View Full Version : Loose Style?

The Revolutionist
01-12-2010, 06:07 AM
Ok so i havent been on here for ages, can someone confirm if there will be loose style in S3?

01-12-2010, 08:06 AM
"loose style" hasnt been "confirmed" yet...

theres going to be style options but nothing has been said as to how its implemented or what styles are going to be added...

01-12-2010, 03:19 PM
demz you don't happen to know how many?

01-14-2010, 06:29 AM
no idea how many..

but believe me i stressed how important it was to the point were i said..

"if you dont put in the pros animation its just a waste of time....
so hopefully we get alot of styles..

i witnessed 2...
granted we were on the s2 engine but i def saw 2 diff kicks...

crossin fingers...

i mean its not like theres a copy write or intellectual property to everyone tricks..