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View Full Version : Skate 3 video feedback - The lost contest thread

02-21-2010, 11:12 PM
This is the thread that never was. I wrote it up before Skate 3 was announced, but wasn't allowed to post it because they thought people would get the impression that Skate 3 was a for sure thing. Of course, we knew it was all along, but they didn't want me to potentially ruin anything I suppose...

Either way, Skate 3 is obviously official now, and the game world is probably pretty much complete by now. I see no harm in posting this now. I just want to know if anyone would have been down for doing it, had I posted it many months ago. Would you?

The game has been out for a while, and you've all had time to find and lay claim to your favourite spots and tricks by now. Well, it's time to show them off, AND help make a better game at the same time!

I've got a few questions for you to answer... but simply writing it down isn't going to be enough this time. No, these are questions about level design and as such, we're going to get specific. How specific? That one stair set between a bus station and that tan ledge somewhere in old town just isn't going to do in this survey. See, we've got this handy tool called Skate.Reel where we can show off videos, and what's more specific then actually seeing what you're thinking about? Not only will we know exactly what you'd like more of in terms of level design, but you also get to show off your style at the same time!

What to do:

1. Read each of the following questions and descriptions before determining what you like most about New San Van in relation to what it's asking you.
2. Once you've got something in mind, pop the Skate 2 disk into your console of choice and bust out a nice line on the object or within the area of your choosing.
3. Upload the video to Skate.Reel and grab the link.
4. Respond to this thread with the question, followed by the appropriate video response! Feel free to add a brief written description as well if you wish.
5. If you want to have more then one entry per question, you're more then welcome to. Please just place them in order, starting with your absolute favourite first.

Refer to the next post as an example!

Questions are as follows:

What is your favourite thing to skate in the game? - Could be a specific ledge, stair set, gap, sculpture, etc. Whatever you find yourself skating the most often.

What is your favourite movable object in the game? - There are many objects that can be moved in NSV, but which you can you find the most enjoyable to use?

Which section of town do you always seem to end up in? - You jump into freeskate, and after playing for a while you realize you're back in the same area of town you always seem to be in. For whatever reason, you can't get enough of this place.

Which part of San Van do you use least? - You may occasionally forget about how cool this area could be, simply skating through it to get to more prefered spots all the time but never really stopping to hit it up.

What is your favourite skate park in the game? (Including Fantasy Factory, excluding Classic pack) - Out of all the parks placed in this city, this is the one you go to most when you just need a place to chill.

Bonus: What is your favourite ________? - Post your favourite anything in Skate 2 that's not mentioned in this list!

That's it! You can post your videos as seperate responses to each question (preferable), or you can throw them all together into a mini montage to upload on a streaming site of your choice. If you choose the latter, please place text markers in between so we can tell which question is being answered with which clip. Also, it's not essential to answer every single question, so if you've only got time for a few that's cool too.

Why should you do this video feedback survey? If helping shape the future of this amazing series isn't already enough, then we've got another reason to do it - Free stuff. Out of the fully completed submissions received in this thread, we're going to randomly choose >X< (Number of) people to recieve a free Skate 2 T-shirt!

We want your feedback, but we also want you to have fun giving it. Get out there and film your favourites!

****NOTE: There is no prize, because this contest never existed. It was just an idea.****

Would you have participated?

02-21-2010, 11:50 PM
since everybody knows everything about s2, i dont bother with skatereel, sorry.

What is your favourite thing to skate in the game?
- The "SF streets" in the res

What is your favourite movable object in the game?
- Sants-marble benches

Which section of town do you always seem to end up in?
- Downtown, i never bother skating uphill.

Which part of San Van do you use least?
- Waterfront

What is your favourite skate park in the game?
- Torfinhos slappy tf

Bonus: What is your favourite ________?
- The threestep process in movie making; get tricks, film trics, edit tricks.

02-22-2010, 09:22 PM
Crap. The title was supposed to be about Skate 3... Fixed now.

02-22-2010, 11:20 PM
this thread makes no sense. disregard my previous post.