going let one person make you leave the last site for this franchise?

Leave or not, it doesn't affect me. I don't know why I dove into this subject this deeply, anyways.

Fuck "Farewell" posts, anyways, this one in particular.

07-18-2014, 02:48 AM
And if I remember correctly, you can block seeing any of his posts entirely, if you can't just deal with them. I don't know how to do it, but I remember Ayreon making a video when "kgchamp"(?) was here. Guy was being a dick, so Ayreon showed how to block any of his posts for himself, not sure if it's still up. Maybe someone can help you in doing that.

Yep, shreddy just go to prowlin's profile, on the left you'll see a link list, add as friend, send message, and ADD TO IGNORE LIST. That will make all of his posts blank to you, you're welcome buddy!

HCH Media
07-18-2014, 04:53 AM
I'm just here to dry your tears...
but seriously...
if you start talkin' shit you better come up with something more accurate, because tbh i don't even remember you?

lol this just shows me how arrogant and stupid you are.... if never saw a half decent comment by you .. talking poop to people is your thing tho . back to normal se you next time when you lurk on other people's beef...

i am a snail
07-18-2014, 05:24 AM
lol this just shows me how arrogant and stupid you are.... if never saw a half decent comment by you .. talking poop to people is your thing tho . back to normal se you next time when you lurk on other people's beef...

is there a different jebotek or something bc that doesnt sound like him at all :/

07-18-2014, 06:18 AM
http://i.imgur.com/Ps3TOox.gif (http://imgur.com/Ps3TOox)

07-18-2014, 06:30 AM
Yea if you were around the kids table back I'm the day you probably would've had a mental breakdown. On a side note: Prowlin talks shit to me everyday on XBL, fb, forums, or YouTube. End of the day he's just fucking with ya lighten up and remove the stick out your ace sir. PS. DONT KNOCK THE JEAN JUMPSUIT ROC!!!

07-18-2014, 06:38 AM
lol this just shows me how arrogant and stupid you are.... if never saw a half decent comment by you .. talking poop to people is your thing tho . back to normal se you next time when you lurk on other people's beef...

I really don't know what all the whining is about?

Once again i have to ask you to clarify this a bit, or stop talking shit like a little bitch.

For how long have you been here, not even a year? So how would you know ''what my thing is''?

There were quite a few drama queens over the years, but you just won't get along well here if you try to turn every thread into a whiney goodbye thing.

I suggest everybody before he leaves he should talk to Antwan, i don't know how often he left and look he still shows up in here...

Someday you might realise it's just a game aswell, take it easy.

07-18-2014, 06:42 AM
internet. a serious thing.

pairsprowlin 666
07-18-2014, 06:59 AM

good ole kids table link watch as it comes back to the memory!! RIp

07-18-2014, 08:30 AM
emo goodbye threads are so weak
Roke is the only one I thought was legitimate
the rest of these just suck
just leave if you want, ugh I could go on and on.
fucking lame (especially if you haven't even been here long)

Lack of content doesn't kill anything, but these stupid goodbye threads do