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View Full Version : skate park editor blah blah....

11-09-2009, 07:11 AM
cause you know ima get deleted from the kids table...

lets talk the editor infamous 5 sec teaser clip....

from ign....

"Outside of the team-based setup, perhaps the biggest new feature that we were unfortunately only given a quick glimpse of is the brand-new park creator. Whereas Skate 2 had a spot creator, Skate 3 will feature a ground-up park creator that will allow you to build a complex from scratch. In the short video tease that we saw, it looked very similar to the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater park creator from days of old, but much more flexible. Parts can be rotated freely in any direction and multiple bits can be put together to create very complex ramps and layouts. Again, all that I had the chance to see was a short teaser video as the nitty gritty details are being held until later, but the promise is definitely there."

so lets talk about that glimpse of greatness....

i saw three parks that were built..
didnt skate them....
it was just a fast teaser clip kinda thing....

a wood park....
wood textures over everything....
pretty big too..
il guess at around the training facility size...just guesses....
roll ins..
little qps big qps....
kinda reminded me of a mini funtrack..
or like a vert skaters paradise...
ramps everywhere...
to me it looked dope cause i like pools and qp stuff already...
thrash for days....

a grey cement park....
this is where i saw the pyramid pieces being adjusted....
pyramid = funbox = two ramps and a box in the middle...w.e..
i saw a mellow small ramp...
and i do mean small.....
but in its quick glimpse i saw it adjust its height about 3 or 4 times....
il guess and say up to maybe his waste height....again..more guesses...
but the options where there which is like TH but seemed deeper....more thought out...
better suited for the physics...
there was also a pyramid corner piece that did the same...
octagon corner piece instead of a traditional square corner piece...
or reg platform/box pieces...

the dark blue concrete plaza?....
probably the coolest thing ive ever seen in a editor...
i cant say what that is....
but it looked like a remake of hubba hideout with some stuff UNDER(?) it....

i saw some handrails....
nice sets of stairs....
ramp situations....
and like IGN said...
"it looked very similar to the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater park creator from days of old, but much more flexible."



and theres other incredible things about the editor i cant say....
im just giving a better glimpse to what theyve shown to the press...
but understand that the other stuff added....
HOW things have been added...
WHAT kinds of things CAN be added....
its pretty remarkable...

another incredible well thought out feature that BB has cooking in the kitchen....

faith gentlemen....

shit is serious....
this aint no fuckin tacked on sequel shit...

skate 3 = skate 5......
epicness EVERYWHERE....

11-09-2009, 07:29 AM
Reading the beginning makes me think :
the game will be infinite

and you confirm...

tks demz for this

PS: i just hope they worked on tranny physics.... buiding a cement park with retarded physics... wont be really exciting

11-09-2009, 07:31 AM
THATS ACTUALLY AWESOME to be able to build your spot...

11-09-2009, 07:31 AM
faith gentlemen....

shit is serious....
this aint no fuckin tacked on sequel shit...

skate 3 = skate 5......
epicness EVERYWHERE....

how am I supposed to focus today at work now?

11-09-2009, 08:12 AM
Every time i read one of Demz's posts i get a semi :(

11-09-2009, 08:18 AM
I'm glad that after my hopes start to fade after a new trailer Demz is there to pick them back up and put my faith back in Skate 3.

I should've crashed that party, it wasn't too far from Oakland. I'm pretty sure I could take out EA security.

11-09-2009, 08:53 AM
:D from ear to ear

11-09-2009, 09:01 AM
thank god for you demz
i'd be in despair if you wouldnt come saving the day and getting one's hopes up

11-09-2009, 09:35 AM
roll ins..
little qps big qps....
kinda reminded me of a mini funtrack..
or like a vert skaters paradise...
ramps everywhere...
to me it looked dope cause i like pools and qp stuff already...
thrash for days....

YES! more tranny please!

11-09-2009, 09:42 AM
have you guys gone back and looked at how corny some of the s2 trailers were? 3 will be juuuuuuuuust fine.

i only hope some of you obsessive GCers get obsessive with the parks because lord knows i will be awful at making them.

11-09-2009, 09:50 AM
thank you robley for reminding me what i was wondering about. is the editor gonna be all in-game, or will it be web-based like the gc?

11-09-2009, 10:46 AM

i plan on doing more with the park editor than the gc itself....

i used to make parks for weeks....
tinkering here and there...
making actual parks...
making circle messes....
making giant single trick monstrosities....
making giant fun boxes with like 10 things all over it....

the tinkering is whats gonna make incredible parks...

as fucked up as it sounds....

i want to play the park editor more than i want to play the city....

and to warn everyone ahead of time...
you will see so many custom spots from me it will make you sick...

11-09-2009, 10:53 AM
what makes me sick is that we have to wait all winter for it to happen

11-09-2009, 11:41 AM
i want to play the park editor more than i want to play the city....

and to warn everyone ahead of time...
you will see so many custom spots from me it will make you sick...

can you accept my friend request for further use, huh ?


11-09-2009, 11:54 AM
what makes me sick is that we have to wait all winter for it to happen

+1 ...

11-09-2009, 03:00 PM
Here's what im assuming will be possible: sharing a park youve created with your friends then being able to session that park online in a spot battle sense.
The possibilities with online sessions would be endless.

11-10-2009, 04:59 AM
Ohhhhh man this sounds toooooo good. I'm so excited. Psychonaut training facility yeah?

11-10-2009, 06:53 AM
All I can say is 1954 Bowl.... I want to skate the 9 so bad.

11-10-2009, 08:23 AM
I used to hit the TH park creator pretty hard. This sounds like fantastic news.

I'll probably spend a whole day on this before I even tap into the story mode.

I really hope that this extends, at lease somewhat, into the regular city as well.

I want custom roll-in setups for gaps that need high speed, without having to drag QPs halfway across the map.

11-10-2009, 08:39 AM
Having a park editor is great, and i can't wait, but surely it's gonna make moveables redundant. Are they even still in the game? And what about moveables online?

11-10-2009, 08:52 AM
Having a park editor is great, and i can't wait, but surely it's gonna make moveables redundant. Are they even still in the game? And what about moveables online?

I wouldn't say rendundant, they'll both serve their own purpose. Moveables in the city, and the park editor.

11-10-2009, 08:55 AM
movables in the created park? nasty...that is all

and yes, ive spent hours and hours and days and days and weeks and weeks and etc and so on in tony hawks editor, that was the best part of that game...i think i still have bootleg versions of love and other weird shit on memory cards

11-10-2009, 08:58 AM
Fair point. What would be wicked is if we could import custom moveables from the park editor into the city.

Example, you find a nice drop to bank type spot, but to mix things up, instead of just tricking into the back, you design a nice rail and import into into the city, take it to the spot. BAM! Feeble to popless tre into the bank.

Oh damn, i just gave my self a boner :D

11-10-2009, 09:47 AM
ell your thinkin custom movables....
i dont think thats in..
it would be the grossest shit ever...
too gross to be possible...

but movables in a custom parks are gonna be fuckin crazy....

ninja warrior?....

11-10-2009, 12:13 PM
All I can say is 1954 Bowl.... I want to skate the 9 so bad.

I think i just fell in love with you

*edit* ... again

11-11-2009, 07:21 AM
I'm gonna make a skyscraper and put a bulldozer on top of it.

11-11-2009, 07:44 AM
i played thps4 yesterday for the park editpr..

im about to go through thps3 cause i found it in a case marked king of fighter 2000...

ps2 is funny.....

11-11-2009, 08:23 AM
for me THAW was the game where i did my best work...

You could use houses and streets ect in the THAW Park Editor...

I made this little town with a fenced in skatepark, even had my own house with a miniramp in the backyard...

Was constantly tweaking it too, gotta go back and play Town Mod 8 ;)

11-11-2009, 09:38 AM
me and clay were talking about shit like that yesterday...

like making one really sick handrail set or w.e....
the dressing up the surrounding so no one has any idea were you are..

like why cant my handrails be in tunnels?....
just sayin...

i never played thaw....
but fences and real houses sound dope for surrounding details and shit...

making the background not look like a park building is gonna be key....

11-11-2009, 12:34 PM
This is from the GameShark preview.

"I stopped behind a dumpster while cruising the streets (keep your mind out of the gutter) and noticed that I couldn’t move it around. I couldn’t move anything. There was an option to drop objects into the environment and twist them as I pleased, but it wasn’t clear if it was a development tool or a replacement for the Create-a-spot mechanic from the previous game. When I asked Producer, Chris “Cuz” Parry, about the matter, he replied, “Who needs Create-a-spot when you can make an entire park?” and promptly closed the discussion."


11-11-2009, 12:41 PM
movables no movable yayyy

i'd just to place it there then i stay there

11-11-2009, 02:08 PM
ell i wont lie....
i dropped some things......
moved some obstacles with online folk..
in term i also froze servers and almost destroying some dev units...


if i pushed the right buttons i could fly to anywhere in the world and drop my character off...
floating 1000 feet in the air above the level....
or just a simple up x amount of levels in the parkade...

its a debug developer unit....
who the fuck knows what all that shit was....

all i can tell you is the same thing i tell myself...
maybe this is a early beta version of what they want to give us in terms of upgrades for the movables we have now....

i honestly herd no movables info what so ever....
even though cough i saw a few thing cough i shouldnt have been off cough foot for that were new....

(because i can curse here)

yall mother fuckers think BB is sleepin....
that shit is so fuckin funny to me....
eventually im gonna stop answer shit and everybody gonna dirty speculate and ruin them selfs....
people think skate 3 is gonna suck...
too fuckin funny...

11-11-2009, 02:21 PM
I remember Cuz mentioning that they were "alpha" in one of the CD interviews. Meaning they're not even beta yet. There's go damn 8 months left. The devs could change anything in a few hours hard word, they could do an awful lot in 8 months, and they probably will.

What's the situation with moveables (well their new incantation) online?

11-11-2009, 05:09 PM
lets talk the editor infamous 5 sec teaser clip....

Haven't seen this:confused:
where can i find it?

11-11-2009, 05:28 PM
you wont...

community day lecture montage...

11-12-2009, 12:28 AM
can i build this shit?

the warehouse at 1:30 on looks like fun
and deawon kills it


11-12-2009, 06:32 AM
if i said no id be lieing....
if i said yes id be saying too much...

theres some pretty specific stuff in there...

11-12-2009, 07:13 AM
AAAHAHHAHHA, that was the first shit i thought of when i saw the forklift...i think i said it in the chatbox...

im definitely gonna try to build some deca shit

11-12-2009, 08:42 AM
Back in THPS3 me and my friends used to create parks with maximum length and minimum width, then place hellish obstacles throughout so that it became a steeplechase course. That was actually really fun.
It will not work the same way with the physics of skate3, but I think I'll be able to cook something up. Imagine the fun you could have online racing each others courses. The harder course, the more rewarding.

Oh and of course, planning a whole environement around a single line instead of the opposite! Possibilities! I'm so stoked on this

11-12-2009, 09:58 AM

not true...
i plan on making circular parks with obsticles that vary in size...

sorta mimicing my own mini fun track....

if you had a mini fun track with friends...


11-12-2009, 10:03 AM
oh yeah, I loved making obstacle courses, big walls like a maze, gap over spike pits and lava haha

11-12-2009, 10:49 AM
Mini fun tracks with little gaps, step downs, step ups, fun boxes, bump humps.

Damnit, boner again.

11-13-2009, 05:33 PM
Every time i read one of Demz's posts i get a semi :(

I get a full.

11-15-2009, 02:35 PM
ahhh! i so badly want to re create the park in my city, get thatd be so sick! this gets me DAMN excited for thsi game!... too long of a wait! bit oh so worth it...

01-14-2010, 07:06 AM
Moar info! :(

01-14-2010, 09:28 AM
hey luke what chu doin over here?...

what do you wanna know?...

park area reminded me of th 42x42 sq but it could be bigger...

blue marble looking texture...

whast on your mind?...

01-14-2010, 10:41 AM
ive not been over here in a while so i thought id see whats happenin
i wanna know anything at all... weve been waiting ages and you seem to be the only reliable source of info!

sorry to use and abuse you like this demz

01-15-2010, 10:52 AM

you have 3 hours till alot of your q will be answered...

porn foty today....

01-15-2010, 04:06 PM
i'm not seeing it demz.....

01-21-2010, 08:38 PM
Hey demz i've been creating parks for awhile recently playing around with the thps2 and thaw create a park . I don't if you can answer this or not but id love it if you could.

1. I was wondering is you could create a park that isn't a rectangle or a square? Because i have some complex street courses that would require more of an L shape.

2. You know how the old tony hawk create a parks used that block system where each block had one item and only one item. I was wondering if u can have 2 or more items with-in the same area of each to create complex stair sets or other things.

maybe if u cant answer these u could send me a private message.....

01-22-2010, 07:06 AM

1...i think there all square...

2...i know you can create multi level parks so im sure can add more than one thing to a sq...

weather that extra is a solid or a movable well have to wait and see....

01-22-2010, 07:14 AM
Thanks demz cant wait to make some crazy complex parks. Oh and any idea where we will be creating these parks? like outside or in a warehouse or different areas?

01-22-2010, 11:19 AM
a warehouse...
1 in each major area...
downtown..university and another in the industrial areas...

01-22-2010, 11:45 AM

did u say multi-level parks??

01-22-2010, 12:09 PM
by that i think he means like its all not one level. but that would be awesome if u could have things that are on top of other sections of the park.

01-22-2010, 12:11 PM
i thought thats what he meant but im hoping not at the same time :P

01-22-2010, 12:20 PM
Yeah like 2 level skate parks would be the most intense thing ever! :D

01-26-2010, 08:55 PM
the huge warehouse in the back of this picture. Would that be a create a park warehouse?