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09-11-2014, 02:33 PM
Over hyped? Probably but it's like halo with rpg elements and very small mmo aspects. Anyone have it on 360? Doubt I'll get to play with anyone but it would be super cool if I could. Playing through halo 4 with echoturbo and his brother was a blast. I think friends in this would re fun as hell

09-12-2014, 03:16 AM
Even though I absolutely devoted my life to Halo 3, ODST, Reach etc I think Bungie has lost quite a bit of the momentum it once had.

Two or three years ago I might've had the enthusiasm to pre-order Destiny, but to be honest, to me, the name Bungie doesn't really spark the light that it used to...

09-12-2014, 06:36 AM
I never liked Halo at all, but I've really been enjoying Destiny. It's a great game. I haven't had any issues since launch with connectivity or anything either. Have you played it Tabloid?

09-12-2014, 12:06 PM
Actually after playing for a but longer I can say that this game is a blast. Combat is very satisfying and from what I San tell the last gen versions don't really suffer much. if anything but a visual downgrade. The random events are a blast and running into random people while playing is cool. The music is amazing as well. The only downside so far is long loads and The dinkmisters vo as your bot buddy

09-12-2014, 06:13 PM
I never liked Halo at all, but I've really been enjoying Destiny. It's a great game. I haven't had any issues since launch with connectivity or anything either. Have you played it Tabloid?

I played at a friend's house one time and I sorta liked it. Not that it was bad or anything but I felt it just wasn't as good as some of Bungie's other games.

09-13-2014, 12:16 PM
The game utilizes a very small scale mmo aspect to really make the player feel like they are in a big world when in actuality you arent, so in truth they kind of lied but at the same time if you can accept that illusion and not let it spoil your fun then youre pretty much good.
the gameplay in my opinion is akin to borderlandish chaos with a halo polish. and i mean a thick halo polish. the pop up bad guys and drop ships are so common you'd think youre gunna see master chief tap on the shoulder and go "follow me". but the game does stand out on its own when it comes to the abilities that each class holds. im currently the hunter, still using my golden gun because lets face it....its a golden gun.

the skill tree is also a very common but distinguishable feature as it allows you to pick and choose from various ways to make your guardian badass. what i like about it though is that its not one of those skill trees where once its all full your a complete god. there are only a few abilities that stick permanently. the rest you have to sort of switch between depending your preference. for example. i unlocked the ability to double jump. with that i could level up again and unlock a more powerful double jump but i also have the ability to have a third jump. unfortunately i cant have both a powerful double and a third jump. get me?

the loot aspect of the game and how the guns/armor are depicted is definitely a page taken from borderlands or any other color coded game and i like that very much. makes it easy to tell when my guns are shittier than someone else who's lvl 24*. Unfortunately dont hold your breath as even after 5 days of playing from launch on the One i have yet to discover any loot above the rare type. oh yeah, ive only found one rare item. so im hoping they bump up the success rate of finding rare items, or at least give me something to increase my chances. with all this green on me, i shouldve been taken to jail (insert weed joke here)

unfortunately i dont agree with certain decision regarding the multiplayer aspect. for one...3 player co-op..wtf? like hasnt the gaming world established even numbers for player together is standard?
so basically you have have a fireteam of 6 people and patrol all along the galaxy, but as soon as somebody has to get a major mission or even want to do a Strike you have to split your team. this is probably the biggest drawback for me as by now im sure many of us have a group of 4 or more homies we'd wanna do missions or stuff with that arent side/fetch missions. so the game gets a knock down if you wer ehoping to do a raid with like 6 people. sorry gunna have to wait for elder scrolls (subscription comments commence). And sure i can be in a world/patrol area with up to 16 players, but why does it feel like im really only there with 5...oh thats cause is am. half the time people are either too busy completing missions and pass you by. And i wouldve thought that with sooo many people on consoles nowadays, the worlds would be full of life like the Tower is. I mean each planet is divided into different regions. you pass through a region and you enter a new place/lobby where you would think there'd be 16 players roaming around fucking shit up. but nope, just you and the nooby vl 3 dancing by you

i dont mind the dancing, its actually a decent addition to a game some would thought would have no time to silly fanatics. but the BEST part of this game, my god...the sitting. the ability to just plop a squat wherever you want is the most innovative thing since flickit. never in a game have i seen SOO much chill. by far the best addition to a game and i hope other companies pick up on this as well. definite game changer

overall, i havent player the story fully so no comment on that but i do believe the games hype was 70% bungie 29% good trailer music and 1% poop.
wont deter you to get it, definitely try it out if you have a way to. but until they add a bit more functionality/liveliness toward multiplayer. its a bit of a let down for me. in MY opinion.

09-14-2014, 07:04 PM
Im addicted :) ahah. havent enjoyed a fps in a long time.

I had to come here and find answers to this fucking ninja in the tower that only appears ever so often. FUCK lol

Game is well balanced, playing with friends is Awesome. Leveling is what makes you want to play more. Solid job on balancing and leveling. especially weapons and armour.