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HCH Media
03-15-2017, 07:27 AM

03-15-2017, 08:20 AM

I'm in class so I couldn't actually listen to what was being said. However, this does look promising. I'm a huge fan of the app "Skater," (IMO they handle rotation and grinding way better than True Skate) and I was wondering why these companies making mobile skate titles hadn't tried something on a larger scale. I commend them for being the ones to actually go for it, but who knows what we're actually going to end up with. I will say this, the current world they have does look very nice, but right now it seems WestEnd is further along on the development of his own game in terms of actual tricks.

Which reminds me, WestEnd, if you read this, please don't let this deter you from making your game. More than one option is always a good thing, and i have a feeling that an indie title made with the fake-skate communities best interest in mind will be a far better game than what could possibly be an attempt to make some quick cash off the 12 year olds who just want skate 4. just my two cents.

reminder: I haven't actually listened to the video. If anything super important was said please let me know.

edit: I watched again with the captions on. I didn't miss anything important, but it did confirm the option to use your touchscreen to play the game, which is a gimmick and a half. Anyone trying to actually skateboard in the game would not benefit from this at all

03-15-2017, 08:48 AM
thats whats up

03-15-2017, 12:10 PM
Video is private... True skate is amazing.. the physics are very realistic.. best mobile skate game out there.. I'd love to play this on console with a controller

03-15-2017, 01:51 PM
Video is private... True skate is amazing.. the physics are very realistic.. best mobile skate game out there.. I'd love to play this on console with a controller

yeah not totally sure why they took the video down/made it private. maybe due to the fact that the kickstarter doesn't actually exist yet. same with the feedback email they posted, it comes back as non-existent. weird. IMO Skater is the better mobile app anyway :D

03-15-2017, 10:18 PM
I like both TS and Skater.. both have their strengths.. TS had the best physics.. skaters grinding was kinda off.. grinds don't really lock in some times.. skaters levels are far better then TS.. loved both games but it's hard to play long with touch screen. My fingers get wore out... Touch Grind 2 sucked.. physics were shit and arcade

HCH Media
03-16-2017, 05:59 AM
the kickstarter webside was not ready the trailer should be up again in a week or so... toomany people complaned that there is no kickstarter for the game so there was no point in having the video up right now ...

03-16-2017, 07:15 AM
the kickstarter webside was not ready the trailer should be up again in a week or so... toomany people complaned that there is no kickstarter for the game so there was no point in having the video up right now ...

That's stupid. I saw it with no audio and I want to know what they are saying

03-16-2017, 10:56 AM
most of their talking was just selling points though, nothing interesting. A full minute is taken up of the developer stating that everything is "in 4K" and then Koston marvels at how amazing it is seeing the light reflect off the granite. Then at the very end the dev is telling koston that he could bring his phone to his friends house and throw it up on the tv and use it as a controller, or use a regular controller, but i have no idea how that will work. Alll they said was "wifi." I'm not sold on this yet. Not until I see way more of the game. If it's mobile only, they're fucking idiots.

HCH Media
03-16-2017, 12:47 PM
i think someone sayd we need kickstarter to get this game bigger and put it on all platforms .. but i only saw it 2 times :-/ but i bet its soon up again inc kickstarter link

03-16-2017, 04:57 PM
If it has controller support I'd be down. It looks cool enough

03-16-2017, 06:15 PM
They need to make more realistic street spots like skater had.. that wld be cool

HCH Media
03-17-2017, 04:12 AM
They need to make more realistic street spots like skater had.. that wld be cool
MACBA is the only spot they have right now , so yea spots outside of america count as real too i guess

03-17-2017, 03:32 PM
MACBA is the only spot they have right now , so yea spots outside of america count as real too i guess

Skater has MACBA too

03-19-2017, 10:13 PM
Looks cool.
But then it's not the first time we have good looking games only to turn out trash.
(Ubisoft downgrades video on youtube owns that crown)

Project Missing...?

And who can forget this.. :rolleyes:


03-20-2017, 02:31 AM
The $1,000-$10,000 Packages With No Shame lol, oh boy.
There's just one problem with this practice, It isn't funded which means if the funding falls out, people didn't buy in.
Basically if no one pre-orders it doesn't get made.
How Many People Really Pre-Order Things and why Start on PC Releases when the Skate Fan Base is on Consoles?
I can appreciate the effort but I just think the goal was too soon and the hype too small.
They Now Need $496,244 in 26 Days.
I'm just sad to see this Cycle Repeating for these potential games.

HCH Media
03-20-2017, 03:14 AM
The $1,000-$10,000 Packages With No Shame lol, oh boy.
There's just one problem with this practice, It isn't funded which means if the funding falls out, people didn't buy in.
Basically if no one pre-orders it doesn't get made.
How Many People Really Pre-Order Things and why Start on PC Releases when the Skate Fan Base is on Consoles?
I can appreciate the effort but I just think the goal was too soon and the hype too small.
They Now Need $496,244 in 26 Days.
I'm just sad to see this Cycle Repeating for these potential games.

i have a huge problem with kickstarter because i dont go around and tell people hey buy me a new capcard so i can make new videos for you guys .. specialy when a multimillion dollar company makes that video BERRICS and steve or eric have enough money to back this on there own , but they dont ! so why would i with my small wallet ... i always end up saying berrics GFY and i dont get why people support this shit ass cash grab machine

03-20-2017, 03:21 AM
i have a huge problem with kickstarter because i dont go around and tell people hey buy me a new capcard so i can make new videos for you guys .. specialy when a multimillion dollar company makes that video BERRICS and steve or eric have enough money to back this on there own , but they dont ! so why would i with my small wallet ... i always end up saying berrics GFY and i dont get why people support this shit ass cash grab machine

true that.

the goal they put up is pretty outrageous.

03-20-2017, 08:07 AM
especially considering WestEnd already has a product that would definitely rival (and probably be better than) BigScreen and i didn't seem him asking for $650,000. in fact he refused donations

04-20-2017, 10:53 AM
Whut up! I think you know a little bit more of the game by now ;)

04-20-2017, 10:57 AM
MACBA is the only spot they have right now , so yea spots outside of america count as real too i guess

Love Park, Berrics, Lake Havasu, Tampa ;)

04-20-2017, 11:19 AM


04-20-2017, 05:14 PM
Dude, something feels familiar..
Is that Westend? :rolleyes: