View Full Version : Band Maven - Browser Based Music MMO

04-26-2015, 01:18 AM
Hello everyone,

I don't know if anyone here ever played any of the big music games back in the day, games like Music Maven, Rock Tycoon and the others... They where all browser based text MMO games and although the actual games where simple and only a few clicks a day, the forums where really really fun. Lots of light, comedic RolePlaying and interaction.

Well, there is a new game in town! Its called Band Maven and is about to go into its first Alpha release.

www.bandmaven.com (http://www.bandmaven.com)

When it switches from beta, a server wipe will happen and that means its a fresh game for everybody, so equal playing field for new players. I was hoping that some of you guys might want to check it out and maybe start playing as this game is still quite small. The creator is now starting to really push the game harder so I thought I would help him out with a little recruitment of my own.

So if you think you can spare another 10 minutes of you day with a lighthearted community game, I hope you will check this out. If you start now, consider it a practice run though, as like I said, it will soon have a server reset.

Just for shits and giggles, you can read my musicians biography here: http://incidation.com/topic/65-blackfoot-the-iron-chief-a-brief-biography/