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View Full Version : A Minute With RaginWarHero

Noah eh
06-22-2015, 12:41 PM

So since Ragin doesn't have a cap card, I was filming him for quite some time. This dude shreds. We had gotten around 30 clips, but I had only gotten around to filming 6 of them before I wasn't able to open the rest in my reel. :mad: Anyway, I had filmed these a few months back and just found these on my comp today. Hope you enjoy

06-25-2015, 12:46 PM
I've never heard of an issue with loading replays before, was a file corrupted or something?
Cool of you to film for him, I know that's time consuming. Could only get one guy to do it for me but we got a nice Collab out of it.
skating and filming was good.
I like the multiple shuv trick haha.
Like that nas song too. Good stuff guys.

06-26-2015, 02:35 PM
I love ragin dude i really wanna send him a cap card he would produce some crazy ass shit

Noah eh
06-26-2015, 02:47 PM
I've never heard of an issue with loading replays before, was a file corrupted or something?
Cool of you to film for him, I know that's time consuming. Could only get one guy to do it for me but we got a nice Collab out of it.
skating and filming was good.
I like the multiple shuv trick haha.
Like that nas song too. Good stuff guys.

Yeah, when I try to open them it just kicks me out, idk whats happening with it. Sucks, cause he could've had a pretty long part. And I love this song too, I found a guy on Soundcloud who takes old hiphop acapellas and makes new beats to them. Really sick.

And Ben, he said he would love a capture card, but his computer can't handle one :/