View Full Version : The Ferguson MO situation

08-18-2014, 08:01 PM
I don't really share my LiveLeak videos publicly so please respect that if you are friends with me on Facebook.
But anyway I made this today and thought I'd share for anyone interested.


08-18-2014, 08:55 PM
props for being out..

unfortunate things happen like this, way to often.

08-19-2014, 12:12 AM
glad to see someone reporting on this without taking sides. sucks things like this have to happen. sucks people have to react like they do.

08-19-2014, 08:31 AM
i appriciate your voice and thanks for speaking out like this. you seem wonderfully honest and i fully respect you and your opinions.

however, i dont really agree with your analysis or view. as bad as the looting and bad behaviour of some of the protesters is, the main problem is why it happens. the militarization of the police and the numerous killings and general lack of respect given from the force is. that, combined with general low education and low income desperate and irrational choises gets made, equals the mess we are seeing. solving such social conundrums takes a long time, and a collective effort from the whole society to change it ways to focus differently. unfortunately, such efforts are currently being shut down hard, with emotions going off the charts every way.

but open minded people like you matter. rational thoughts, honest speach and discussion are key.

sidenote, your also the slowest smoker ive seen :D

08-19-2014, 09:47 AM
@bohemian Blaming the police for using better tools and tactics than they have in the past is not a reason to lash out and loot. This is a civil society. The moment people start trying to take the law into their own hands is when we stop being a civil society. There are courses of action if a police officer or any other authoritative figure abuses their power...rioting and looting is not one of them. This is the same crap liberals pull when they think it's ok to vandaliza the home of an oil company CEO. It's a childish thought process and should be stopped with force if the offenders don't, or refuse to, understand words.

08-19-2014, 10:05 AM
ha yeah I only do it to keep my hands from fidgeting.

"collective effort from the whole society to change"
That's kind of how I ended it and I do agree with you. I also agree with you that the militarization of the police is a problem, or more so this misuse of those weapons. They admittedly are not properly trained with these weapons.
If you dig even further you would see the reason for militarizing the Police is that we would first need to regulate our out of control gun problem and gun lobbyist. The police need guns to control the public that is heavily armed with weapons that for the most part go unchecked in anyway. I am not for taking away guns, but if we had the same regulations that we have for motor vehicle registration then NO GUNS would ever be not accounted for. You would be shocked at the tens of 1000's of guns that go unchecked every year straight from the factory. Where do you think all of these illegal guns come from? They aren't stolen, only a small % are stolen and that number is inflated by illegal sales covering their tracks. Many are sold at unregulated gun shows paraded around the US from convention centers. All gun tracking is done by paper only because there is a law keeping a database of any kind on firearms.
So...... The NRA wants to keep these hidden sales flowing to the inner city thugs causing the right wing republicans to buy up more guns. This enables the NRA to spend millions if not billions to control and influence the politicians that they keep in their pocket. Who is a politician going to REALLY look out for: An organization that gives them millions for their campaign or Joe Public that whips out a $10 bill?
The fear of the government knowing where every gun is and somehow confiscating all of these weapons in a huge round up of some sort is just foolish in my opinion. With social media and instant communication fueled by a heavily armed public would make it a physical impossibility for any kind of government takeover.
Once again all evil comes from campaign financing.

I know some of you have a difference of opinion especially on my gun beliefs. It is OK to disagree and I hope nobody judges me for my difference of opinion because I certainly wont you.

08-19-2014, 10:42 AM
@bohemian Blaming the police for using better tools and tactics than they have in the past is not a reason to lash out and loot. This is a civil society. The moment people start trying to take the law into their own hands is when we stop being a civil society. There are courses of action if a police officer or any other authoritative figure abuses their power...rioting and looting is not one of them. This is the same crap liberals pull when they think it's ok to vandaliza the home of an oil company CEO. It's a childish thought process and should be stopped with force if the offenders don't, or refuse to, understand words.
I can't really disagree with this. Utopia this is not

08-19-2014, 01:06 PM
as i said i do not condone the looting. but as long the cops act this arrogant and definately not acting civil, we wont progress this situation. this whole situation started just because of that, the cops should be the bigger party and excuse themselves, not adding fuel to the fire like they do now.

looking at this from the outside, the increased authoroty demanded by the U.S. police does not seem acceptable. i definately support the protesters.

08-19-2014, 01:13 PM
better tools and tactics for sure. if you live in absurd-land.


08-19-2014, 02:06 PM
Too many assumptions and presumptions of motives in here.

08-19-2014, 03:40 PM
The protesters only demands are that the officer be charged with murder. I can't get behind that cause unless we have more facts.
If they were protesting the lack of competence in the local department and how this entire thing has been handled then yes I'd join them.
There are now reports that the officer has a broken eye socket and that there are 12 black witnesses to back up the officers explanation (which we have yet to hear)
IF this is all true (and only if) then obviously all non lethal actions were taken. But until we hear actual facts I will focus my anger towards the looters and the way the government has handled this whole thing.

08-19-2014, 04:51 PM
Charging an officer with murder and convicting him are two different things. Unfortunately though if he is charged and then is found innocent the public at large won't believe the verdict and we may see another Inglewood Riots situation. It's better to not charge him till we have enough facts to charge him properly......but good luck explaining that to peoples feelings.

08-19-2014, 05:58 PM
Are you saying just charge him? Because it's not the same as a conviction?

08-19-2014, 07:36 PM
It's better to not charge him till we have enough facts to charge him properly......

08-20-2014, 03:16 AM
dudes.. you really need to open you eyes a bit more.. the number of episodes of cops going overboard with power and violence is growing every day. even tho you choose not to accept the evidence presented in this case you cannot deny the fact that your police force has taken a turn for the worse.


08-20-2014, 06:07 AM
dudes.. you really need to open you eyes a bit more.. the number of episodes of cops going overboard with power and violence is growing every day. even tho you choose not to accept the evidence presented in this case you cannot deny the fact that your police force has taken a turn for the worse.


I'm waiting for all the evidence to come in before I make a decision one way or the other. Jumping to early conclusions and reacting emotionally isn't going to solve any real issues.

You second point is fair. Since 9-11 Americans have slowly been trading freedom for security and we're now starting to see the real price of giving the Government/police more and more power. Police are overstepping again and again. Just last month they killed an unarmed man ON THE SPOT for selling black market cigarettes in New York.

08-20-2014, 07:08 AM
dudes.. you really need to open you eyes a bit more.. the number of episodes of cops going overboard with power and violence is growing every day. even tho you choose not to accept the evidence presented in this case you cannot deny the fact that your police force has taken a turn for the worse.


There are no statistics (reliable) that back up your claim of a rise in incidents % per population.
Is there a heavy militarized police force here? Yes
Is it seen? rarely ever (this is not Ireland of the 80's or Israel everyday with checkpoints)
Is there a better way than to deal with this with bruit force? Oh I'm sure

The ones making trouble causing this police line to form every night are opportunists. The ones sitting atop these armored vehicles are our family, our friends. Do they make bad decisions at times? Of course don't we all?
Until the inner cities are safer then this will continue. I already laid out my view of why this is this way.

No offense (I respect you and your views as well) but your claim of "It getting worse" is just another example of "lock your doors because you will get robbed more TODAY" "Don't let your kids play down the street out of sight because there are more cases of rape and kidnappings TODAY" None of which is backed by facts

08-21-2014, 03:51 AM
stop referring to the brute force and looting by some of the protesters as the main problem. its one of the symptoms. the whole enlightened world are watching you, collectively shaking our heads in disbelief over the american mindset and acceptance of the police.

08-21-2014, 06:23 AM
I would need to know what the rest of the "enlightened world" would like to see happen to give you my opinion. And I'm not talking about what wrong was done to get here. I'm talking about This Is Where We Are.... What Do We Do?

Let them know when the police pull back this is what happens


BTW I'm way more open minded than most, I welcome all opinions. As I said in the video I don't claim to have all the answers

08-21-2014, 06:57 AM
yea. its difficult. i dont have the answers. seems nobody does.

no party wanna back down or be the bigger one. pride and ignorance is high on both sides it seems.

abusive police sucks. thieves suck. bullies suck. i suck. humans suck.

08-21-2014, 06:59 AM
haha yes my friend unfortunately this is the truth.
True unity would lead to overpopulation and mass starvation.

08-21-2014, 07:59 AM
America has problems, but most countries have a lot bigger problems. No one pays attention to them tho because everyone likes to hate America (envy).

This doesn't describe everyone or every country, but the majority.

Doesn't sound right when a foreigner only experiencing your country through a tv screen says it, am I right?

Think about the situation police are in with everyone wanting the benefit of the doubt and looking for ways to "entrap" police. I know exactly how to act in front of an officer and no parts of it involve running towards a cop unless im screaming "help me!" (Im only referencing one of the men killed). This is their job and most places you don't have any recourse if an officer oversteps their bounds. Cops have to make split second decisions because their (or their coworkers) life may be on the line if they hesitate. They aren't robots. Humans make mistakes. When they do you take the normal course of action to see if it was intentional and if theyre a risk in the future or if they made the best decision considering the circumstance. I don't get along with cops but I would never try to judge one without witnessing firsthand the entire situation. Too many variables.

People get too emotional.