View Full Version : Kid stealing videos?

08-04-2014, 01:15 AM

Hey guy so the other day I came across this channel where this kid started to post skate 3 vids right? But he stole one video the first time and I know for certain he did if you look on his channel and on the first skate 3 vid he has on there the comment I put will explain why I know he stole that video to. But my question to you guys is that this kid put out a new video today with what looks a like a bunch of old reel clips and a lot of the filming is different in most of the clips. Can you guys recognize any of the clips from anyone in this video that may have been in the skate community or here on fluckit?

Just thought I should bring this up cause I know people wouldn't like to have there clips stolen.



HCH Media
08-04-2014, 03:36 AM
damn this video is more gay than getting but fuckd

i am a snail
08-04-2014, 04:53 AM
if there WAS a comment he deleted it already

i left one myself in it's place

08-04-2014, 05:09 AM
Fuck this kid man. I remember catching some dude a while ago for doing the same stuff. Put him on blast

08-04-2014, 09:08 AM
Yeah his ass deleted the video lol