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View Full Version : Until Further Notice

09-08-2015, 11:28 AM
This is not my finished product. I still have all my "raw" clips from this, and these are not necessarily in order. (For example, the slow mo rick flip down the huge set was supposed to be my ender) Movie maker is shit and was hard to work with so this is only somewhat thrown together. Next time I think Ill use Sony Vegas or something. If anyone is nice enough to sit through this 8 minute video and wants to give any advice (besides re ordering clips better, and quality) Im happy to hear it.


09-08-2015, 03:06 PM
Gave this a chance earlier..
Wasn't terrible, not used to the filming style though.
If you want to continue filming far off maybe try zooming in.
This would also mean keeping the skater centered on the screen though.
It was different, that I can respect.
It may seem like we're trying to push things on new guys but it's for the best really.
We want to see everything that's going on.
I'm sure you want us to see it too!
On the flip side, filming seemed pretty steady.
Just get closer and try new angles.
Some days I fight with filming.. It can be tough.
Worth it though.
Once I was past the learning curve I started telling myself that a good trick wasn't worth seeing unless I filmed it properly.
So long as we can clearly see what's happening the rest is free range.
Keep at it.

09-08-2015, 09:41 PM
I fucking hate that song with a passion, well the first verse anyway. I agree with Antwan, you gotta work the filming man.
Also was choppiness an added effect or a result of recording equipment?

09-14-2015, 03:20 PM
where da h00d @