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View Full Version : Brand new tunes by Wiltz

07-08-2015, 06:21 AM
Ahoy folks !

Oh man it's been a while. Always pleasure to be back here !

Well, straight to the point; As some of you might already know i'm studying interactive media and graphic design in uni at the moment and spend part of my time as a "producer"
making mellow sounds and groovy tunes (which all makes no sense at all).
Yesterday, I finally released my first actual collection of tracks to be called an album. It's a 15 track mixture of old school triphop with funk, nu jazz and world music vibes.

AND THE BEST THING: It's entirely free to download and listen. I know this is an ugly form of self promotion but there's a chance of you to like it.
Here's a youtube playlist including all the tracks. And below is the link to download the full album all for free !

Hope you enjoy !





In case you have soundcloud account, add me ! I'm always down to listen tuneproductive fluckers !

07-08-2015, 06:24 AM
Going to listen through the whole thing tonight dude! Drop in your info into the "ways fluckit can help crea-ture" thread... That way crea-ture can see your stuff and if they ever need extra music... Well you never know!

07-08-2015, 08:31 AM
love wiltz stuff

07-08-2015, 11:31 AM
Real dope sound, are these samples? I am guessing...no.

Whats your technique?

07-08-2015, 12:56 PM
love wiltz stuff

really though.

liked this A Lot. keep up your work man. Jack of all trades thats for sure! definitely going places. stay workin hard

07-08-2015, 02:58 PM
Thanks guys !

In these tracks there's lot of samples but I would say they're still 95% original. I've spent lot of time creating my own instruments and drumsets to create totally unique soundscape.
I play guitars, bass' (most of em), keys, percussions and melodicas all by myself. Analog sounds gives electronic music organic sound and makes it sound less electronic. That's what I aim on.
I have also spent quite a time digging on crates and collecting samples. None of my songs that include samples has only one single sample. I like to combine different samples to find new ideas.
First one to name one of the samples I used gets 10 points !

I have a quite random and slightly unpractical way of producing; I mainly produce on iPad using xewton studio and FL studio mobile, but also use cubase on my computer in some recording cases.
Ipad producing makes things kinda easier and more creative as you have fewer options and tools. It also makes recording much easier and faster if you have a quite nice condenser mic made only for iPad purposes.
Ipad + the microphone also takes very little space and is easy to carry around in places. So it basically makes it possible to me to spend every spare minute on messing around with tunes.
And as you learn to produce with little amount of tools, the every other software makes you feel like a kid in the candystore.

It also has its cons. Exporting and importing samples from computer is slow and dumb as you have to move them back and forth using synchronized folder between iPad and computer. Ipads performance is also
weaker than normal computers which means I have to be extra careful not to crash the software all the time and damage the files. It might sound pain in the ass but you get used to it very quickly.
Maybe the biggest minus is that you can't get your synths or guitars plucked in to the pad to record straight in line. Well, yeah you can plug you're guitar in with the rig but producing softwares won't deal with it.

So I usually record my synths and electric guitars with condenser mic through the amp and acoustic guitars straight to the mic. I also recently bought a Steinberg UR22 audio interface to record straight in line. It gives you
clearer sound and more possibilities to mess around with post effects and stuff but some projects just need rough micked sound.

Thanks again boys ! Veeery glad you liked it !

07-08-2015, 03:05 PM
ALSO HEY ! Don't forget to subscribe this channel if you liked my tunes ! I have various different musical projects going on and that's the channel to see them !

07-08-2015, 04:37 PM
Wiltz! I missed seeing your username around here, glad to see you're still doing stuff, killer jams.

07-08-2015, 05:01 PM
i like those wiltz. i subbed.

07-08-2015, 06:35 PM
Love hearing about your ideas and process Wiltz.
I very much like the idea of making things while not at home.
Recognize the sample but it's somewhere deep in my brain. Cannot remember! Haha.

07-08-2015, 10:56 PM
Thats awesome Wiltz, I would love to use more of my own instruments in my work, but I dont have any space for setting up mics and whatnot :(

Also, did you want to be linked in the "Ways Fluckit can help Crea-ture" post? If you do just say the word and I will add you in.

07-09-2015, 04:24 PM
Thats awesome Wiltz, I would love to use more of my own instruments in my work, but I dont have any space for setting up mics and whatnot :(

Also, did you want to be linked in the "Ways Fluckit can help Crea-ture" post? If you do just say the word and I will add you in.

Yeah man sorry I totally missed that ! It would be awesome if you could do that !