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09-09-2009, 07:02 AM
The Nines - Fx Stryker, A Red Bicycle, Saunders420 and Dr Strange Lulz


edited in one day
dont ask why please!!!

09-09-2009, 07:33 AM
YES! nice work boys

Some sick stuff in there:

5050 to nose in the pool
invert on the middle rafter rail at slappy's
crook popover the nub at cathedral
switch feeble transfer 180 was perfect
second last trick, whatever that was, i'll call it "the mike carroll" was super cool

first trick, such a rad setup, i'm gonna have to try that
dogpiss wall kick line
bowl line at the funtrack was great
backtail 3shuv the car, whoa
ender was also crazy

gap to bank at 9:55 was cool
nollie cab flip at the stacks, that gap looked crazy
varial heel to ride under the rail was...wow

strange lulz:
I remember your part in that last full a long time ago and how crazy it was, so I'm got high hopes for this one

first trick, ceiling ride, holy shit
ollie onto the bike racks
blunt shuv tailstall at slappy's mini
180 switch crooks bottom of the sign
pop shuv from skinny to skinny, crazyness
hippy jump the water drinking chick
last 2 clips were awesome
you're part didn't dissapoint

Sick full boys, quick and to the point, moved along nicely, very much enjoy'd that.

09-09-2009, 08:12 AM
yes, this was a pleasant surprise for sure! loved every bit of it, all parts were reallty good, last part was fittingly even better, many real good spots and creative trickery

this videos provided some good spot tips and places ill steal, so thank you very much gents =)

09-09-2009, 11:57 AM
That hippie jump over the chick at the drinking fountain was classic. Lots more creative stuff in there as well. released on 09/09/09; clever.
Fx with the handplant on the inside rail of the catwalk, saunders mega pool line, red bicycle var heel duck under the rail, strange lulz fs 180 over the stairset and 180 sw nosegrind on the billboard! and of course the hippie jump; awesome stuff.

09-09-2009, 12:20 PM
not a bad effort at all. strange lulz with the deserved curtains. why have i never seen the bowl at 12:30?

only thing, next time i'd spend more than a day on it.

09-09-2009, 02:01 PM
not a bad effort at all. strange lulz with the deserved curtains. why have i never seen the bowl at 12:30?

only thing, next time i'd spend more than a day on it.

i didn't even plan on spending day on it tbh
decided that i didn't want to edit the next
team project, something i didnt feel confident in editing.
asked the team if we could find someone to edit
within the community. came across a couple
who were interested.

all in all... shoulda done it in the first place

Solution.enthralled.the.host's.Broadcasting.and.te am.exempted. So.except.the.hazard.by.attacking.the.element It was all in all a rush


09-09-2009, 03:08 PM
Creepshow O.O

I'm going to watch this in a bit, the comments seem very promising.