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View Full Version : The Community Workout is here!

07-09-2009, 06:01 PM
OK. This is the 'official' release.

The real deal finished no glitch people named properly version is up for your viewing pleasure!
Downloadable non-split version will be up soon.

Youtube : Watch Here (http://www.youtube.com/user/kyletallon#grid/user/14A7A7511FDD8CD1)
WeGame : Part 1 (http://www.wegame.com/watch/Community_Workout_Part_1_of_3/) | Part 2 (http://www.wegame.com/watch/Community_Workout_Part_2_of_3/) | Part 3 (http://www.wegame.com/watch/Community_Workout_Part_3_of_3/)

07-09-2009, 06:03 PM
just reposting some stuff I said over at EA.


Now we have to decide who had the best spot, and the best ender. I really liked Mr ECW's ender - the shirtless mailbox kickover!! Pwnography's nolie tre late heel down the set at Monster is sick too. GymAllStar's was sweet and had a great setup as well. Loved the running across the garbage bins. I also liked the simplicity but sickness of Piktro's noseblunt tailtap out. I don't know if that was a fluke, but somehow I doubt it... Ahhh what the hell... I liked all the enders. GRyin's double ender! I went with the inward heel out instead of the biggerspin shuv out as the ender, but had to include them both... lol Andersatan's smith 180 out down that rail looked great too. Love the quick 180 out. Last but not least... MakoMiles and his high a** noseslide.

As far as spots that I enjoyed skating the most... prolly a toss up between Pwnography's Monster Clubhouse and Mr ECW's spot. I filmed a LOT of clips at those two because I just kept having fun skating there. You'll probably see the leftovers in some upcoming vids from me.

So just to touch briefly on the NEXT WORKOUT... it's going to happen for sure... but not for the next month or so. I want to finish a solo and a few other projects of my own before taking on another behemoth like this one.

I'd also love some feedback about the music choices. I tried to keep it varied and interesting.

07-09-2009, 07:07 PM
i'd love to be the first one to say in skatefluckit.com. that this vid WAS GNAR GNARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR:D

07-09-2009, 07:41 PM
you already know i love this video and you already know i want to be in the next one so now i'm declaring my love publicly. COME ON. ROBLEY'S HESH SESH IN VOL. 2.

07-09-2009, 09:46 PM
sooo sick. Nice work mr. Chemist, that was amazing. Tight editing front to back.

Such a sick group of guys in this too, each one had their own unique individual style. You all killed it. Soon as I was done I wanted to start over and watch the whole thing again.

Please make more of these...and if you need any extras...ahem...hint hint...

Yeah, like I said, you ALL killed it. For some reason GRyan and Andersatan got me the most stoked, even though you all ripped equally hard.

Loved all the adds too.

07-09-2009, 11:11 PM
Bullet said it all

great work :]

gym with his new style and piktro ripping and everyone was sick

07-10-2009, 02:04 AM
oh my f-- god..
s-- was tight..

f-- amazing..
everyone killed it..

07-10-2009, 04:13 AM
First off... Beat, thank you sooo much for putting this whole thing together!!! BIG Props to you my friend for all of this amazingness....
I know we were all over you this week for the release, but that was only cuz we knew it was going to be EPIC and it delivered!!

Everyone killed it on their own spots and on everyone elsels as well... I was sooo pumped to see what everyone was going to throw down.. This was one of the best lineups I have been in for any video and I am honored to be among some of the best skaters around...

Highlights for me:

Pool -
G Ryin (Gym Allstar-haha) Making a glitch grind look Good? Now that is impressive! Pause menu FTW there
Piktro - stall to kick, then using EVERY movable in sight! ha
ECW - another glitch grind made to look Smooth, nice
Andersatan-this is where my love for you started - bonk off movable box to 180 into pool - sooo steezy/ 360 before that nasty too!

TT AD!! Beyahhhhh!

Lake -
Mako - popless - nasty, 360 to nose , nasty - killed it!
Beat - did you just make a 540 look smooth and stylish? Are they the new 360? I think so! CAM was sick on that too!
G Fu**in Ryin - You know I love your stuff man, killed the whole spot and the Ender was so Ill. The setup was great with the Bench and the popless OVER the trash can - awesome stuff man... I wanna see a Mute Grab Flip though! oh wait, that comes later!!

Old Town

Pwn- great cams man, loved your stuff at this spot (whole video, but this spot especially) flip to late flip on a small stair set!
ECW - great double grind there.... loved it
Piktro - mailbox blunt was sick - loved the cam angle
Beat - FOOTPLANT.. soo steezy!
Ander - what can i say man, 180 Nose Bonk to 180 popless shuv??? Probably my favorite trick of the entire video!
followed by wallride/plant, so nasty

StompdaGoomba - this Ad looked like a mini solo - great vibe, great song, great quick edits, cannot wait for FULL Solo man!

Subway - Choosing Biggie just fit perfect for this section, great job Beat

Piktro - bench quick ollie to Nose Bonk on trashcan? DAMN
Pwn - Love that opening GAP! sickest gap in whole video right there man..Once again, your CAMS are DIALED in man!! Niceeee
G Ryin - cam through the glass- so nice and smooth gap there (2nd fav gap to pwn's) we did the same trick with the popless flip out over stair set - great minds think alike man
Mako - SICK popless off bench. ENDER was mad crazy and gnarly man!! That is a high ledge, no idea how you got the speed for that stall!! nicely done ... interesting OG spot to pick and everyone KILLED IT!!

Damn... Half way and so much GOODNESS so far! Going to bed, finish review Friday... what a video Beat Chemist... Blog for sure with this Edit man..

EDIT - round #2

Guest skaters - Everyone had good clips, Roc, the pool shredding was awesome, highlight was the tweaked 360

Gold Standard Ad was very well done - I loved the Still shots. Cannot wait for that one!

Parkade Spot -
Beat - loved the rolling shots over stair set to street curb
Andersatan- damn... 360 with LATE final turn landing on rear tires was steezy..
Pwn - Honestly dude, your cams remind me of my own a little, but then watching again.. they are 1,000 times better! THe CAM view of the 360 Finger flip was amazing.. keep.it.up
ECW - trash can bash with squirly landing was a great ENDER!! Nicely done man

Monster -
MAKO KILLED THIS SPOT... those 3/4 clips you had alone made the whole spot for me man!! Sick Blunt to Manny out/popless was awesome as well up top
Ok, after looking at it again - EVERYONE killed Monster!! this place was the most fun for me and now I see it was for a lot of other people too!
Andersatan - destroyed the vert with the double line - early pop out was sick but got cut off
Pwn - 360 shuv to nose, sick - WALL TAP????? out of bowl was amazing!! double angle that * next time! Late Flip ender was awesome too!

Popless paradise-
Beat - another amazing rolling CAM!! Great view of the backside 180
ECW - nose manny to blunt/flip OVER the bank wall? Disguisting man!
G - sooo stylish with the 180- oh wait, brought i back... NICE..
Pik - Ender was so steezy and looked awesome coming out of ledge!

Psychonaut! - Bullets single clip in this was better than an entire SOLO I had planned, time to throw that * away!

Bus STop
Beat - GREAT intro, loved the shaky cam
G- nice double grind (still cannot do them well)
ANder - great bus stop walk to drop in
Pwn - sick footplant on AD Board
Beat - that Animated 180 from the CAM under you was AMAZING!!! a greta way to end the video with that clip and then the one foot to grind ender... sooo great

Beat, I am out of words for now.... but Great FREAKING JOB Man! I was honored to be a part of this and I would be more than willing to help you out with anything you need in the future for Skate. Great editing, great songs, great skating... just speechless now

07-10-2009, 09:57 AM
holy f-- gym..
thats a f-- novel..!

07-10-2009, 10:56 AM
It was deserved Madsser

07-10-2009, 11:00 AM
i know..
this was soo awesome..

07-12-2009, 05:51 PM
bump for those that didn't catch it.

It's up on Youtube and WeGame now.

07-12-2009, 06:47 PM
This really needs to be bumped at Fluckit??? Hmm....

Once again, great Edit Beat!! Going to watch... again

07-13-2009, 04:48 PM
That was SO fucking good.

The skating murdered babies with an extreme prejudice.

Editing/production was top-drawer.

Kuro Potter
07-13-2009, 04:58 PM
real nice intro, loved the design...the enitre video with lil concept interludes is really exellent...
Gymallstar session at drop in stairs...simply awsome...
with Pitkro who always put level on his footage, i think that's my favs..

07-14-2009, 09:16 AM
alright, I'm making the full commitment on this one, seen it lurking, knew it would be good, just didn't have the 25 minutes

(grabs coffee cup, rubs eyes, presses play)

Part 1 was sick, love the pool skating, Piktro's chair line was glow in the dark hot, and gym put a lick into that little rail. Roc with some karate kicks. Anderstan with all the tricky landings. Beat, stylish street 540. Gryin getting tech.

Part 2 - G Ryin - wallride transfer and fastplant 360 got me hot. Mako with the huge noseslide! Roc, nice ganga tee. ECW with the karate kick backlip . . . . fucking sexy.

Part3 - Beat, that front tail was out of control, bringing the danger back. Beastie Boys got me hyped.

Great vid, ripping in every direction

07-14-2009, 10:49 AM
that was an awesome piece of video. all parts were just killer. i liked the theme very much. outcome is pure madness :)