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View Full Version : New LP by Wiltz (Triphop/Downtempo/Hip Hop)

12-13-2016, 01:26 PM
Ahoy !

Many of you already know that I mess with tunes. Alot. Besides all the other projects and bands I produce tunes under alias 'the Villain'. Aaand today I released my third full length release called 'Keeper'. Wanted to share it here in case here's some triphop-heads. Chill tunes, groovy tunes, deep tunes. Instrumental chill combined with old school hiphop vibes. Super easy to listen. It's also downloadable and streamable all for free. Link below. Cheers !


Also, if there's other audioproductive fluckers with soundcloud let me know and i'll hit you up.


12-18-2016, 06:58 AM
the nitty gritty

12-31-2016, 08:53 AM
this is so good wiltz. hyped to check the full thing when i get home.

01-04-2017, 09:51 PM
Wow, this is nice. This is actually right up my alley. Real sick, Wiltz.

I have a Soundcloud channel (https://soundcloud.com/troy-hodge), but I haven't done a lot of music lately.