View Full Version : Sunspots

07-20-2009, 10:35 PM
For your perusal, I present to you, a collection of video game skateboarding clips set to music.


almost every trick in here is inspired by someone, so, if you see that one spot, or that one trick, then yep, I'm cruising your spots like a pirate in yer mom's panty drawer. "Aarrrr, Matey, this here be gold!"

07-21-2009, 01:27 PM
nice work jack. Grizzley bear rules. Whole video had a really cool feel to it. Loved the contest shots with the crowd in the background

that road gap you kickflipped was nuts, you're the road gap machine

and the fakie heel where you threaded the needle through traffic afterwords is one of the best things I've seen

nice ender too

07-21-2009, 02:04 PM
everything was very... odd. but it all fit together perfectly with the skating and the filming and the music. very nice

07-21-2009, 03:27 PM
goood stuff jack.

big kickflip street gap +Peds...

and the amazing fakie inward gap were you somehow managed to not be hit by a car.. that was great.

07-21-2009, 07:49 PM
Skating and music went well together. Was that a sample from Ghost Dog at the end? I like that movie.

Liked the weird nollie bs cab wallride thing, the fakie inward heel into traffic and of course the ender.

07-21-2009, 09:46 PM
puffin a lefty on my back porch

Bullet - yeah, Grizzly Bear is something else, roadgaps get me hot and bothered

seamonkey - yep, I'm almost always the odd man out, gotta keep the weird coming.

skatevid - that's the hardest rollup to a street gap I've ever fucked with, thanks bro.

Horse - kinda took a risk tucking all my bangers into the middle of the vid, glad it paid off, that fakie inward heel, in the replay, I was about 3 inches away from the bumper of that car, so close, can't believe I landed it, a fluke of hard work and lucky timing, should have been blasted.

Overall, I'm glad people pay attention to the details, thanks for watching everybody, gotta be honest with you, fluckit feels like home, might just not post the next one anywhere else.

And yes, that was Ghost Dog, Jim Jarmusch's best film, a cult classic, urban samurai.