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View Full Version : I hear they are adding a 'hard' mode?...

12-01-2009, 07:50 PM
So I remember hearing somewhere that they are adding a 'hard' mode to Skate 3 that effectively makes ollies less high and takes away the magnetic grind assist?

I really hope so...I hate the grind assist and it really feels lame to be like Reese Forbes on steroids all the time with my ollies.

12-02-2009, 08:12 AM
oh yes sir..
there is...

and it will change the game forever..

hardcore or die....

12-05-2009, 03:40 PM
i want the "the game will steer for you" mode. :cool:

12-06-2009, 07:44 AM
Hell yeah man! gaps might finally become at least a bit hard. I mean the standart Stairsets. Man skate3 promises to be super awesome man. (super awesome sounds so nerdy)

By the way, where did you hear it from?

12-16-2009, 10:32 PM
By the way, where did you hear it from?

Wondering the same thing.

12-17-2009, 01:58 AM
check out the Nov 13th Blog


" I know some of you have been wondering about this "accessibility" thing we've been talking about. Here's the deal...we are trying to do a better job of opening the metaphorical door of the game to more people. We have generally done a poor job of "teaching" people how to skate. We've had a bit of a skater's attitude...in other words, "Here's a board. You figure it out." This time around, we're aiming to open the door a bit wider. Quite frankly, we need to if we want to keep making new spots to Skate. So, yes...that means their will be an easy mode. But...and here's where the M2AF applies to you guys...there will also be a setting that makes the physics/gameplay a tad harder. Like not Easy. Not Normal. You know...ummmm...Difficult. But, "difficult" is a bad name as it is weird when games have a Difficult Difficulty Setting. Hardcore? Hmmmm...another rollerboard game may be utilizing that verbiage. Well, looks like we need a name. But, here's a glimpse at what it means...

Low pop? Yep. You have to really crack it to pop large. Otherwise, it's low city. Or sometimes even a slam (or new and mproved run-out). Three push max speed? Nope. 5(ish) to hit speed. That's right, more fidelity over speed...if you so desire. Auto-pump? Nope, work it for your own damn self. Grind assist? Turned down. Not off, that's still to gnar...you'll still have to find the places we miss for that, but the challenge will be there. There are a few more things happening under the hood...stay tuned for details on that, but I know when Josh discovered we'd put it in he was all..."Whoa, they're gonna love this." (We do.)"

12-17-2009, 07:21 AM
but will we be able to tell visually.....like if someone makes a video using hardcore mode it will be harder than normal mode, but will the end viewer be able to tell? because if not, i see a lot of arguments coming up

12-17-2009, 08:17 AM
yeaa so more harder tricks to do. a kickflip over a stairset will feel special now!!

12-17-2009, 03:03 PM
but will we be able to tell visually.....like if someone makes a video using hardcore mode it will be harder than normal mode, but will the end viewer be able to tell? because if not, i see a lot of arguments coming up
I've thougt about that too, and I came to the conclusion that is has to be visually different:

Kickflip down a 15 stair
Easy(normal) mode: 2 pushes, pretty slow, regular pop and soar down the steps
HC mode: 5 pushes (I hope), going fast, pop as much as you can etc etc

In my head that made very much sense, I hope I came through with the point.

Either way it might be hard to tell depending on how it's filmed. And count on it being heavily argued on the ea forums.
I have a hard time seeing anyone here not using hc mode.

12-18-2009, 05:42 AM
Yeah im sure there will be some visual signs of hc mode being used. Was it demz who said people were bailing on flat kicks? This will be sick.:)

12-18-2009, 12:42 PM
Yeah im sure there will be some visual signs of hc mode being used. Was it demz who said people were bailing on flat kicks? This will be sick.:)

Cuz said you could bail a 360 flip on flat

12-18-2009, 06:57 PM
visually hardcore mode or "porn mode" as demz likes to call is said to look different than the other modes. easy and normal look exactly the same but hardcore mode is suppose to have a all around different look and feel

12-19-2009, 12:22 AM
i think maybe a watermark might be added ? to uploaded videos

12-19-2009, 03:21 PM
i hope clay is right. cause a watermark could be faked.

12-22-2009, 10:39 AM

12-24-2009, 08:10 AM


il add to clay..
cause hes my negro brother from another mother....

apparently the ollie height is harder to reach..
obvisouly the time it takes to land tricks..
aggressive tre is faster than loose tre...
will be altereed to deal with the low settings...

i know for a fact that the speed of the flip tricks matters...
"josh couldnt land kicks flatground"...cuz....

12-25-2009, 08:01 AM
Awesome...finally it will be a challenge to do a kickflip.

Skate 2 is still fun, but the challenge of tricks has long since past. I had tricks down since Skate 1...so Skate 2 didn't even feel like a challenge.

Skate 3 is looking like more of a game that has replay value to it. It's going to be great...too bad we have to wait until May.

12-28-2009, 07:00 AM
im not sure what you mean by "a challenge to kickflip"...

kickflips will still be the same...
its just the height and timing thats gonna be different...

no more throwing flatground tricks around...
everything takes precision...


grinds as of a "challenge"...
theres gonna be nothing like it...

trust me...

12-28-2009, 07:24 AM
especially if you want to flip into a grind i know i do. hell i wanna flip outta dem grinds as well YEEEEEHAAAAAHHHH

12-28-2009, 08:09 AM
there will be no flipping out cowboy clay...calm down

12-28-2009, 09:44 AM
Interested in seeing just how little suction there will be into grinds. I can't even count how many setups I thought of that just didn't work out do to suction.

01-01-2010, 08:24 AM
This is by far the most exciting news to come about for skate 3.

01-11-2010, 09:01 AM
skatefluckit sits patiently waiting for more info...

everyone here knows all the facts...

were all silently ploting tricks and contemplating the porn physics...

17 weeks till may....

01-11-2010, 09:11 AM
on thing that hasn't been addressed is if Skate Reel quality has been improved...

HD would be awesome...

01-11-2010, 10:10 AM
Forza does uploads in 720p, but it will only let you upload once clip at a time. I don't know if i would want that, even with the improved quality. I like filming uninterrupted and i think dl'ing after every upload would suck.

but i do think it's an option.

01-11-2010, 10:14 AM
i always do one clip at a time anyway, i wouldnt mind...