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View Full Version : eflixxx and robley trip the light fantastic

08-09-2009, 01:53 PM

i cut my fake videogame action figure doll's hair, so this video contains the only white guys with cornrows you'll see this weekend.

it contains colors, things moving, and "porny overlays", so if you find that stuff distracting sit this one out. also turn in your driver's license because you have the attention span of a dog and are a danger behind the wheel.

it also contains eflixxx knocking your balls into your ass and leaving them there.

08-09-2009, 02:02 PM
my prayers have been answered..
gunna watch this tomorrow though..
gotta get some butteryass sleep..

nighty night..

08-09-2009, 02:17 PM
My mind just got dp'd like a mofo.

I dont list tricks because I'm a lazy dick.

Switch-up grinds were crazy, gaps and Rob's one-foot stuff was insane.

Lines were killer.

Enders wer nuts.

You go guys.

08-09-2009, 02:24 PM
holy tits.


08-09-2009, 02:39 PM
I was gonna pull out the thesaurus for this one, but 'holy tits' works.

'flix- fence 50-50 line--i love the step-up gap at the end of it. And the gap crooks around the corner ledge, to big drop to narrow landing..bullseye.

rob- rollercoaster nosegrind; and the front blunt to front board; hot damn.

08-09-2009, 04:02 PM
theres alot of bad ass shit in here...

inclueding a foot plant im not sure how robley got the room to do...

and a sw back tail on a rail thats sorta far but eflixx magic camed the bitch and now i have to boot up my console...

hate you guys...
with all my heart...

08-09-2009, 05:45 PM
That shit was refuckingdiculous. The music and the edit went with the skating so well. Eflixxx's curved grind to drop to narrow ledge was sooo good. Plus the robley front blunt to boardslie, and that manual in downtown on those banked ledge things. However you explain those.

08-09-2009, 08:07 PM
0:35 grind pop up on to the ledge was so smooth and low pop
0:47 the spin into that smith was perfect
1:16 crook to the skinny ledge was really creative
1:22 was such a tight line, the 360 off the wall looked so good, and the manual kickflip to bank and 180 down the drop was butters
1:52 possibly one of the most ridiculous lines I've ever seen, wall ride on the fence, double grind, and that's such a sweet step up gap
3:18 beautiful crook on that little rusty rail, where is that spot?
3:34 judo nose grab footplant, how? it looks so awesome.
4:00 very nice gap
5:00 switch salad on the top of the fence
5:10 crook on the curved ledge landing on the skinny ledge was deadly
after the music stopped everything was completely awesome

Robley, I love your editing, love the overlays, and I also love these DP Psychonaut collabs.

08-09-2009, 08:43 PM
More psychodp or the bitch gets it!!!

08-09-2009, 09:19 PM
i was waiting to see some porn

08-09-2009, 09:32 PM
I'll post up a full review tomorrow, but for now all I can say is...dammit I'm glad this came out after me and jacks collab

i think this might be the best skate2 video yet. BOth of you stepped it up and brought your best stuff to the table.

08-09-2009, 10:05 PM
alright, I'm gonna make a little "moment" list while I drink a gin and tonic

robley - line where you did the manual to bank to drop, throw in a little bs 180 just to make it look sick
5-0 popless kf, that ledge is high and indented, I didn't even think you could grind those things, now I have to go turn my box on, bastard.
board feeble was choice, great music too.
big pops up the ledge and over the rail, "I'd like my steak man-sized"

eflixx - 1:14, pure dp, That Line! fence 5050, nollie nose to switch salad, kf up a long two set! Fuck yes, you bastard. I hate/love you. tweaked fakie tre, 3:16, crooks kf up the pyramid . . . god eflixx, calm down man. nflip crooks, perfect catch, perfect. 5:15, I think I shit myself . . . . this video is amazing, kf crooks around tree over foliage, note to self, landings must not only be dirty, but on incredibly narrow ledges at least 10 feet below me with a nasty crash on both sides. (out of breath) and you kf smithed rusty, so smooth, double grinds, I can't even do those . . . .

what a video.

08-09-2009, 10:23 PM
Wow. I watched it again. Robley, was that a dogpiss footplant?

Wow. DPsycho.

08-10-2009, 12:45 AM
had to stop
and watch over and over

nose grab footplant
good fucking god
and filmed so nice

now to finish the rest of the madness

08-10-2009, 12:54 AM

the music
the visuals
the long lines, with double grinds no less
the in your face cams
the ramped slomos

the whole dam vibe

dp and psychonaut

keep em coming

08-10-2009, 09:11 AM
wow guys..that was somthing...
im 2 damm lazy 2 point out tricks but there was alot of good shit here..

08-10-2009, 09:15 AM
did i realise before i watched this video, that i was gunna see the best colab ever..?

i suspected it..

i love you guys..
youre awesome..

thanks for making the best colab ever guys..

08-10-2009, 09:19 AM
real cool, nuff said

08-10-2009, 09:22 AM
jack and bullet..... brilliant....

robley and eflixx......dangerous....

southcity and demz......wont come close.....

i was just doin a callabo cause we wanted to do one...
now i realized im third in a line of forest fires and i have no matches....
seriously though....
how am i suppose to fake compete at fake skateboarding when you make my fake skateboarding look like puppy puddles on my penny loafers....



08-11-2009, 03:28 AM
i wudd like to thank GOD for this opportunity.

thanks erryone for so kind words and good feedback.

08-11-2009, 10:48 AM
awesome stuff

ender was my favourite grind i've seen in a long long while