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View Full Version : My Salvia Experience

08-10-2009, 07:12 PM
i cant even describe, its like i wasnt even me, so much more than weed, but its weird, its like 3 mins of being in like a completely different world and not yourself...
its like you dont know you're tripping, its like the trip is your reality, so fucked up, then after about 3 mins you come back to reality and become aware again...

took me 3 minutes to realize i was me again, I was so fucked...

i'll try to describe, i was listening to music and watching the visualizer on my tv, and basically in my eyes all these moving rectangles with arms and mouths were in a line,(like Thwomps from Mario) being generated from the visualizer and each one was eating the next...

I became one of them and was eating and being eaten in the row of them, then eventually i was able to hear my buddy, and slowly began to understand I was me, and it was just a trip. I told him to turn off the visualizer and they stopped generating and i stopped being eaten and slowly came out of it...

id say right now, dont try it alone, do it with a sober buddy that knows what to expect, and can tell you its not real, and you'll be ok...

After the trip you feel like a mellow weed kinda high for like an hour, but that first 3 minutes is so fucked up, completely hallucinating, like a different reality, like nothing i've felt before...

I definitely prefer weed, but I think i'll try Salvia again a few more times, I like how its legal haha. And used in combination with weed, you can get a nice short fucked up trip from the salvia and hen a nice long chill high from the weed :)

That is all, I'll film it next time...

Its so funny, when im high on weed I love to play my guitar, and when doing the salvia i had my guitar all ready to play while i was high, but honestly i couldn't have even picked it up or recognized it as a guitar or even know the concept of guitar haha

08-10-2009, 07:31 PM
haha yeah salvia trips get intense... try shrooms SOOO much fun

08-11-2009, 03:53 AM
Thats dope, my trip wasn't as intense but i should be buying some 50x when i start working at Dunkin Donuts cause i just got hired.

08-11-2009, 09:21 AM
I've done salvia a few times but it never worked as good as the first time I did it. I was sitting in a bean bag chair and then a little blue smurf like creature started weaving in between my friends, then i just kind of left our world and was flying through space.... hard to explain but it was fuckin sweet. Then about 5min from the start it ended.