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View Full Version : Second Nature: All Natural Full Length

Y Fallen Y
06-23-2009, 07:45 PM
Ok so after months of filming, hours of editing, render settings, and copyright infringements, we are done.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQze59ijd0E
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGMsK0j5NdY
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHqbvY2rAtM
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDr0cqTu7Fc (sorry about the weird quality on irwins part)

sorry for no credits, people know who we would like to thanks and shoutout too.


06-23-2009, 09:41 PM
nice video

06-24-2009, 06:17 AM
Sick vid

Irwin killed it :D

06-24-2009, 07:35 AM
been waiting for this one for a looooong time. Had very very high hopes. They were easily met. Not one weak part. WHole thing was good. Just watched it start to finish in one sitting and I wanna go back to the start and watch it all over again.

personal favorite parts, NYC, Munney, and PooPoo. Poopoo's was bleepin insanity.

Clean edits, amazing camera work, not one song i didn't like.

worth the wait.

06-24-2009, 07:42 AM
poopoo's part was amazing. perfectly edited and perfectly done well w/ his song.

06-24-2009, 07:53 AM
PART 1..

gotta post up 4 responses..
1 for each part..
going to watch them over a couple of hours..

intro was pure illness..
soo sick and smooth..
every trick was a banger..

3:32 was soo great looking..
4:40 one word.. "daaaaaiim"
4:54 5-0 stall never looked better..
5:12 "clap clap clap"
ender was soo ill..

5:54 "mmmhhhhhh"..
6:04 "wooooooow"..
6:20 damn.. you rule..
6:58 woot..

7:38 gotta love that rail.. every trick looks soo sick..
7:52 filmed just the way i love it..
7:59 "looking good"..
8:06 innovativety.. or how its spelled..

06-24-2009, 08:25 AM
PART 2..

1:13 "i wish i could do that"..
1:49 damn innovative line.. so ill..
2:00 haha.. looks soo insane..
2:33 "thats one high crooks"..
2:52 my favorite line so far..
the ender made my laugh.. looked kinda funny..

3:46 "peek a boo"
4:29 "MOOOOVE"..!
4:44 as clean as ever..
4:57 "maybe we can use this as a ramp"..?
5:50 like you choose to do it and then keep going down..
ender made me jizz..

6:33 never seen anybody sesh that stairset..
7:05 "we ran out of normal places to grind"..
7:24 "looks taller than it is"..
8:06 "phew.. i almost missed"..
8:22 again.. normal places..
ender seriously made me cry of joy..

06-24-2009, 08:51 AM
flucking great vid. just like everyone else, i gotta say poopoo absolutely killed it. but JakeTodd's part was my fave cuz it was most like my own style. everyone had great parts. sooooooo dialed. looked like everything took about 50 tries. so basically the best vid i've seen this summer

06-24-2009, 09:01 AM
That ruled. Seriously. You guys most be incredibly patient, some of that stuff looks like it would've had me throwing my controller through the wall.

06-24-2009, 09:31 AM
Im posting here instead of the almost identical comments/circus show at the other 2 sites this is posted at.
this might take days it is soooo long

Part 1. intro I'm not a huge fan of them, but it was nice introducing everyone, maybe a little long for this super mega lentgh full
nyc, good stuff nothing crazy could of maybe thrown in a few lines, strung those tricks together for more umf
Mikey, kinda the same as last guy, few more better tricks
Manny, to short, ender was nothing dramatic, I'm not one of those ender has to be the best thing ever guys, but it seemed like you lost a lot of speed coming off, and I feel I have enjoyed other stuff from you better.

part 1, solid skating good filming/editing good job

Part 2.
Munney Bank, more solid skating, nothing popped to high or anything. Maybe a little to much roll up/roll away. But you had some good lines.
Techness, my fav part so far, I'm a big fan of low pop onto low stuff and you had plenty of it, some good lines too, maybe a few to many ground pans with the cam but thats just a personal pref.
Y Fallen Y, short part again solid skating, i actually liked the song the best, went with your part well.

Part 2. solid skating good filming/editing good job same as first haha very symilar

Part 3.

Joezillaa, most creative so far with cam/trick selection. Would of been an amazing part if some of that stuff was strung together in a few lines. Very solid none the less.
Jake Todd, symillar style to last guy, nothing bad to point out, maybe the tuck knee seemed kinda weird and seemed like you had to bump brightness up on a couple clips, but what ya gonna do. Solid part again

Part 3. once again solid, All styles are very symilar

Part 4.

xm45x, very creative, nice skating again, maybe a few to many ground pans at begining, spread em out would of worked better maybe. Last 4 clips kinda confused me though, wasn't sure what i was looking at. Some of the clips it seemed like you were going to do something next and it just stopped? This review sounds more harsh but I actually liked you part more than most of them.
PooPoo, first thing i notice is the frame size? Great editing but I instantly start wondering about the screen size difference. Best most creative part by far, more like my type of skating plus you rocked one of my decks haha, One to many replays of the same trick IMO but it was a good part.

Part 4. Prob the best part

no props for all the hard work, it is one of the better vids, no parts sucked, which is hard for such a large team. Nobodies got THE BEST team vid. And I hope that never happens so we can all strive for that. It was very solid, I watched the whole thing in one sitting. Besides a couple of poo's clips nothing really dropped my jaw, but my taste is a little awkward and I admit that. I hope my review doesn't come across to harsh, it just means I put more time into it than I do with most reviews. Overall you guys did a good job, a lot of the styles are very symillar, but they are symillar to the more poppular styles in the game so that is expected.

06-24-2009, 10:24 AM
PART 3..

0:12 innovative line..
0:59 spun soo fast i didnt even see..
2:02 "lets grind the short way"..
2:27 insane..!
2:39 "oh my god i love your 50-50s"..
2:42 looked soo good..
3:12 looked as good as the last one..
ender was mucho enjoyable..

jaketodd part 1..
4:18 "you barely hit the rail"..
4:52 looked soo realistic..
5:21 "watch out for the pillar"..
5:40 "suprise suprise"..
5:45 insane line..
7:01 crazy good looking..

06-24-2009, 10:30 AM
Anytime I see this much footage all in the same place I have a hard time not picking through the parts to find the one that appeals to me. I don't know what the fix is, but I'm not feeling like writing a small novel right now, so I'm gonna go with Joezilla's wally tailslide for trick of the minute, and Jake Todd kf overlip on the bridge as a close second, . . . and I also liked Kanen's downhill wallride nosebonk run, that's the fastes I've seen you skate in awhile, sweet. Damn, I'm liking this video even more as I watch it.

Oh, Poopoo, frontnoseblunt at the cc in the blue tranny was ill.

Thanks for keeping me entertained at work guys.

Y Fallen Y
06-24-2009, 11:52 AM
Thanks for all the feedback every one.

06-24-2009, 12:11 PM
nyc = ender stealer, haha, jk

best parts: nyc and poopoo.

poopoo won with best edit.

only complaint, i prefer a bit faster footage, but keep up your style

06-24-2009, 03:34 PM
i loved the video too many good stuff to name. seemed really long but i got some clips in during each part so it evened itself out through the night.
as an editor of a full length i commend everyone for the time and patience put into something this large.