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View Full Version : New Album by Tame Impala

07-19-2015, 08:05 PM
New album, Currents! Pretty dope! Check it out on Spotify. (https://play.spotify.com/album/79dL7FLiJFOO0EoehUHQBv?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open)

As unconventional as it may sound -- this little internet community has had multiple influences on my real life tastes. One of those being my discovery of Tame Impala in like 2011. Back then, I saw a lot of peeps using the band in their fake skate videos. I loved their sound, and started listening to Tame Impala a lot outside of this forum.


Lonerism is considerably a genre classic, as it delivers stunning psychedelic rock. But on their new album, Currents, there was a sweeping change. A lot more synthesizers were incorporated, and it sounds more like an electronic/dance record. I liked the change, but some rock heads might disapprove because of the lack of guitars. Although I like a good chord progression on a Yamaha keyboard, I'm hoping that Tame Impala returns to a more rock sound soon.

Here's their single:


07-19-2015, 09:23 PM
I'm in the same boat as you, Marco. I never heard of Tame Impala until seeing a fakeskate video using it. This community, though not entirely, has had an effect on my music tastes.

This sounds nice. Certainly different, but a nice little departure from the earlier works. I'm looking forward to hearing more of this album in the future.

07-19-2015, 10:19 PM
Impala are a great band, like you i listen to other music besides my main sound and over the years i find the sounds come and go. Some times change is a good thing, but for me I have never had good experience with change.

Keep a hold of the old sound, you might not hear it again for another 10 years.

Btw was it my fake vid. (Plug) :)


07-20-2015, 01:43 PM
I've never seen that, but that was cool. That UG line was dooope.

07-20-2015, 03:15 PM
I am so dissapointed in this album.. the good songs on it were the first 4 songs he put out before the main album release..
But I too discovered them watching fakeskate vids like you guys, and there are more bands I discovered watching fakeskate vids ^^

07-25-2015, 08:11 AM
massive tame impala fan from innerspeaker to now. even have some of their post tame impala stuff although not much. i personally loved this new album. even though i miss stuff like alter ego off of innerspeaker and enders toi off of lonerism i cant stop but appreciate the progression. theyre trying new things and it works for them. they did screw up by releasing most of the really good songs as singles but there are still some good songs on the album(love/paranoia, the moment, nangs, new person same old mistakes).
i honestly cant wait to see where parker takes them next. crossing for an psychedelic jazz album. been listening to a lot off BBNG lately and imaging kevin doing vocals. would be sick.

07-30-2015, 07:26 AM
Okay after listening it a couple more times and on my good headphones I must say, there are some fucking wicked basslines in some of the songs, like in the less i know the better and the moment. I gotta admit, this did turn out to be a decent record. most of the songs are pretty good, especially when you've smoked a little somethingsomething