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08-05-2015, 12:25 PM

new beat making program...
i dont know everything yet so ease up a bit...

i did render correctly....

skate 3 is hard....

all comments welcomed as usual...


08-05-2015, 12:41 PM
slick is this a Reason Jammer?

after playing OG for a grip I noticed that s3 has this Ground Friction shit going on, its wild (but I did have update off too)
Sw 360 Tweak was rad

no clue how Im not subbed to you, when YT made changes I had to re sub everyone, guess I missed you... whoops

08-05-2015, 12:41 PM
Great stuff Demz, the feebles and walrides really stood out for me, sick

08-05-2015, 12:49 PM

some linux program...
i dont like it..
but its layout is as dead easy as they come...
my reason 2 key is no longer accepted...
emials and phone calls later they basically said...buy new shit you ass hole....
for now..

thanks man...
its wild..
sometimes i wish i had the time to really fuck around with hard shit...
then when i do play i forget about session markers and cruise...
i think im maybe 70% done with the city...
still got cap left hahah

08-05-2015, 01:31 PM
loved all this slomo stuff too...but you get me most with all these fresh lines in the beginning. parkade one was deluxest!!! great stuff!

08-05-2015, 02:06 PM

thanks man...
its wild..
sometimes i wish i had the time to really fuck around with hard shit...
then when i do play i forget about session markers and cruise...
i think im maybe 70% done with the city...
still got cap left hahah

We're the exact opposite in that respect. I'm always setting the markers and going for usually a single tech trick in a robotic fashion. I wish I could get into the flowing, stylish attention to detail kinda cruising you are always up to.

08-05-2015, 03:20 PM
loved the beat. loved the movements and body flair. over the bush/tree/shrubbery was prolly my favorite clip but there was no filler at all. the small wallride down the ledge wall on the bank was buttery-ass smooth, too.

08-05-2015, 10:55 PM
this part was so demz it hurt

pairsprowlin 666
08-06-2015, 12:09 AM

Alll i have to say!!

08-06-2015, 06:07 AM

thanks man..
the way the city is set up lines seem to fall into the same shit all the time.
like 2 and 3 all the best shit is between major areas...
i just have to tell myself to turn around...
stop going straight....
helps me cruise...
only problem is 17 sec timelines hahah...

i do that when something really fucking hard is close to reality...
more often then not if something is possible i will make the game do it within the hour.
if i only get a few tries but no landing animations then that trick is set aside for another day...
small list..
i just never have 5 hours at a time to really dig and get pissed off...
because thats what happens hahah...

i can get over that bush and onto the skinny without the suction but i fly way over it...
like unrealistically fucking fly over it...
sometimes the scars look good...

beats are all terrible....
lmms is not fun...


thats a nice eflixx way of saying....
"the editing was bad, the music was bad but he did 3 tricks i enjoyed"
i appreciate you

not a wiz fan but...
that fucking 96 caprice in the video is gorgeous....

08-06-2015, 06:31 AM
this was heavy.

sw feebs on loki.

Bs Flip into the wallie was like wuuttttt.....o.O crazy

08-06-2015, 07:38 AM
hahaha close , but not quite. your an artist, and your whole package screams your style. noone does this better. one sec of this and its instantly recognizeable. beatz was harsh but fit you purrfuckt. much love man.

08-06-2015, 08:54 AM
kickflip salad bigspin out at 0:45 was hella clean
whole parkade rooftop line around 2:00 was fuckin A
that little wallie animation at 2:39 was golden too
wild edit, love it.

08-06-2015, 11:56 AM
The little tweaks you do in your grinds before you pop out are so dope.
Board drop before the big spin out of the salad...
Little crouch before the back nollie heel out of the crooks...

Also. Switch wallie line. And your damn landing animations. Each one seems so controlled. Loved it man.

Edit: Especially enjoyed the back half of the beat. Killer.

08-06-2015, 12:45 PM
Fluck it man. Beats are what you make of them.
That shits deep like a shovel. I dig it.

pairsprowlin 666
08-06-2015, 03:34 PM
yeah I am not a fan of him mainly posted that cause WE DEM BOYS!

08-06-2015, 03:47 PM
bohemian said it best..you're one of the few people whose style is instantly distinguishable from the rest. so much animation craziness going on in here. bsflip wallride on that little bank ledge was gnarly. loved the beat too, hihats were on point and by the end it reminded of dan deacon a little bit. all in all, dope part homie

08-07-2015, 10:15 AM

thank homie...
i did that back flip to wallride a long time ago but it didnt feel right...
this round i just said fuck it...
it would look sick as fuck in real life though...


yeah but im fairly certain my presentation is terrible....
theres always something funky happening...
for example..
why didnt i just edit all the clips together into one part...
i dont know...
im an idiot...


wild edit or drunk edit completely sober in the middle of the afternoon.
honestly i should probably apologize for the edit...
sometimes i hit hard..
sometimes i swing and miss...
those little blocks in the parkade are fun....
have to go too slow most times though...

seksul chocolate...

THANK YOU X1000...
literally the words that make my day every time i show footage...
you get it..
you get me...
you see it..
you appreciate it..
you understand it...
it is truely a blessing...
think about crab claw(index and middle on face buttons instead of triggers)
think abotu the drop off buttons and how fast some tricks work.
then you have my ass gently letting go of analogs and baby taps on triggers for knees and shit...
it is a blessing when the little nuances we struggle with are noticed...
thank you...


no backing track..
no texture...
endless amount of mixing and other shit i havnt figured out yet....
a week ago i said to myself "fuck it just beat box everything and then edit that"
which would have been epic but...
maybe next time hahahah...


all good homie...
him and drake sound like the teacher from peanuts...
i think my brain just refuses to comprehend them...


thanks homie...
indistinguishable like a fart...
or a c section....

fucking deacon party music piece of shit.
meet homie enough for music interests to mingle.
days later hes asking for melodies and samples from my youtube shit..
i said no and he got pissy...
you will not catch me giving away my shit so you can travel the world and make money off of it...

i need to get some vst plugins or something so i dont make that resemblance again...
no disrespect to him...
but fuck that noise...

08-10-2015, 06:06 AM
A line with a wallie and a bs kf into a Wallride? Wow.

Also, that fs 360 was hot sauce! .

08-16-2015, 10:06 AM
jack took the words out of my mouth.
that line.
fancy nancy.

thank you for much motivation to boot up.
now only if i could find my S3 copy.

08-16-2015, 11:57 AM

Alll i have to say!!

That opening shot though.......I can only imagine how difficult it was to get that 3 minutes of cutless footage.

08-16-2015, 06:05 PM
My girl heard this coming from my tablet and said "what is that it's awful" I need a new one I think

08-17-2015, 06:34 AM
me and my brother shot a music video a month or two ago...
60 people..
one 7min long shot...
gypsy village party....
in the dark...
in the woods...
crazy difficult but was so fun...

dont work with horses unless you are completely ready to film...
they get all pissy after 10 mins of standing around....

08-17-2015, 09:51 PM

08-18-2015, 08:13 AM
was not a porno...

this is the last video we did for them...
won something at sxsw last year...


08-18-2015, 08:14 AM
tonight is the "best of" for the baltimore 48hr film festival...
last year we won best artistic direction, best music, best costumes and best over all 1st place...
it was dope...

this years teaser trailer....


08-18-2015, 08:15 AM
48hour is dope...
character name / job..
sentence to be used in movie...
then you draw what genre you get...

the film we won last year with...

frieda / beautician
lolly pop
"does this look right to you?"


08-18-2015, 11:52 AM
so many demz styles.
I like this video

08-18-2015, 11:02 PM
That opening shot though.......I can only imagine how difficult it was to get that 3 minutes of cutless footage.

A stabilizer and vest and a good hype man. What's amazing is the exposure control.


08-19-2015, 05:51 AM
hahah that behind the scenes was dope...

my brother drives the camera and i normally assist..
so during our music video i was that hype man yelling at everyone...

dannny start the fire!
cue horses ready in 30sec....
bryan start climbing the tree...

it was kind of crazy because it was at night so we had a 360 degree light source that hung above the camera.
because my brother decided to go between trees and up and over and under shit i had to fallow behind him the entire time like a carrot on a string...
was hilarious...

cigarette in mouth..
walkie talkie pulling my pants down..
beats pill in my back pocket so music went with us...
stop watch on my phone taped to my shirt for timing...

i usually do sound when we film......

08-19-2015, 06:54 AM
Would be interested to see that when possible, love the animal haircutting one, right up my street!

Hype men make all the difference to videos imo, may seem funny but the end result is worth it.

08-19-2015, 07:50 AM
the band is currently on tour.
we have 2 edits of it but we are waiting for approval.
they were in town last weekend and loved what we have so far.
brother just has to finish all the color correcting...

me and my brother fiance switch back and forth from production management and sound design...
sometimes i have to get real people to make real music so i cant be everywhere...
sometimes she has to wrangle animals and stunts/props...

48 from a few years ago...
its fucking sad...
