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View Full Version : SkateFluckit Upgrades/Future

06-24-2015, 08:20 AM
With Xbox Backwards compatibility coming soon and the possibility of the Skate games coming to next gen consoles, the Skate community may be revived along with this site. But, if we want the site to be revived, we'll need some changes. Here's a list of what I think would benefit FluckIt:

1. New/more active moderation team: I know there's not much to moderate anymore but having more active mods would be a huge benefit if the site starts popping off. I'm a moderator at TheHaloForum.com and neverwintertradeforum.com so I have experience with moderation, if you need help, let me know. Or even some old heads around here would be a good asset for moderation.

2. Skate/FluckIt theme: The 'vBulletin' header has to go, we need something that represent us as FluckIt, maybe somebody with some graphic designing skills can whip up a nice header for us. The plain vBulletin theme is boring and doesn't give off a Skate Game vibe at all.

3. Social media: I run social media sites for the two forums I moderate at, and I will say that it is a huge benefit; it brings a lot of traffic to the site and is a way to gain new members, plus it gives our member's creations more recognition. Twitter, Facebook and even Google+ all help with that.

I will add to this list when more comes up or if anyone else has their opinions/thoughts. Let me know what you guys think! I tried posting this in FluckIt.News but I don't have permissions to post there, so I hope this if fine here.

06-24-2015, 08:29 AM
I agree with this! :D

06-24-2015, 08:42 AM
Would be dope if people came back.
I can't embed photos on my phone but if you go to http://antwanthepawn.weebly.com/ and graphic design, scroll down.. Did you see it already? Oh well.. Made a fluckit banner way back and it's still on there.

06-24-2015, 10:26 AM
first off are they planning to bring the reel back up too?
because that was the main reason for people to leave imo, so if thats not the case i can't see this to be the big revival we might hope for...
To the theme thingy, i couldn't care less tbh, never visited fluckit for ''virtual pleasure''...
I like it for what it is, but im sure if it really gets a revival the LB kinda sites will pop up in no time again
Then again i wouldn't mind a different header since its just that...a header
I think i remember fluckit having a fb site, but some weird ass ''girl'' was creeping the shit out of people so stoke took it down
and if somebody is into the skate series how hard can it really be to find fluckit?
just some thoughts

06-24-2015, 10:46 AM
first off are they planning to bring the reel back up too?
because that was the main reason for people to leave imo, so if thats not the case i can't see this to be the big revival we might hope for...
To the theme thingy, i couldn't care less tbh, never visited fluckit for ''virtual pleasure''...
I like it for what it is, but im sure if it really gets a revival the LB kinda sites will pop up in no time again
Then again i wouldn't mind a different header since its just that...a header
I think i remember fluckit having a fb site, but some weird ass ''girl'' was creeping the shit out of people so stoke took it down
and if somebody is into the skate series how hard can it really be to find fluckit?
just some thoughts

dont need the reel since the xbox one has a built in cap card so anyone will be able to make videos

06-24-2015, 10:57 AM
dont need the reel since the xbox one has a built in cap card so anyone will be able to make videos

yeah right, forgot about the next gen replay thing. how's it lookin with DLC? will they bring out those too?

why has gta 5 more votes then the skate series haha, people are out of their mind.

06-24-2015, 11:01 AM
Yeah, Xbox one has share features, assuming all the old heads will or have upgraded.
We will also be able to play together, 360 and one.
I'm not sure what's up with share, don't own either console but ps4 has share too right?

We've talked about the forum look in the past.
It wouldn't hurt to change some things.
At one point I was thinking of new forum ranks based on the skate achievements, even started making little icons to go under them. Lost the project, but that's one of many ideas that would make it look nicer.
It's cool either way but wouldn't be hard.

06-24-2015, 11:11 AM
Yeah, Xbox one has share features, assuming all the old heads will or have upgraded.
We will also be able to play together, 360 and one.
I'm not sure what's up with share, don't own either console but ps4 has share too right?

yeah on ps4 it saves the last about 15 minutes, if you wanna save you hit share button and done. quality is a bit decreased i think, but still pretty okay lookin
wondering on how much they gonna charge for old games considering you can get the ps3/xbox360 version hella cheap nowadays

edit: cross play with 360 sounds really cool. doesn't really matter then if you have upgraded to next gen or not.

06-24-2015, 12:04 PM
As long as I've been around, signguy has made it pretty clear that anyone is welcome here, but it's not a place for trying to accumulate as much traffic as possible to try and rejuvenate the skate community. I could be mistaken, but that was my impression, and how I interpreted what he said in the past about this type of thing. We have a pretty tight-knit group, and the numbers do keep dwindling down every day, but that's just the fate of a series that hasn't seen a new installment in over five years. I hope skate does make it on the backwards compatibility list and we see more people though, old and new. We just don't need a fancy new forum to showcase it, either you like it or you don't. Stick around and enjoy what's left or move along to something else, pretty simple. I'm not going anywhere.

06-24-2015, 12:27 PM
To echo what others have said, I don't think if S3 gets on the backwards compatibility list, I don't think it's going to drive a whole heap of people here. And those that are here and have stuck around aren't here for the flair.

I don't think we really need to 'market' FluckIt. Thats whats good about it. Everyone who's here has passion for the game and skating and found their own way here. I'll welcome anybody with that mentality.

06-24-2015, 12:40 PM
There was a time when Fluckit had a homepage, a news section, and a few other features. We were premiering box art for the games before even sites like IGN, doing giveaways endorsed by EA and all kinds of cool stuff.

At the time it really made sense to keep the site looking nice but it is pretty slow now. If traffic increases or Skate 4 is announced (which doesn't seem likely) or a promising skateboarding game, we'll adjust for that. We've been here since 2006 and won't be leaving anytime soon and we'll adapt as things happen.

I am still on here more than prople may realize, I just usually lurk. There are a few things we'll be looking into soon like the avatar issues and some people's comments posting twice. :)

I sure hope backwards compatibility brings some new people in.

06-24-2015, 12:49 PM
From tge looks of it s3 is going to make the bc cut on the xbone. But I still wonder about online play and dlc. Either way I doubt it will bring many new peeps here. I'm keeping my 360 (aka my skate box) but I will probably buy another copy and a xbone anyways

06-24-2015, 01:43 PM
Thanks for the replies, guys. I do also want to add that I love this site as it is, but this was just an idea if anything pops off in the skate community.

06-24-2015, 02:58 PM
The people here are all that matters but not to say we shouldn't want anything.
There's a lot of talent around so I know we're more than capable of an upgrade.
If you really want new people here it would help but only slightly.
Even if they came for the looks they would stay for our content and feedback.
The looks dont really matter but it could be another way to express our love for the series.

I've run into quite a few realistic skaters on the game lately who don't film at all. If they were to get an Xbox one I could seem them gaining interest in a community like fluckit. So yeah.. Entirely possible new people will find us.

06-24-2015, 04:30 PM
not against any of those idea... but i like the look of the forum.. it remind me of what skateboard is all about, doing your thing no matter how it look has long as you have fun, simple and practical

if we were to changer the banner i want it to be nyjah/big element logo/nike/bam margera jumping grocery cart... you know thing that really matter to skateboarding... :rolleyes:

i have not been here for a long time and i dont post much, but i like the how people respect each other (pretty relative to the fact that were not much) so i dont think a huge change in moderating is needed.. but i may be wrong... but i will accept any change

06-25-2015, 05:32 AM
From tge looks of it s3 is going to make the bc cut on the xbone. But I still wonder about online play and dlc. Either way I doubt it will bring many new peeps here. I'm keeping my 360 (aka my skate box) but I will probably buy another copy and a xbone anyways

The xbone emulates a 360, so as far as the game and live knows you're playing on a 360. Not only will online play work, but you'll be able to play with people who are still on xbox 360.

06-27-2015, 10:44 PM
I feel like Project: Session is going to make this topic relevant again. Just sayin, while I agree we shouldn't exactly "market" or advertise this forum, P:S may bring in a lot of attention and it might be important to tighten up moderation as Mr. Muhzzy pointed out. Nothing to worry about unless it actually happens, but just something to keep in mind.

06-27-2015, 11:08 PM
I feel like Project: Session is going to make this topic relevant again. Just sayin, while I agree we shouldn't exactly "market" or advertise this forum, P:S may bring in a lot of attention and it might be important to tighten up moderation as Mr. Muhzzy pointed out. Nothing to worry about unless it actually happens, but just something to keep in mind.

mos definitely gonna happen lol. Once that kickstarter goes. Fuck

06-28-2015, 01:42 AM
I would be down for anything that involves working on making the forum a tighter unit. Active moderators are not important now, but when it is a case of clicking a couple of buttons, it doesn't make sense to me to not think about doing that.

New graphics would be nice, at the very least get rid of the Vbulletin part and have a simple Fluckit logo there or something. As for colours and layouts I quite like what it is now.

I would like it if we could upgrade any of the thread tools, there are loads of things on other forums but I dont know if its just a case of activation them or something so I don't know if that is possible. I especially would like a "Spoilers" tool to create hidden text that people can expand, would really neaten up certain threads, like the P:S ideas thread.

As for new memebers, I am actually all for it.
If we got cool new members than that goes without saying that it is a good then, if we get n00bs and griefers, then we can either ignore them, suggest how they might improve their behavior, or the new Moderator teams could temp or perma ban them.

06-28-2015, 03:05 AM
But you guys don't think that the mods will show up in here more often again if we get a new skate game?

06-28-2015, 10:25 AM
But you guys don't think that the mods will show up in here more often again if we get a new skate game?

Well, if I recall correctly some of the less active ones are less active because of real life getting in the way. I could be wrong, though.

06-28-2015, 11:19 AM
Well, if I recall correctly some of the less active ones are less active because of real life getting in the way. I could be wrong, though.

Yeah right. Im sure though if this is happening we see everybody and his mother on this site again.
look how many people that one clip brought back in here already...

06-28-2015, 12:18 PM
No telling with old heads. People pop in and out regardless and this idea will likely entice the mass majority when it's really fleshed out with more to see. I can foresee new members over time for sure though.

06-28-2015, 01:10 PM
the Mods and Admins here do a good job, when they are around..... Ive been trying to get a buddy on Fluckit but he can't post to the IntroThread and no Mods have helped us out yet (about a month now)
so when they are here, THEY ARE GREAT!

older, wise, patient, non judging... they do good, when they here (I understand though, shit gets busy)

fuck the graphics, that's not what Fluckit was for... you dug Graphics and Pretty looking shit, that's what we had LB for (which I do miss)..... I like the looks just fine too
and the VBulletin logo don't bother me, it actually reminds me of Fluckit and its a comfy feeling

I also agree with Jebo, if this Game strikes... I don't think the mods will be as MIA as they are now (meaning I doubt we need to add more, but I could be mad wrong there)
still exciting times though

06-28-2015, 10:00 PM
I still think there is nothing bad that can come of the things I mentioned.

Like I wouldnt be suggesting removing any olds Mod's, just maybe add a couple extras that are regulars here and now.

06-28-2015, 10:15 PM
Like I said, when the time comes, it'll happen.

I'm setting up a forum for P: S right now.

06-28-2015, 10:19 PM
Thats cool Stokenstein, Forgive me for n00bing right now but, I assume you are a Mod? How many mods do we have?

06-28-2015, 10:50 PM
Myself and Debaser created Fluckit back in 2006. Debaser is very inactive on the forums, but he actually keeps the site up still. I handle most of the forum admin stuff and used to do all the giveaways, updates, and shit like that when we had a homepage. I also was moderating the official forums with a handful of other people who were regulars here.

This place used to POP OFF, like thousands and thousands and thousands of active users. The way it is now is nothing and it's a piece of cake to handle when it comes to moderating. If it ever gets to the point where a bunch of noobs are posting repetitive threads, fighting, and doing non sense, then I'll hit up the current moderators and see who's in and who's out and then get people to replace them if we need to. Like I said though, at this point it really doesn't make much sense to like put a ton of time into things.

If Project Session brings the numbers, then we'll probably see an increase in users, but even then it'd be best to wait and see what's up.

Right now I am currently making the new Project Session forum and troubleshooting some of the long time issues like avatars disappearing, new registered users getting banned/not being able to post, and these double replies that keep happening. I'm probably going to make a post soon to get some more feedback on issues that may be happening.

We've got it under control and anyone who's been around for the long haul can tell you that we've been here since Day 1 and a hundred other sites that tried super super hard have come and gone.

So yeah, if you or anybody else needs anything, just hit me up or one of the other Admins if you can find one.

06-28-2015, 10:54 PM
That's super refreshing to hear all the troubleshooting taking place, wanted an avvy for time! Hahaha

I never wanted to imply that you guys weren't handling business around here, Just didn't think it would hurt to have more, but you are much more experianced and I trust you judgement.

One last question, how do you feel about re-logo'ing the forum? I know it is trivial but its one of the things that niggle at me. Just wondering your thoughts?

06-28-2015, 11:23 PM
We'll see! I'd totally dig a fresh look, but it definitely isn't a priority or anything. At the very least I'm sure we could put a banner up on the forum and make the colors match or something.

06-28-2015, 11:32 PM
I will knock up a quickie when I get home, just to get some feedback about what people like and don't like.

06-29-2015, 07:34 AM
I log in. Delete some doubles. Log out. Keep lurking...
Not surprisingly our little family runs just fine without the gestapo standing over everyone.
Surprisingly I don't get any admin and mod questions or pm..

Changing the header is like graphics on your grip tape...
Really cool for about a week....
Month later you'll want something better...

Xbone BC....
if the downloadable content...aka..the camera we use to film...aka the filmer pack is not available there isn't a hole lot we can do other than play online again....
Filmed pack or bust.