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View Full Version : New Guy, First Part

03-28-2017, 06:02 PM
Hello, new here (and to realistic)

This is my first attempt at a part, sorry if there are any ABDs or I break any unspoken rules haha.

Would love some feedback, thanks!


03-28-2017, 06:17 PM
This is Sick.
Especially For a First Video.
Good Show Yo.
The Filming was kinda shakey at times but that'll get better with practice.
Welcome In, Keep Killin.

03-29-2017, 07:53 PM
This is Sick.
Especially For a First Video.
Good Show Yo.
The Filming was kinda shakey at times but that'll get better with practice.
Welcome In, Keep Killin.

Thanks man, yeah I know some of the filming was rough. You can kinda tell the earlier clips apart from the more recent ones. Towards the end I think I was getting a better hold on the filming (wallride, slappy smith, 180 nose manual line)

I've got a few more ideas I can't wait to try

03-29-2017, 11:42 PM
good stuff! Wish my first shot at skate vids had been this solid :D
try sticking to the advanced free cam more. personaly I think it looks a lot better once you get comfortable with it. I'm not really a fan of follow cams.
Keep it up!

03-30-2017, 02:29 AM
this was great for a first video! keep at it and the filming will improve!
as mcbambi said try to avoid the tripod cam. but other than that this video was pretty nice.

03-30-2017, 09:57 AM
Like everyone has said before, this is a nice video for a first go.

Just work on moving the camera smoother; people can get distracted when it bounces in and out (your line at :54 is a perfect example); easy way to solve that is just taking out keyframes that don't fit. Also, if you did use Tripod Cam, don't. Advanced Free Cam all the way; it gives you a lot more freedom on how you want to mold your shot and your overall video.

Again, not a bad video, especially for a first go. Bonus points for using music from Cairo Foster's part in The Reason.

(Oh, and please do not apologize. At this point in this game's lifespan, where practically everyone is using cap cards to make videos, no one is really concerned about what tricks are ABD or not. It's pretty petty at this point. Just do what you want, do what you feel.)

03-30-2017, 04:05 PM
@McBambi and durden Thanks guys, I'll admit I used tripod at a few parts (when I was first starting) and knew they were bad (that no comply manual makes me cringe haha) and kept them to fill out the part.

@Amphan Thanks for the tips, I bet you're right about the keyframes, I'll try that out. Also hyped that someone caught the ode to Cairo. Really sparked me for a few of those clips and I always liked that song.

Really stoked to hear back from you guys on this stuff, hopefully I'll have another part soon!

03-30-2017, 05:11 PM
You Should Try Using The Advanced Free Cam As A Tripod.
Once You Start Figuring out how to keep The Advanced Free Cam Steady, it can do just about anything you throw at it.

03-31-2017, 02:56 AM
switch bs smith absolutely dope