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a red bicycle
05-11-2009, 12:16 PM

i basically posted this on my teams forums and the ea forums, so i might as well post it here....
im the tall long brown haired kid in the second clip, im Victor:D watch in high quality and tell me what you think

05-11-2009, 01:08 PM
you know the feeling.?
you get bored..
go out skating..
you try an ollie down the 14 step outside..
you fall and bust youself open..
and cry..

nice skating guys..

then the next day..
you try again..
and land the damn thing..
after paying the hospital bill..

05-11-2009, 03:54 PM
great watch man; good to see some kids getting the feel and having fun: i used to build them grass landings all the time off launch ramps; pretty fun to know ur not gonna eat total shit on the concrete; at least the earth itself gives........a little hehe

06-02-2009, 04:02 AM
i dont mean to be a dick
i just am :/
i dont like the no level in ollies and the donkey kicks
or the heel touches..

sorry :/

but other that that i enjoyed it
its funny youre better than my friend and hes been skating for three years

then again ive only been skating for ten months..

a red bicycle
06-02-2009, 05:36 PM
ah first of all, thank you mad and monk, never thanked you when i first posted

and mksp-i don't think i ever touched my heels, but yeah i did have like one bad ollie and my tres look like flucking sh!t, haha, thanks though, always like a little criticism

06-03-2009, 02:06 AM
oh no not you
it was the kid with the varials
idk if that was you or not.. idk
anyway, im glad to see that skating keeps going through the generations. damn. how old are you and you can tre?
i think thats pretty dope
keep it goin

06-03-2009, 02:09 AM
circle takes the square... haven't heard that shit since 06! Brought back some memories. i must say... I liked it. nothing special or amazing but it was... what's the word... honest? true? it had fucking heart. spirit. it seemed like it captured the moments of overcoming obstacles more than anything... idk i'm also drunk... do it some more!

a red bicycle
06-03-2009, 12:08 PM
haha, your awesome casey and thanks, thats what skatin basically is to me cuz nothing happens first try...idk i guess i suck lol.

and mksp, that was my friend then, he started a little before we first started filming and im 16