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09-30-2009, 08:48 PM
thoughts from antwan

don't read further if you don't want your mind blown
or to challenge your beliefs..

I have a lot of free time in a day I work from home
so I tend to do a lot of nothing.

the concept of space.
Let's say space really does exist we are really on a planet
and it is really spinning in a galaxy..
but as far as you know space is black?

What if space is white?
and the concept of global warming is real..
it makes sense because the weather is slowly changing right?

Say the stars, that we see visually that we've known our whole lives
are really.. holes in the atmosphere, and.. space is white.

Are we seeing gaping holes in the planet?

What if the atmosphere were to collapse?
What would happen?
would there still be the planet earth as we know it?
it's a circle..

What if noah's ark is a space ship..
and aliens are really just humans with advance technology
that set us on earth with nothing but animals to see how we
would grow and or change.. and are watching us...
there is so much the government hides from us that you could
believe anything you want to believe really..

09-30-2009, 09:31 PM
I'm going to argue these points logically. this isn't just for the sake of arguing. don't take this the wrong way.

first, space is white. if that's true, that means that every planet we've ever seen is inside of some black boundary which is s bit rediculous. plus that means that space gives off heat. we measure heat from stars

global warming is real. we've raised the temperature 2 or 3 degrees already

if the atmosphere "collapses" well all burn from the sun going directly at us, freeze from the space cold or suffocate from the lack of oxygen

again we've gone through the atmosphere

those humans would have had to created a planet, an atmosphere, animals, and had a billion years to grow us. that whole concepts has way too many flaws to get into

09-30-2009, 09:41 PM
But what is logic.. something explained by something visual?
Things can trick your eyes.. have you heard of the government
developing tanks that are completely invisible to the naked eye?
They exist.. do you trust everything you see?

I'm not saying the space concept is true it's just a thought..
do you trust what you know?

10-01-2009, 12:30 AM
global warming is real. we've raised the temperature 2 or 3 degrees already

we didnt, the sun did/does

10-01-2009, 02:05 AM
Climate change is a fact, exactly how much we are responsible for it is still in question...

Aliens sent us to earth with animals? Kinda contradicts the thoroughly proven evolutionary process...

Government conspiracies are pretty lame, and well conspiracies in general...The lack of solid evidence and the odds of so many people keeping it secret are inconceivable. Especially with something like the government, If the Republicans did something the Democrats would be all over it and vice versa. Unless you believe they are all in bed together, the media, the political parties ect...but taking it to that level is so unlikely its almost childish...

10-01-2009, 02:28 AM
debunk this.

10-01-2009, 02:42 AM
Someone made logic up.. just like someone made up
the language we are using to communicate.
Someone made science up..

They have things make sense, sure..
but you've never had your own theories?
It sounds to me like you're trapped
and maybe I'm crazy.. but if I am I don't want to be sane.
I have such a broad perspective on life it's crazy.

Logically.. if I spent every waking day figuring out my theories
and it made as much sense and was as well defined as evolution

Would you believe it then?

I'm pretty sure theories don't make sense at first..
but if I could block every possible thing in your mind would you believe it?
Would it scare you to think that something else might be possible and the life you live daily might be something different than what is visual?

10-01-2009, 06:33 AM
Space is white? That darn government
Noah a allien? HAha this statement was actually not as dumb as the first.

First off, space has no color. Space is nothing, there is no light source from nothing and pace has nothing to reflect light. Turn off the lights, now is everything white hidden by something? No! No light, no color. This info was not discovored by any "government" yes we are destroying our atmosphere. Once again not discovered by "government" look at it this way. Think of the earth as a decaying fruit of your choice, prefferably a sphere to help visualize better. If you had time lapsed footy of the eArth over the last say 2000 years sped up to a minute. It would look like a decaying piece of fruit. Especially over the last 150 years. Base that on the decay time of the fruit and it is scary. Now dont fret there is hope. A uncontrolable virus or a even easier weapon of mass destruction is surely in our near future.
As for the sphere thing. Everything as we know it: cells, atoms, planets, lots of things are spheres travwling around spheres that make up something else. So my opinion is that space, heavens, whatever you wish to call it is just another grouping of spheres making up something else, or begining to make something else. I also think this could possibly work in reverse, ie slow down a atom and zoom in and possibly there is or was a solar system in there.
As far as noah? I think alliens are time travelers either by accident or to warn us or learn something about our past or there past haha. I just find it to hard to grasp that the intelligent life form that actually makes it here to earth is so close to us. And if you think of how we would evolve in the future, we would look just like a allien. No hair, we already have seen this thru evolution. Greenish skin, cause of more radiation exposure. Skinny arms and legs, the easier we make life the less we need muscles. Larger head, equals larger brain, once again proven by evolution. And even more so with gene testing and weeding out the week unsmart folk. As far as gov hiding things? Possibly, i can see gov either not wanting to create mass histeria from us knowing our fate or thinking they can change it. Who knows maybe we would have nuked ourselves to oblivian by now if it wasnt for what we learned from roswell.

10-01-2009, 06:45 AM
sg: i subscribe to the idea of "evolution" described in Wall-E. i think well end up like fat slobs on hoover chairs, lazy as muthafukkas :) unless nuclear winter wipes out the mayority of us, or some plague kills us off first.

im pretty sure humanity wont live on to evolve into those "alien-looking" characters with big head etc. were way to stupid to survive. Well kill ourself long before that stage =)

10-01-2009, 07:46 AM
really long detailed message about current knowledge
Well it's apparent you've learned a lot..
But that's what I am getting at..
We've learned things that other people learned..
is this making any sense?
How can you learn an opinion and make it fact
because it's logic?
Isn't that made up by someone too?
I can't get that idea out of my head and it makes me see us
as domesticated animals in a cage, the cage being our rules, our laws.

10-01-2009, 07:48 AM
yeah the hoover chair thing is very logical, and im not saying i believe in alliens, but once again the chances? look at all the different life forms here on earth. monkeys are the closest to us right? alliens (or peoples perception of them) are so much closer to us than monkeys. What are the odds? Even size wise, so much goes in to what we are, available resources, gravity, our atmosphere. Those things would almost surely be identical for a allien to look that closely to us. I don't buy it for a second. And wealth plays much more of a roll in evolution than muscle and bruit strength did in the past. Vanity is very popular amongst wealth. Watch "Gatiga" with gene technology playing a roll in evolution the week and poor will most certainly die off. As far as weight, once again vanity and even more so lack of food in our future will most certainly contribute to skinny boddies instead of fat ones. I don't know if I am right, I kinda hope i am not. It's just what I think, and as far as putting something in my mind by media or government? hogwash first off I have never read a book in my life, and I am clueless on politics.

10-01-2009, 07:52 AM

WE evolved from apes?
why aren't we evolving apes to make humans?
are we already doing that?

How can evolution be true if it isn't being done?
apes grow and die.. with no evolving..
Have other animals evolved into things we don't know about?
War, bombs.. and gun fire, smoke..
that wouldn't affect an environment
to the point of evolution would it?

edit: I found something really interesting too..

The simplest definition of biological evolution is genetic change within a population. Therefore, anything that can result in the change of frequencies of genes and alleles in a population can be considered a cause of evolution. The major things that can change gene/allele frequencies are:

Mutation: mutations cause new alleles to be created, and are the ultimate source of variation in a population.

Migration/Emigration: the movement of individuals out of a population takes alleles they possess out of the existing population. Conversely, emigration into the population brings in alleles. Loss and gain of alleles will result in changes in their frequency.

Natural Selection: selection brings about change in frequencies of alleles by favoring some alleles and allelic combinations over others.

Genetic Drift: in all finite populations, allelle frequencies will fluctuate due to chance. This phenomenon is called genetic drift. It can result in one allele becoming fixed (reaching 100% frequency) if the population size is small enough. In very large populations, the effects of genetic drift are negligible.

Could Illegal aliens in todays world be because the government is afraid of evolution?

10-01-2009, 08:13 AM
We didn't evolve from modern apes, all modern primates share a common ancestor , and we all evolved in different directions from there.

I don't think you have much of a grasp of how evolution works, it's not like we can just magically evolve something today, these processes can take millions of years.

10-01-2009, 08:15 AM
I never said we evolved from apes, that is the most untrue thing i ever hear. I think apes and humans evolved from something prior to apes and humans. Like Obama being related to who was it Lincoln or washington? You cant make a Obama baby washington again, it doesnt work like that. I think somewhere in the chain a pre human pre ape animal had two kids. One went to the woods and ate a banana, one went to a cave and broke a egg open with a rock. Then both had kids. Both learned different things to survive in there environment and adapted and 1000's of years later became what they are today.

Have other animals evolved into other things? Yes everything has evolved from single cell organisms.

Do I believe this 100%? No I can not say that there isnt a shred of my mind that doesnt believe (hope more like it) that evolution is a farse. It is easier to go to sleep at night thinking of pearly gates and poofy clouds where i see all my dead family and friends and spend eternity in bliss with them. The thought of absolutly nothing after you die is hard to grasp, VERY HARD!!!! But I have not found a good teacher of this, most churches I have visited, spend more time asking for money and singing the same songs over and over than actually trying to learn about the bible, Or Jesus. Carl Seagan was a brilliant man, proving evolution his entire life. Until a few years before he died he said he could not disprove religion. I hope for my last day or two of my life I go out like that, it would just be easier to let go, you know? I have always struggled with religion for the sole fact of: when you are born your religion 99% of the time is picked for you by your place of birth and beliefs of your parents. Why is it fair for someone born in Isreal to have a dif fate than someone born in Rome? It just doesnt make sense.

And yes the majority of the poppulation needs to be shown a path. We are for the most part dumb. And do not act apon right and wrong without being shown first. Look at it this way: Out of all the girls you know, how many of them have had something from a date rape to a family member do something terible to them. In my case well over 50% honestly get to know a girl more times than not it will come out. OK now if this is true, maybe a higher percent for me, i dont know. That would mean let say for repeat offender purposes 25% of all men have done this to a girl at some time. Maybe that number is high, maybe it is low. For argument sake let say that its 10% which I am sure is low. That would mean everyday passing people on a daily basis, you see 10 or more dudes that have done something terrible to a girl, maybe even some who posted here in this thread, maybe even you? Now this being said I think all things even the bad are necessary for our survival. We learn from the bad, we fix and change from the bad. The bad has made us who we are today. Chew on that and that is only one example amongst thousands of examples, YES WE NEED TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO. Maybe less sometimes and more others but the alturnative would just not work.

10-01-2009, 08:16 AM
haha if i wouldnt of took so long Pawn would not of beat me. I knew EB wasnt on so it just had to be Pawn haha

10-01-2009, 08:25 AM
We didn't evolve from modern apes, all modern primates share a common ancestor , and we all evolved in different directions from there.

I don't think you have much of a grasp of how evolution works, it's not like we can just magically evolve something today, these processes can take millions of years.

Ok I get that.. You're right I don't know much history on it..
And why can't we?
I watched something a while back about scientists sending an atom back threw time for 0.3374 seconds or something it was under a minute to be sure..
but that idea is very interesting.

10-01-2009, 09:12 AM
Antwan: This question is not intended to offend you in any way, I'm just curios;
Are you always like this? Thinking too deep into stuff, I mean.
Follow-up question if yes: have you tried smoking weed? I'd like to hear your thoughts about things after a good fatty

10-01-2009, 09:29 AM
Antwan: This question is not intended to offend you in any way, I'm just curios;
Are you always like this? Thinking too deep into stuff, I mean.
Follow-up question if yes: have you tried smoking weed? I'd like to hear your thoughts about things after a good fatty

lmao, was about to post : you should try drugs because here you are hurting yourself even more :D

i wont bother writing my feelings in english but in a short way darwins evolution is a theory, a theory is a concept with factual evidence. period. This is how it WORKED.
You watch too much sci fi movies :D
Whats gonna happen ? watch Idiocracy...this is how i feel about humanity

10-01-2009, 10:11 AM

in the fuck

is this bullshit

10-01-2009, 11:00 AM
"Whats gonna happen ? watch Idiocracy...this is how i feel about humanity"


oh and i can vouch for drugs..
there awesome...

10-01-2009, 11:19 AM
"i subscribe to the idea of "evolution" described in Wall-E"


10-01-2009, 02:37 PM
But what is logic.. something explained by something visual?
Things can trick your eyes.. have you heard of the government
developing tanks that are completely invisible to the naked eye?
They exist.. do you trust everything you see?

I'm not saying the space concept is true it's just a thought..
do you trust what you know?

logic is using your mind and laws made up by us and proven by testing the environment.
i trust what i know because i have a solid education. you cant just make up completely random concepts against what people know because what people know is backed up by evidence, which is backed up by laws and rules which are backed up by more evidence.

and to eflixxx, well compromise and say its fumes and such.

10-01-2009, 03:00 PM
Someone made logic up.. just like someone made up
the language we are using to communicate.
Someone made science up..

They have things make sense, sure..
but you've never had your own theories?
It sounds to me like you're trapped
and maybe I'm crazy.. but if I am I don't want to be sane.
I have such a broad perspective on life it's crazy.

first off, it seems to me like you think one person made up logic, one person made up the english language, and one made up science. multiple countries and millions of people add up to what we have today over thousands of years.

people who find other people trapped for believing popular and highly proven theories generally arent sane so maybe you met your goal. i can understand having theories and saying this would be cool in a fictional world but saying, your trapped if you follow these other beliefs is just downright ignorant

10-01-2009, 03:03 PM
logic is using your mind and laws made up by us and proven by testing the environment.
i trust what i know because i have a solid education. you cant just make up completely random concepts against what people know because what people know is backed up by evidence, which is backed up by laws and rules which are backed up by more evidence.

this ^

10-01-2009, 04:23 PM
What if we were all just some bacteria on a bigger universes toilet seat, and we could be wiped away any second.

I'll be back to this when I'm high.

10-01-2009, 05:05 PM
What if we were all just some bacteria on a bigger universes toilet seat, and we could be wiped away any second.

I'll be back to this when I'm high.

then I guess no one shits in theit universe.

10-01-2009, 05:52 PM
Lay off the bunk acid son..........:D

AiR FeNza
10-01-2009, 06:15 PM
Lay off the bunk acid son..........:D


10-01-2009, 07:30 PM
It's a thread for my thoughts and Ideas.. a blog?
Not sure..
Yes I am almost always deep in a train of thought
and no I will not smoke.. I've tried it
after being hit by a van skateboarding in the street
everything has a strong effect on my brain
a sip of caffeine has me up all night
where a few hits of weed makes my vision tilted and that's just one
effect I get from it.. always a huge migraine after smoking.

10-01-2009, 09:20 PM
maybe getting hit by a van gave you some of these concepts too. that or the government is sabotaging your brain

10-01-2009, 09:30 PM
I can say that much..
I'm glad though.
It's made me a broader person
if that makes sense..

I've lost some knowledge but gained a new perspective..
It almost feels like a gift.. and that's the only way I can describe it
because I was raised into religion beyond my control
and at this point I believe only a certain extent of the Christian Religion.

10-01-2009, 09:45 PM
you know you can believe more than the christian religion without getting hit by a bus.

10-01-2009, 10:41 PM
Not what I was saying at all..
it was a van by the way..
That's the only word I could use to define my feeling on it.

10-06-2009, 01:42 PM
Got thinking today..

Why is a park called a park..
because you park?
or was a park made before cars could "park" ?

Skate, Park your car?
skate park?

10-06-2009, 02:14 PM
If flies had no wings, would they be called "walks?"

Also, back to your original post.. I've often thought of something similar.. Only that we were created by Aliens and placed on an empty planet, as an experiment..

10-06-2009, 04:03 PM
i like to think about the fact that with all these ideas of what life means and how did humanity come to be

we're all still going to shit in our pants and die and then someone will come clean out our houses and give all traces of us to goodwill.

10-06-2009, 04:47 PM
i like to think about the fact that with all these ideas of what life means and how did humanity come to be

we're all still going to shit in our pants and die and then someone will come clean out our houses and give all traces of us to goodwill.
I quote a song..

"Who we are, what we are.. is nothing but a point of view.
We all turn back to dust!"

10-06-2009, 04:48 PM
i like to think about the fact that with all these ideas of what life means and how did humanity come to be

we're all still going to shit in our pants and die and then someone will come clean out our houses and give all traces of us to goodwill.

So, what if shitting our pants is what causes death? I've been close to death then once or twice, but I went home to shower before going back to work (luckily I was on a lunch break). But the shower didn't really make sense, my theory is that shit carries the thoughts and powers of the animals that ate the food that created the turds that fertilized the ground (see, I'm a vegetarian). So, I wake up and bench press a white tiger every morning in order to ensure a full day of successfully channeling the power of dogs. Because when you're a dog everything rules and if it sucks it only sucks for a second. See, my body is a jerk. I wish I had a beak. IF I HAD A BEAK I WOULD GNAW ON MY HAND.

So, whatever dudes. I'm living life to the xtreme. And fuck the letter E if it's capitalized and tuesday's are such bullshit that I won't even capitalize it anymore. That shit's for old men and people with no hope.

10-06-2009, 06:15 PM
Wait, so everybody else shits there pants too?

10-09-2009, 07:13 AM
Gross guys haha..
Well I read something interesting kinda scary too..
Got this from another forum.

NASA will attempt to discover hydrogen on our big ball of cheese in the sky Live Feed at 11:15 ZDZ time (http://www.nasa.gov/ntv)
We are almost one step closer to making The Moon a place to live WHEN the earth dies.
Cross your fingers, if the mission goes well, we will be one small step closer to colonizing outer space. If you are west of the Mississippi, go watch the moon with any kind of telescope you can at around 1100 ZDZ time, or stay warm and cozy and just click the link above

"LCROSS launched with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) aboard an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral, Fla., on June 18, 2009 at 2:32 p.m. PDT. The LCROSS shepherding spacecraft and the Atlas V’s Centaur upper stage rocket executed a fly-by of the moon on June 23, 2009 (LCROSS lunar swingby video stream coverage) and entered into an elongated Earth orbit to position LCROSS for impact on a lunar pole. On final approach, the shepherding spacecraft and Centaur will separate. The Centaur will act as a heavy impactor to create a debris plume that will rise above the lunar surface. Projected impact at the lunar South Pole is currently: Oct 9, 2009 at 4:30 a.m. PDT. Following four minutes behind, the shepherding spacecraft will fly through the debris plume, collecting and relaying data back to Earth before impacting the lunar surface and creating a second debris plume.

As the ejecta rises above the target crater’s rim and is exposed to sunlight, any water-ice, hydrocarbons or organics will vaporize and break down into their basic components. These components primarily will be monitored by the visible and infrared spectrometers. The near-infrared and mid-infrared cameras will determine the total amount and distribution of water in the debris plume. The spacecraft’s visible camera will track the impact location and the behavior of the debris plume while the visible radiometer will measure the flash created by the Centaur impact."

I was thinking and if this was in fact from nasa..
won't we just deteriorate other planets too..
or do they have less limits?

Will fast food joints be in space if the moon is to ever become livable?
Where are the resources?

10-13-2009, 12:52 PM
Couldn't stop thinking on the subject last night..

If we move to and begin living on the moon.
What do we do with criminals?
Will there be insane asylums?
How can you stop a criminal while floating?
sounds like a bad film..

10-13-2009, 03:56 PM
moon has no atmosphere
depends on whos colonizing moon
crazies arent allowed.
