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View Full Version : Roc Vs. Bullet Vol 1 "Renegades"

06-08-2009, 05:03 PM
A triple threat production...

This started last week when me an bullet dared each other to make solos by the end of the week. that turned into the collabo...then i got some insider info about an embers/piktro collabo so we up'd the ante...

Enjoy the fuck out of it. If it's still processing, its no my fault, just wait.

http://www.wegame.com/watch/Triple_Threat_Presents_Bullet_v_Roc_Vol_1_Renegade s/

06-08-2009, 05:14 PM
Sick man. Intro was hilarious. Stop sleeping with pedestrians.

06-08-2009, 05:42 PM
reaall nice watch. despite wegame.

late shuv outta the board behind slappys..yellow rail..looked Sick.
parkade flip in hurricane to bank...
shuv north footplant line downtown was well done...
nose slide to back crooks was very nnice..

idk who was who..did i miss an intro?

Embers BLS
06-08-2009, 06:14 PM

06-08-2009, 06:39 PM
reaall nice watch. despite wegame.

late shuv outta the board behind slappys..yellow rail..looked Sick.
parkade flip in hurricane to bank...
shuv north footplant line downtown was well done...
nose slide to back crooks was very nnice..

idk who was who..did i miss an intro?

kinda sorta...there was an intro at the beginning then it was bullet skating during Jay-z's verses and me skatings during em's

06-08-2009, 07:01 PM
:42 stylish...

3:29 a very clean switch up :)

4:03 nice little sequence, loved the tail tap :)

4:07 wall plant!!! puts it in a line too ;)

4:41 that was one raunchy ass nollie heel shifty, lots of animation...

4:52 nice tech no comply trickery

4:54 had to rewatch it a couple times to see what the hell you did, very nice :)

5:11 another beautiful switch up...

5:18 to 5:56 amazing

Overall, great vid, lots of creativity, flow and tech. I like it :)

06-08-2009, 07:02 PM
yea excuse the black screen at the end...vegas fought me all the way through the editing process.

06-08-2009, 07:48 PM
intro was so sweet
1:11 omg bullet kf shifty looked amazing!
1:37 line was great
2:05 run/180 caveman was nice
2:44 fakie 270 tail was smoooooooth
3:36 kf hurricane looked great down the bank
yay footplants!
4:30 fakie 270 board looked awesome
4:44 blunt kf out was so tight
4:58 salad crook switchup was sweet
ender was killer

06-08-2009, 08:33 PM
That was insane. I like how you guys combined your very different styles. I liked roc's back tail 3flip and bullet's bs180 nosegrind at the heroin gap. Bullet, you got those combo grinds really nice; that fs shuv noseslide to crooks is so sick.

06-09-2009, 12:49 AM
soooo siickk..
really loved the skating..
the manny 360 shuv kick to the wall was siickk..

really nice edit..
f-- loved the edit..

06-09-2009, 04:48 AM
Omg.... I'm going crazy at the banger.. the whole video is nuts... i hurt after watching that.

That whole last line was just NUTS!!!!!!!!!

06-09-2009, 07:09 AM
:54 ARGHAHahaah speed

:59 muuuuchhhhh better.

1:12 !

3:18 nice spot. gonna hit that up.

4:40-5:00 hot

dirty ender.

overall sick skating from both of you. id like to see more vids like that. weekies. weeky faceoffs?

06-09-2009, 07:45 AM
shit! that noseslide to crocks is THE BEST THING DONE IN THE GAME!

06-09-2009, 07:54 AM
Glad to be a part of this. Thanks Roc, very flattered you chose me to do this with.

Nice work on the edit, I didn't even catch at first that I skated during Jay-z and you skated during eminem, nice touch. You're stuff was sick too by the way. Front crook to hurricane was pretty insane! Hope we can do more of these.

Bullet *hearts* TT

Oh, and Thanks for the positive feedback!

06-09-2009, 08:02 AM
I'm down, you edit the next one, pm me a deadline, i almost have another part filmed anyways

06-09-2009, 08:21 AM
shit! that noseslide to crocks is THE BEST THING DONE IN THE GAME!

I second that sooo effin clean....... just love the whole video..... we need more VS videos

06-09-2009, 11:57 AM
who nabbed that ender....?

06-09-2009, 12:10 PM
bullet, he got the tail to salad earlier in too.

06-09-2009, 12:55 PM
3:22 sick, cool spot
3:27 pretty sick double grind.. I havent really even tried those yet but I bet they're pretty difficult since they arent overused
3:35 really smooth
4.07 nice one, that really looked like a footplant
5:12 woooot

Gotta say that bullet always does great job with filming.. Cool vid guys :rolleyes:

06-09-2009, 01:50 PM
you guys both ripped
great watch

06-09-2009, 05:19 PM
holy mackrole, i loved all bullets stuff and filming, roc i like most your stuff but some filming was a lil repetitive.

overall good work from both guys

who won?

me of course lolz

06-09-2009, 09:31 PM
holy mackrole, i loved all bullets stuff and filming, roc i like most your stuff but some filming was a lil repetitive.

overall good work from both guys

who won?

me of course lolz

how so? I was kind of thinking the same thing, but can't figure out why

06-10-2009, 05:35 AM
Damn, you guys both killed it in this video. First off, I love the song you picked rock, one of my fav's with Em and Jay Z going back and forth... great great great editing using clips for you for Em and Bullet for Jay-Z, very clever.

The skating was really top notch for me.. Roc, I must say I think this is your best skating yet and it shows you have put some time in to expand your arsenal of tricks and set ups... those switch/fakie setups looked really smooth, especially the cam/setup at red rail in CC with the revert b4.. Double grind was awesome, cams were sick everywhere.. Not gonna go trick for trick because I thought everything you did this time was steezy and spot on.. loved it man, cannot wait for next solo

Bullet killed it as uaual as well... your cams are so f***in' crazy and I love them.. Nothing I would ever do myself but you make it look good somehow.. Double grinds were sick.. stair gaps/airs were nasty as usual .. fav part was the 240 out of the red rail at CC when you landed on the Back Wheels coming out of it... so stylish and NASTY...

Guys, this killed, going to watch again and REFILM some of my sh***t... damn

06-10-2009, 06:22 AM
Gym - you may not need to wait that long for that's solo

06-10-2009, 10:31 AM
woah . . . just hold on. This was just a slap in the face. That stacked benches and then glitched out bench grind at the school got me all hot and bothered, and then noseslide crooks was a little bit intimidating, just stop. I only have two hands.